The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

Nah, that can’t happen. They will be contributing to the weather changing. We all know how holier-than-thou that religion has become, and how scared they are of offending that deity.

So do you ignore the advice from your lawyers, that you’re paying, or should just the people that you don’t like do that? Granted that’s one way to get an advantage over someone, but what does that say about you?

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When the headline doesn’t fit, do you just ignore it? That wasn’t violence, as we’ve been told for 4 or 5 months. That’s a peaceful protester having a peaceful conversation with a willing, friendly, agreeable, journalist.

There’s no violence here, according to MSNBC, NPR, NBC, the NYT, Pravda, TASS, AlJazeera, and other Progressive/Democrat/Socialist/Communist outlets.


This thread is toxic :skull: :poop: :skunk: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: . Everybody is super polarized and nobody is gonna change anyone’s mind, which I’m pretty sure was made up long ago by everyone here.

I think I’m only gonna come here to keep up with the news, since I don’t watch news on TV and y’all have been pretty good about posting relevant news.


While I agree with the the first paragraph, I’m surprised that you’re just coming to this conclusion. This is going to sound accusatory no matter how I ask it, so I won’t try to couch it nicely. Is the reason you now find it toxic is because it is not quite so one-sided? I didn’t post here initially, primarily becuase I didn’t see a point, and didn’t want to make the time. After reading idiotic headlines, accusations, and outright lies as fact, I got fed up. However, I only responded to them. I did not post any “news”

I didn’t make time to post anything except rebuttals to the inane, until yesterday, after working all night and deciding to kill a few hours so as not to get my body clock screwed up. So, no I will not be repeating that effort very often. Thus, argyll can stop hyperventilating, and maybe you won’t find it so toxic. :smile: If I’ve erred in my supposition, please accept my apology.

Finally, I might add that it’s better to have a balance of all views, regardless of how stupid we think they are, or sad we believe the people to be that fall for it. It is how our democracy has thrived, evolved and devolved for 250 years.

And these are some that I couldn’t post yesterday due to my browser not having a work-around for the 3 post limit.

SSM Captain Party Candidate Jospeh Biden used that excuse years ago. Sadly, he can no longer claim that, especially toward the end of the day.

Hey, I’ve had to learn about snowflakes, safe spaces, ebonics, violent peaceful protests, etc. To me those are obscure. Gilligan’s Island obscure? Maybe this will help, Gilligan and Mary Anne were potheads. Now you want to know more, don’t you? :slight_smile:

Surely you jest. Otherwise, link please … and please not some “if you climb onto the fire escape and lean out as far as you dare, you can hear him say it”, but an actual threat to start a civil war.

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You think there’s something wrong with that? But first, since we know the number is made up, how is it they came up with that number? Are they trying to trigger anyone?

Back to the headline. Who wouldn’t want to make xx cents for every dollar someone else made? Haven’t you heard the phrase, “If I had a nickel, …”? I realize that it is over 15 years old, but there must be a reference in your ̶b̶i̶b̶l̶e̶ Twitter feed.

Of course the swampers wanted to get rid of it. Those daily briefings allowed President Trump to display his excellent leadership skills. Without those, American citizens would have been inundated with more crazy, half-baked ideas about Russian collusion and how it was a guaranteed, certifed, undenialable fact that President Donald J. Trump would be removed from office.

Another of the famous yahorgyll reports. How do they do it. Trump said this as he was initiating stage one of his successful Mid-East peace plan, to the chagrin of every former President of the United States who said they would work on it, harder than anyone before.

Or, did he say it as ͟h͟e͟ was moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem?

Or did he say it as he was sitting with Prime Minister Netanyahu to sign the historic Mid-East Peace Agreement, which ͟h͟e͟ negotiated?

Yahoo and Argyll - both maintain a level of class that is only matched by their pristine vocabulary.

