Credit score drops 12 points after increase in credit card balance

DoC has a whole guide for this: Which Credit Card Companies Do A Hard Pull For A Credit Limit Increase? - Doctor Of Credit

Citi may or may not do a hard pull.


Thanks. Good source. Indications are Citi usually does a hard pull, but I had a small credit line and thereby a small increase.


Just a data point, but they did not do a hard pull when upping my limit by 20+% I’ve had their card for less than a year.

In the past couple months I requested credit limit increases from Citibank, Amex, and NFCU (2 cards), No credit inquiries show from any of these. Citibank and NFCU approved increases, Amex did not.

I also requested CLIs from USAA, Alliant, and SF Fire, who all did credit inquiries (and all approved).


Keep this top secret: Over the past three years, no annual fee appeared on my Amex Preferred Card.