That’s about what I paid 30 years ago for -40° boots, and they’re still being used by the recipients of my hand-me-downs. Considering denflation, this appears to be a decent price.
But… were they made in China from polyester & polyurethane?
Never heard of this brand, but in my experience the biggest problem with cheap shoes is that the sole is glued on, and that glue dries up and comes undone much too soon. And if that doesn’t happen, then the plastic-y materials disintegrate after a few years.
What if they were? Is Bidenflation harder on Chinese made products? I can’t really call it Democratflation since they are not in full control of the 3 branches of government and the media.
I don’t understand your apparent denigration of the Chinese. And if that’s not the case, why did you mention them specifically. The Chinese people get abused a lot, and for no good reason. Your comments add to their misery.
Regardless of the above, are you saying this is, or is not, a good deal. I couldn’t figure it out from your comments.
Yikes! I understand what you’re saying, and believe you. However, imagine you were a conservative using that phrase about a darling of the left. How long would it take fruitcakes to try to excoriate you.
My phrase was “were they [your old shoes] made in China”. It was in the context of a product, not politics, so it shouldn’t matter who said it. You corrupted its meaning, because for some reason everything is about politics with you right now. You used to be apolitical and funny, I miss that.
As an aside, if the shoes wear out more quickly than you think is warranted, they can always be returned to Costco for a full refund, if you’re a member.