Navigating HDHP Insurance for childbirth

Ah, sorry, misunderstood what you meant by “paid them out of my HSA” and that you waited to pay the hospital until you got the refund.

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Thanks for reminding me I should do this when our bill comes.

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Not True! The baby will sleep better.

Just kidding.

Is this some sort of law? And how late are we talking.

My understanding of his post, is that he had met his deductible already by the time their bill came in, so he owed only his 20% co-insurance. They may have held the billing intentionally. It’s a valid strategy for OB billing to try to get your billing in late so the patient has already hit their deductible elsewhere. There are a lot of parties sending bills, anesthesiologist, the facility, etc. First in line has to try to collect from the patient, last in line gets (mostly, depending on co-insurance) paid by the insurance company. Insurance companies are a lot easier to collect from than patients.

I don’t know if it is a law. But my insurance calculates against the deductible in chronological order.

I meant late as in after the L&D hospital charges. I don’t understand how they were thinking they would ever get $2k from me. The L&D room charge was always going to be the ‘first’ charge paid before the actual delivery fees.