Hoaxes/scams used to elicit money

Some interesting hoaxes mentioned here:

Great hoaxes of 2018

The “yes” hoax is interesting, but I think the death threat hoax offers the best opportunity for fun. You just tell the caller trap guns are set surrounding the premises and you carry a shotgun and AR wherever you are in the house.:rofl:

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The yes hoax is a hoax itself. Scammers don’t need a recording of your voice saying yes to mess with your accounts. There are several possible reasons they use “can you hear me?” as the first line of the call. Sometimes is just to elicit a response to keep you on the line while the robo-caller switches to an actual person. Sometimes its to make you think you aren’t being robocalled because it sounds conversational.


Yeah, the “Yes” hoax sounds like something from a movie. Pretty sure my bank wouldn’t bat an eye if I called them in my deepest voice, claiming to be my wife.


I have to give credit to capital one. They locked my wife’s account after I called pretending to be her.

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Did they have your wife’s voiceprint, which they could probably only get with her authorization? If not, I’d call it discrimination instead of giving them credit :slight_smile:

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Fark. There was this robocall I’d get every other day for weeks from the _____ Senatorial Committee. Didn’t start out with can you hear me? but it was something else like that. It GOT me about 5 or 10 times. Annoying as fark.

But maybe it was a Capital One credit card account!

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