The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)


Trump: It’s a miracle! I feel 20 years younger!!! Where can I get myself more aborted fetuses?
Trump: Vote for me! Aborted fetuses for all! At NO CHARGE for seniors! Don’t be afraid of this virus!


Not being able to recognize emotion on facial expressions is one of the signs of the Autism spectrum disorders.


All elected officials have unfulfilled campaign promises. The point of tariffs are to allow domestic production to be competitive with imports, not “make China pay” anything. Farmers have been getting bailed out for decades. It’s the Democrats that plussed up the Cares act to $3 trillion, and have held out for another multi-trillion dollar “stimulus”. And I see you still haven’t bothered learning the meaning of “directly responsible”.

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Why is Trump afraid of a virtual debate? It seems like the perfect opportunity to get his point across and detail his extensive policy plans to help the nation. Does he want to spread the virus more and perhaps sicken and kill more people?

His words, behavior, and policies have specifically sickened and killed many people.

To be fair, Parscale embezzled millions from the Trump campaign. He wont get charged with it, because he knows someone being charged for stealing from Trump would make Trump look weak.

/ which Trump is, and Parscale was probably counting on that, but its besides the point.

You know zerohedge is Russian propaganda right?


Like CNN is Democrat propaganda? That doesnt seem to stop anyone.


Trump personnel office weighs asking appointees to offer their resignations

“It’s a rotten way to treat people who risked their own reputations and career paths to join the administration and have been working tirelessly to get the president over the finish line,” said one of the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity so as to not publicly antagonize the White House.

Trump is perhaps the most disloyal President in history. He has a lifelong pattern of screwing everyone who works with him and hurting them in any way possible.

The two current senior administration officials said PPO’s pending order for these resignations is not yet widely known within the administration — nor was it clear the president is aware of the personnel office’s plans or has approved them.

Sounds like someone curated this from a list of “all the possible things they could do”. Not any sort of actual plan to do it.

Articles like this are the rotten way to treat people and kill morale.

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Because in a virtual meeting, the MUTE button actually works :rofl:


All the slime is afraid of debates now.

Graham isnt the one who threw the last-minute curveball…

In her own words:

First female POTUS in waiting, in her own words, opens door to packing of the United States Supreme Court:

Kamala quite willing to discuss packing the US Supreme Court

Of course she will not admit that again this close to the election.

Friends, if the Democrats win our entire country will descend into a black political hole . . . . meaning there will be no escape ever possible in future. It will be over. These dangerous people MUST NOT gain power! They are destroyers whose threat is FAR greater than that of COVID-19. They detest America as founded, our greatness and our sacred traditions.


lol baseless fearmongering. And of course inaccurate. The Supreme Court has had changes multiple times since America was founded.


Hardly. Spot on analysis and the truth.

I just listened again to Jeane Kirkpatrick’s 1984 Republican convention speech. I was reminded of it because we today, once again, are confronted by the “San Francisco Democrats” to whom she made reference, to wit Speaker Pelosi and candidate Senator Harris, both as misguided and toxic as the San Francisco Democrats always have been.

Jeane Kirkpatrick was herself a Democrat. She revered President Truman, as do I. She respected President Kennedy. But she served President Reagan willingly after realizing the new direction the Democrats were taking, even back then.

Ambassador Kirkpatrick was a most wise woman. Here is a lift from her 1984 speech:

The American people know that it’s dangerous to blame ourselves for terrible problems that we did not cause.

They understand just as the distinguished French writer, Jean Francois Revel, understands the dangers of endless self- criticism and self-denigration.

He wrote: “Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself.”

With the election of Ronald Reagan, the American people declared to the world that we have the necessary energy and conviction to defend ourselves, and that we have as well a deep commitment to peace.

And now, the American people, proud of our country, proud of our freedom, proud of ourselves, will reject the San Francisco Democrats and send Ronald Reagan back to the White House.

But today the “blame America first” San Francisco Democrats are in full flourish and in total control of that political party. They are dangerous and manifestly un-American. Their defeat is imperative.

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He doesn’t want Biden being able to read his campaign’s live teleprompted responses on the screen right behind the camera he’s facing. In short, he doesn’t want cheating.


Correct. Biden has already been exposed reading from a teleprompter answers to questions supposedly extemporaneous, but in reality supplied to his people in advance.

In a virtual debate Biden could be aided by many sorts of illegal and improper such contrivances, all without the knowledge of debate viewers. Such artful cheating is, for Democrats, routine. To them the ends justify the means.

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More racism from Trump. Government direction telling private business what to do. Next, he will demand busts of Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee be placed in every office building and they fly the Confederate flag.

Please sir, consider talking to your doctor about backing off the meds. This is serious.