Let’s get to the truth, which seems to be a necessary beginning to any response to Argyll’s “news” links. In fact his response of “Why did I do that”, was in answer to someone asking why he had hired people who were potential traitors, such as Comey, along with other swampers who are desperate to keep the ruling class growing at the same rate as the past two administrations. That rate, by the way, is unsustainable both in population and monetary facets. SSM Party Candidate Joseph (I didn’t blackmail anyone) Biden disagrees and feels that we can grow the government exponentially if we just open our borders to illegal immigrants.

Would you just hand over the reigns to a handsy, slow, senile guy like Putin. I mean, even you understand that. It would be treasonous.

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Alright, so we know you’re not sitting shiva.

What is concerning me about Saturday at 5:00 pm eastern is the possibility Trump will not do the right thing:

It is pretty clear at this point that ACB is the best woman for the job. She is one of those amazing people, very few in number, who stand head and shoulders above the rest of us. Her nomination would be best for the country.

Trouble is, her nomination might not be seen by Trump as being the best for him. We need exceptional people on the Court. I’m confident the other contenders have fine minds. But ACB is clearly #1.

I don’t want Trump to pick Barbara, the Cuban-American judge, for example just to curry favor with Florida’s Cuban voters. He always promises to put America first. We shall see.

For certain I’m gonna be watching on Saturday. That clearly will be “must see TV” of the highest order.

Has it ever crossed your mind that this may be the intended goal of that Russian “meddling”?

Russia: “Dont worry, comrade Joe. We help.”
Russia: “We love Trump to be American President! He be our lovely puppet!”
American puppets: “Well, I guess we cant vote for Trump now.”

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“Goose - Gander - something, but I forget” - Joe Biden 2020

She’s under 50 and from the Big Easy. Surprised that she’s conservative, but I’ve got no problem with her, and will let the big guy know that she’s @shinobi approved. :smile:

The YahooArgyll style headline:

CNN gets caught admitting ON THE AIR that Joe Biden’s mental faculties are failing.

The truth:
Joseph Biden repeatedly claimed that President Trump asked for his Supreme Court nominee list only after Judge Ginsburg passed away. Someone must have been drunk at CNN because they admitted Biden was wrong. Trump has asked for the list for months.

ETA: Maybe the headline that I mocked might have been correct. Poor 'ol Joe also said that there is no rush to fill the vacant seat because the Supreme Court doesn’t meet until after the election. Even I knew that wasn’t true … First Monday in October, I believe. Of course, I’m not as old as Joe.

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Hadn’t heard the story from Jill’s first husband before. Sure makes sense, especially the part about the corvette. We’ve all seem the picture of Joe driving that car with such pizzas.

So Jill’s writing a book!!

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What is it like to feel like a picture?

Also, where is this referenced picture of Biden delivering pizzas with a corvette? Sounds entertaining.


No, that’s a pretty disgusting (disgusting is subjective) disparagement of all those serving in the military and intelligence community, as well as those of the US’s allies, to imply there’s such a vast conspiracy.

Your imaginary scenario is not supported by any evidence and would require a vast conspiracy by our military, intelligence agencies, and all of our allies to have fabricated evidence to the contrary.

It’s not even possible to “pretend” it’s a partisan issue, the senate led committee even (eventually, late on a Friday) produced a report outlining damning evidence of Russia’s interference and ties to Trump’s campaign.


Anyone advocating a violent takeover of the Presidency is anti-American, against the Constitution, and opposed to American values in every way. It’s pretty much the definition of treason.

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How the heck does that require a vast conspiracy, let alone including our military or our allies? All it would require is Russia using a little bit of strategy. Reverse psychology, and such. We want Biden elected, so we’ll push hard for Trump and make sure everyone knows we’re pushing hard for Trump.


So most Democrats are on the verge of being jailed? Or does execution still apply?

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So, another Russia collusion hoax. They seem to be everywhere. As mentioned previously, Russia has been trying to influence U.S. elections for at least 50 years. I’m pretty sure that China is doing the same thing and has been for probably over a decade.

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