Filing your 2018 tax return? How's it going?

Mine is dated 7/31/2018.

Description: Annual Minimum Account Fee
Adjustment Reason: Administrative Adjustment

I found it by going to History > All Other Transaction History

(It was the only transaction listed on this page for 2018).

Thanks for that info. For whatever reason, I haven’t been charged the fee. It isn’t because of a large sum in the DAF, but it could be because I meet some threshold in my other Fidelity accounts. In any event, I have no plans to complain. :slight_smile:


The administrative fee is 0.6% with $100 minimum. The fee is normally deducted from the Net Asset Value, but If your account is <$16,667, then there is a separate charge to bring that fee up to $100.

Yes, I know that. I am not being charged a fee for whatever reason.