The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

As Rudy Giuliani searched for damaging information on the Bidens in Ukraine, waged shadow diplomatic campaigns in Venezuela and Turkey, and spoke regularly to President Donald Trump about all of it, a 19-year-old law student was quietly watching and soaking it all in.

There is better news for Trump today at Rasmussen, where his approval is back up to 52%. This is a very positive sign and I did not see it coming. You have to remember:

Trump will lose in California and in New York OVERWHELMINGLY!

Biden will absolutely destroy Trump in those states. I dunno about New York. But in California Biden could garner over 30% more votes than President Trump!! A great many people live in California, so that is a whole lot of votes, millions of 'em.

The point is, boy oh boy could Biden use all those excess CA votes in the battleground states. Biden needs only one more vote than Trump to win in California. He will instead have millions more votes, all those excess votes doing him no good whatsoever!!

OK, so what’s the point? Point is that when you see a 52% approval number for POTUS, you know damn well those approving him are NOT in places like CA and NY, where he is in the main hated. So those approving Trump must instead be living in places where their votes will actually do Trump some good . . . . like in the battleground states.

This is very good news, indeed. I dunno who will win. But I think, and I hope, Trump at least has a chance. The future of my country depends on it. If Kamala wins instead, we are toast.

Monday numbers for Rasmussen’s White House Watch have been released. This is either the penultimate or the final such White House Watch release.

Today’s release virtually ensures Joe Biden will win the popular vote. It also appears now that Trump will lose in Nevada. Today’s White House Watch has Biden one point up over Trump, which is a substantially narrower margin than just one week ago. But Biden remains in front regardless.

Biden’s problem, as I just posted above, is that his votes might not be cast in the right states.


Yes Biden would like to use those CA votes.

But don’t forget Trump has a sizable amount of Conservatives in the state. And even several leaders in Congress & Senate. Of course no worries for the democrats as far as CA is concerned.

I like to say mostly Southern Cal but the Northern Bay area is total dems. My small town is pretty much on the Conservative side. Dems scurry to gerrymander various locations around the Bay, include my very own back yard. :wink:

President Trump has taken an eleventh hour lead over Biden/Harris in Iowa according to the prestigious Des Moines Register poll. Prior, Trump was either behind or it was a tie. Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, a Trump supporter, has also gone up in her hotly contested Iowa Senate race for the very first time over her Democrat opponent.

I guess how you finish matters most, and it is one heck of a lot better to finish strong than in second place. The Trump supporters are coming home just as happened in 2016!! :grinning: :grinning:

You know, Biden is not all that scary. But Kamala is darn frightening. Remember when she had her own campaign nobody wanted her, not even among Democrats. Why Biden chose her I have no clue.

I think the possibility of Kamala as POTUS is frightening people into voting for Trump/Pence.


OMG hell has frozen over!

CBS News, a staunch DNC propaganda source, is now writing about the last moment Trump surge.

Quick, Biden, pay CBS some more money so they STHU.

From what I hear about relative turnout in battleground states and independents choosing which way to vote, I think this may well be a whole lot closer election than the media portrays it, and may well not even go their way.

What better way to motivate those final Democrats to get out to vote…


Yeah, but so many of the Democrats have already voted! Everybody agrees on this. They are afraid to go in and vote in person tomorrow because of the virus.

BTW did anyone else see that Trump rally in tiny Butler, PA, where almost nobody lives? He drew 57,000 people in his rally there!!

Biden can’t draw flies in Philly.

But Kamala is by far the worst of all. In the rust belt even Democrats have no interest in the San Francisco element of their party.


Tomorrow’s weather, from Minnesota all the way over to Pennsylvania, will play a role in the outcome of the vote. Let’s face fact:

It’s November. It could snow. But:

It’s not gonna snow tomorrow. The weather in those states should be favorable for the many Trump voters who will vote in person at the polls.

I requoted my post in its entirety to make it clear that I disagree with glitch’s asserted that the pandemic is overhyped. I’m not criticizing you for taking care of yourself. But if you did not know how bad it actually is, i.e. if it wasn’t sufficiently hyped by the media, you probably would not be taking the same precautions in your bunker.

I also disagree with your conclusion that “people like yourself should allow younger people to go about their business”, because I think you don’t realize the price you and others like you may have to pay for this “self-sacrifice.” The more virus is out there, the better your defenses have to be. And compared to other people with similar risk as you, you’re probably better off than most because you’re so secluded.

That is my problem and the problem of other older folks.

