Pfizer’s political vaccine results, timing

Biden has gotten somewhat better from his covid case and did some unpaid drug promotion earlier this week.

Millions of Americans have used Paxlovoid [sic] — P a xlovid, excuse me — Paxl o vid. (Laughs.) I tell you what: I think it’s — I used it. (Laughter.) No — Paxlovid, including me.

This lifesaving drug reduces risk of hospitalization and death from COVID-19 by about 90 percent.

Again, it’s free, safe, and easy to take. And we’ve moved quickly to make it widely available, including the thousands of convenient test-to-treat sites where you can get tested and, if you need it, Paxlovid is at — ready right then and there when you make your visit.

Again, go to to find where test-to-treat sites are that are near you.

Not to belittle paxlovid’s success as a treatment, but here’s a quick reminder that when the government says “free”, in this case it means $8B in the last 3 months.

Pfizer’s Covid vaccine brought in $8.8 billion in revenue for the second quarter, while sales of Paxlovid totaled $8.1 billion. The company maintained its 2022 sales guidance for the vaccine of $32 billion and is still expecting $22 billion for Paxlovid.


Thanks, xerty. I didn’t know about Test-To-Treat.

Yeah, right. You are aware that Dr. Hunter Biden has been head of the Pfizer research rubber room since December of 2020. :smile:

More info coming out on this election manipulation.

More details and commentary

Pfizer’s decision in late October 2020 to shut down processing of lab samples in its vaccine clinical trial until the day after the election. William Gruber, Pfizer SVP of vaccines, admitted to this extraordinary action of Pfizer’s on November 9, 2020 in an interview


Really? I mean, seriously? After nearly 2 and a half years of bitching about how Trump didnt take it seriously enough, they’re now flopping to claim he had too much urgency?

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As you hypothesized over a year ago.