Social credit in America - Politics invades personal finance

tough decisions from the powerline political cartoon thread


Musk mixes it up with Bill Gates.

Gates was hitting up Musk for his “climate philanthropy” and Musk shot back asking whether he still had a short on Tesla, which Musk claimed does much for climate.

after that things degenerated LOL

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Do you think Bill’s having high school flash backs? :smile:

More from the “The Science is Settled” twits

“Ads shouldn’t detract from important conversations about the climate crisis,” the company said in a statement outlining its new policy Friday… Twitter said it would provide more information in the coming months on how it plans to provide “reliable, authoritative context to the climate conversations”

Maybe they’ll be as right in climate as they were on covid, but if not, they don’t want to hear it.


The scientists were right on Covid–just look at the difference between places that are careful and places that aren’t. The difference is huge. A million lie dead–worse than WWII.

Are you referring to masks? You saw this, right?

Or maybe China style lockdowns?

The Science said nature immunity, if you don’t die to get it, is better than vaccine based immunity too, something that was obvious to all scientists until two years ago when Fauci had to justify lockdowns and mandates, neither of which seemed to help a whole lot.

Yes, the vaccines do help a lot, especially for those at risk, and more recently the monoclonals and antiviral pills do also. Whether there might have been some generic treatments that would work similarly that we could have been using for the past two years to prevent some of those million dead, well, let’s not look too closely at unprofitable early treatment. There’s no money it for Pfizer, so what’s the point?


Mask mandates don’t mean much without enforcement. I’m saying look at the Democrat and Republican places–as time goes on the death toll has become wider and wider.

Until Omicron the China approach was better overall. However, they wanted to play in the big-boys league and did their own vaccine rather than get one of the good ones. And now they are helplessly flailing because their approach won’t stop Omicron and they can’t handle the logistics of it.

As for that Hong Kong death curve–fast, but compare it to the total for the US.

Republicans tend to be older, which is an exponential risk factor for covid. If you see a pattern here, in this age adjusted covid mortality by state, be my guest. Seems like it’s good to be an island, otherwise, hard to say.

You might well find a trend by racial makeup too, since covid is racist after all.

As for mandates, I’m not sure why you care so much about enforcement. The Democratic states had quite high compliance rates, while the Republican ones mostly didn’t have mandates anyway.


I’m saying to look at how cases have changed over time–it used to be pretty much equal opportunity, but over 2021 it grew redder and redder. You can’t explain that by age.

Do you have a link or some data I can look at?


I’m pretty sure it’s already been posted in this thread, but it’s over 800 posts, hunting for it is problematic.

Are you one of those people that still think case rate matters?

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While most cases are mild it’s still killing people no matter how much you try to stick your head in the sand.

And half of them are even dying from it… you figure a lot of old people are going to die anyway, and when you have 5-10% of the population infected (for example in the UK) currently, there are going to be a lot of incidental deaths which they’re not bothering to try very hard to separate.

Curves look like they’re going in the right direction even so.


This is the only subject, perhaps ever, where wanting to look at the actual data, rather than blindly following conjecture and theory, is considered “sticking your head in the sand”.



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Now the fun is really going to begin


But President Trump probably will not accept account

Rumble, the new partner in streaming and cloud services for the social media company Truth Social, has moved to Sarasota, Florida — only 11 miles away from former President Donald Trump’s new social media venture.

According to local Sarasota paper, the Herald Tribune, Truth Social’s CEO, former Congressman Devin Nunes, said that Truth Social is “one of the fastest-growing social media companies, ever, in history. We’re massive and we’re riding on Rumble’s rails.”

A press release from Friday stated that Rumble had “successfully migrated Truth Social’s website and mobile applications to Rumble’s Cloud infrastructure,” and that “Truth Social’s move marks the first significant customer to come on board with Rumble.”

Read Newsmax: Rumble to Locate in Sarasota, Florida, Alongside Trump’s Social Media Company Truth Social |


Cool. So we should be talking about death rate, or at least hospitalization rate, not case rate then.


Do you mean big tech like Facebook and Google’s YouTube?

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Did the Chinese government just gain a bit of leverage over the town square?

No, Jeff, that happened back in November 2020.