Thank you, though, for providing your strictly Southern California perspective here and elsewhere. However, I’m not buying any of it.

Socialism is for losers

Just imagine:

►If Joe Biden — who, according to Trump, lacks the mental acuity to lead — reportedly suggested using nuclear bombs to stop hurricanes. Or if Biden had argued, as Trump did in all seriousness (check the video), that disinfectant be injected into the human body to kill coronavirus. Or if Biden had used a Sharpie to alter a weather map to support a misguided tweet about the path of a hurricane. Any of those actions would have turned Biden into a laughingstock.



If Barack Obama — who the GOP accused of being too soft on Russia — had denied that President Vladimir Putin attacked U.S. elections in 2016 (and obsequiously sided with Putin on the issue during a side-by-side news conference in Helsinki). Or showered praise on Putin, congratulating him on winning a sham reelection. Or shared classified information with two Russian officials in the Oval Office. Or refused to call out Putin for allegedly placing bounties on the heads of U.S. troops. Or pursued a major real estate deal in Moscow while he was running for president. Republican leaders would have demanded Obama resign."

Imagine if any other presidential candidate, in the midst of a deadly pandemic, held rallies that flouted social distancing and mask-wearing guidelines, turning them into likely superspreader events. Imagine if that candidate touted worthless cures, accused front-line medical professionals of profiteering, sidelined scientists and threatened to fire the nation’s leading authority on infectious diseases.

Virtually any other candidate who did these things would have been run out of town by now. But not Trump. His faithful supporters, Republican enablers and media sycophants have stuck with him through these and other transgressions. His approval ratings, though never above 50%, have remained stubbornly in the 40s.

How can that be? Maybe it’s because Trump developed a cult of personality, presided over a healthy economy (until COVID-19 hit), delivered on promises to nominate conservative judges, avoided new foreign entanglements and gave a voice to people fearful about a changing America. Maybe his norm-busting conduct was so incessant that Americans became inured.


As shinobi understands the deadly pandemic, he is taking care of his self wisely.

The best process IMO, is waiting for the vaccine, which may be right around the corner. Perhaps ready in short months as our President Trump mentions. Older folks will be the first ones to gain the vaccine option if desired.

As always this pandemic is vicious & all are aware. Please be kind & fair to all viewpoints around.

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How’s social security and medicare working out for you? How about your rural phone line and internet connection? Do you think you paid the full cost of those installations all on your own? How about the market produce you regularly buy, do you think capitalism is the only market force responsible for the prices you pay?

You’re quite the comedian.


The signs pointing to a Trump victory are looking better and better with each passing hour. Whoda thunkit!! Even on this website I’m sensing it as the liberals here begin to betray their angst.

Couple of things:

Of course I hope Trump will somehow pull this out. It is far from a sure thing. But if Kamala (and Biden) win instead, I have no intent to riot or protest or do damage to other people. I’ll just lick my wounds and be very sad for several days as I watch my beloved country go down the tubes.

But from reports I’m hearing things are different on the other side. In some places windows are being boarded up for fear of the rioting that might ensue in the wake of a Trump victory. This is nuts!!

I don’t mean the boarding up of windows is nuts. Sadly that might actually be prudent. But possible inability on the left to deal with a Trump win is nuts. Those people are unhinged and radical. They do not deserve to win and I hope they do not. I have no desire to live in their version of America.

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It is much worse than you think. When I was quite young, and at a time when people my age did not give SS a second thought, I began to study the system. I learned in the process about the 40 quarters rule which I believe remains in effect even today (not sure). I determined the most efficient way to milk the system was to accumulate 40 quarters and then quit. Explanation:

The SS system is set up to provide benefit even for persons who do not have large earnings. Benefits for such people are disproportionate to their meager contributions, the thought being that at least they have something. I found that an enticing attraction. After I had put in my forty quarters I retired . . . at a very early age.

So you are completely correct. I am collecting a SS benefit today which is wildly disproportionate to the amount I paid in. Assuming you are a younger person, please accept my sincere “thank you”. But please also keep in mind, no rules were ever broken. And I did not make the rules.

Thanks and no disagreement. I laugh all the way to the bank.

Nope, what you described is exactly what I thought. We’re in agreement there. And yes, it still is 40 quarters (10 years), but there is a minimum age requirement (unless you are disabled), so one could retire whenever they want, but one could not collect SS until a certain age.

I thought you said socialism is for losers, but you yourself are partaking? And benefiting?!