Blocking, standing, entering and 3 point turns into my homeowners property and driveway

They need to have us all block their driveway. Those tables do turn.

Tire shredders have to be laid out and moved 4 times a day plus when there are other activities at the school. They just don’t have any respect and are too lazy to drive 30 yards to TURN AROUND WHERE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO.

I assume there’s some remote control on the retractable ones. You just need to do that once for each time you leave. I guess I don’t know how often you’re coming and going, but the idea would be to just leave them “on” by default.

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I edited the responsebot’s post to make this more readable.

I think you need to become “that guy” and start using the spike strips, at least for a few weeks. That will stop the 3-point turns and illegal parking, especially if you put up signs that say “Spike strips in use”. It will take a few weeks of putting them up and taking them down, but I think it will go a long way to solve it.

One thought I had was to get one of those “House protected by shotgun 3 days a week - you guess which 3” signs, but I don’t know if that would be in violation of some school zone rules and firearms.

You could also just be obnoxious to prevent idling cars. Get a power washer out and start spraying your driveway and getting cars there dirty. It’s loud and will get people to move. Put something foul smelling like fertilizer at the end of the driveway. Some businesses have had success playing annoying music or tones to stop loitering in front of their stores.

The other possibility is to lawyer up and sue the school. There may be codes or laws that make the nuisance caused by the school their responsibility if their events and activitites are infringing on your private property rights.

Finally - why not charge for parking? If it is that in demand - offer some space on your property to park and charge money for the privilege. Might be a way to make lemonade out of lemons.

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That’s what I suggested! On her own property she can walk around/sit at her gate with a shotgun all she wants. The imagry is going to get some sort of reaction from the school.

Oh, they know. I practice on our 50 acres behind our house and pasture…a few schools in our area allow certain teachers to carry during school. It’s different in the country. Even though our property joins the school…that my father in law donated property for the auditorium to be built…many years ago, they named the auditorium in honor or SOME ONE ELSE. Nice huh. Just wow. We’re in our late 50’s now. I’m retired and I just want some peace and quiet. My husband grew up right here, on our property now, joining the school. We own the property all around the school and across from the school. They wanted to buy it…you guessed, for practically nothing, as bd the property across the road for parking. Their offer was a joke. It’s prime property. One principal even had a deed drawn up after HE had it surveyed and my husband knew every property line that was ours. The deed wanted access to our driveway to get to the back of the school where my husbands DAD had given them permission years ago to set propane tanks on his land behind the auditorium. They were coming in with the big trucks and ruining the yard. When we moved back after my mom in law passed we put a stop to it. They had a way to approach the tanks but it was “somewhat inconvenient” for them. Well what about our inconveniences. If you allow yourself to be a doormat you’ll get walked on till you’re 6 ft or 10 ft under. That’s what they do. BTW the deed was never signed and they took out the propane tanks and had natural gas lines run. Woopie, now if I could just get idiots to think about this driveway blocking was happening in front of their house…and if they knew what RESPECT meant it would be better for all of us. I posted this on Facebook….

:red_car:Always respect private property rights, read signs, and refrain from blocking, circle turnarounds…damaging and breaking the ground lights,yard and flower beds, parking, pulling in and backing out into the highway (extremely dangerous) standing (blocking driveways with vehicle), stopping in front of someone’s driveway causing homeowner or EMERGENCY vehicles to have no access to enter the homeowner’s driveway. Just be considerate and treat it as if it’s your driveway. Just use common sense.

Thank you.:blue_car:

FYI, the vehicles that block my driveway in the afternoons…blocked a teacher in where they park the other afternoon and I heard a guy yelling “I’m tired of this crap…” and the resource officer, I think said, “Well what do you want to do?” I guess there is someone else who gets it.

I’m pretty sure that’s what we’re going to use when the house is finished. You can’t find anyone to work. My husband is going to fix it and I’m thinking that’s what he’s going to put down so we will be able to have them added onto an electric gate entrance. If you could see our entrance now you’d understand the way it’s laid out we can’t fix it till we start our yard work. We’ve got it dug up and water, gas and electric lines are underground so it’s pretty torn up behind our fence. We’re tearing the chain link down so the landscaping can be done after we’re in our house. It takes time but sitting on the porch cleaning my shotgun …is my right on my property. I thought those signs that say, “Entering? Be right with our Maker I’m running out of places to dig 6ft holes”. Course that’s funny but seriously, in our home, if someone wants to try to get past our 3 watch dogs, and breaks into our house…the coroner will be leaving with them.

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