How do you block mobile ads?
170 million users who are getting ads and giving personal information to Bytedance disagree.
If you’re using Wi-Fi for your mobile device, you can configure that WiFi network to use a dns blocker like this one -
Disagree with what? If you use TikTok, you are willingly giving up your privacy. This thread is about protecting your privacy.

170 million users who are getting ads and giving personal information to Bytedance disagree.
They agreed to give their personal information to someone either way, whether it’s Bytedance or a US-based company taking over. Hardly a move to protect their privacy since either company is likely to milk that data for profit and/or other purposes.
Can we not use these on Pixels? When I installed it, it says it requires a VPN and wants me to purchase one.
Post was deleted by the author.

NetGuard is pretty easy to setup, requires no ongoing action - except when you install a new app and want to control if and how that app can access the internet.
What sorts of app do you prevent access to the internet?
I use “noroot firewall” (completely free, based on iptables if memory serves) to fully block individual apps from internet access, but I recently found out that it was pulled from the Play Store, although there are other similar apps. It acts as an always-on VPN through which all connections go and I can select which apps (including system apps and components) can use mobile network, wifi, both, or neither.

I have the yahoo email client on my iPad.
Apps are bad! Why do you think everyone under the sun, from your local weather pervert to the traffic lady are urging that you get the “desperate_local_affiliate” app on your phone?