The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

So who actually wrote that NY Post story?

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Good grief you are dense.

I want to help to a candidate.
Citizens United says I can spend as much as I’d like to affect the election.

It’s literally how Sheldon Adelson donated $75 million to Trump.


To be fair, was that marriage before or after Rudy realized she was his cousin?

The entire comment was contributions to the campaign. Actual contributions. Directly to his campaign. Period. And you think I’m the dense one? Continuing to repeat the same irrelevant thing over and over will never make it relevant.

Talk about dense - even your own link article is very clear, in the very first sentence, that this Adelson guy gave money to a PAC, not to Trump’s campaign. It’s literally not relevant to campaign donations.

Meanwhile, back at the world war (see thread title), we have the above photo of one person’s impression of a Brit cabinet meeting.

For a domestic perspective on the very same issue, bear in mind that with Biden will come a resurgence of globalism, which imperils Constitutional aegis, whereas with Trump we shall celebrate four more years of nationalism and Constitutional preeminence.

It’s an easy choice for me. It should be an easy choice for any loyal American.



Writing as an adult with many years on the clock:

You know that FTFY BS is even more juvenile than a great many other such things you children play with in your present day sand boxes.

Grow up!

What a dope!! Entire post is “made up”.

I’ve seen this movie before:

With Trump consistently gaining ground, even in the most bogus polls, his victory two weeks hence appears once again assured. Unfortunately that is neither the climax nor the end of our movie.

As before, the phony polls are serving to form a predicate for those who will claim, after Biden loses, that Trump stole the election and Biden actually won. This will provide excuse for the socialists to “resist” once again. The excuse’s basis will be as invalid as prior. What will they use, Russia, illegal dark money, election fraud? Who knows. They look down their own malfeasance menu, select an “item du jour” they’ve already perpetrated themselves, and then accuse our side of that transgression. And believe me, the left has pulled every stunt in the book so it’s a long menu!

But will their aforementioned action plan be as effective this time as it was in 2017 and thereafter? Let’s hope not but stay tuned. So far we are just witnessing the same predicate being laid in.

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2016 polls were pretty accurate with the final results. Well within margin of error, and few or no quality state-level polls in 2016 from the states that were “wrong” by a few percent.
2020 polls don’t show “Trump consistently gaining ground”. There’s also better quality polls from the swing states.

Current polls you claim show “Trump gaining ground”:

A new record 10.7 gap in the polls today.

You’ll also be happy to know 538 odds now has another record 88% today. The 12% odds are less than a third than Trump had at this point in 2016.

Love it!! Millions are out there watching, while Biden went back to the basement.

Biden is to tired & he must study up for the debate… :relaxed:

Here’s a fun hypothetical applying the 2016 polling “errors” to 2020:

TLDW: 388-150 if you apply the 2016 “errors” to 2020 polling.

Yes, Trump even loses Texas if you apply the 2016 error to current polling…

Unless Almighty God has a more pressing priority in another galaxy (always a possibility) you and your fellow socialists will receive your comeuppance in slightly more than two weeks.


It has been announced that Biden is so uncertain of himself that he will be spending this entire week, prior to the debate, in preparation!

Having this old man, if you can still refer to this shadow of the former Mr. Biden as a man, as POTUS is a frightening possibility fraught with danger for our country on multiple fronts.

In the battleground state of Pennsylvania, GOOD NEWS!!

Today is the last day for voters there to register. It has been announced that so far Republicans in that state have out registered Democrats, with new registrants since the 2016 election, by 200,000 voters!!

Republicans have a “ground game” there and elsewhere. Biden has almost none at all. And ground games, not political TV ads, win elections.

I don’t know about globalism - it would be nice if everyone would get along, which is basically the end goal (in very rudimentary terms).

The real problem is a renewed pursuit of a global economy. Otherwise known as the renewal of the implicit attack on the American middle class.

For Democrats, there is no political price to pay for projecting caution, which can help to avert complacency among donors and potential voters. Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s campaign manager, wrote in a memo to supporters on Saturday that “the reality is that this race is far closer than some of the punditry we’re seeing on Twitter and on TV would suggest. In the key battleground states where this election will be decided, we remain neck and neck with Donald Trump.”

Lots of people don’t like Graham, they donate to his opponent. This is not hard. Free speech means people from all over can a candidate. If a lot are from out of state it doesn’t matter, free speech.

A good question would be “why do people hate Graham so much that they are willing to send large sums of money to a candidate for a race that is in another state?” Perhaps Graham could try not being such a universally hated person.

This is like Tucker Carlson whining that he can’t eat out in DC anymore because people yell at him. Imagine you’re such an a-hole that people yell at you everywhere you go. Maybe Tucker could try not being an white nationalist a-hole? Free speech means you can say that Tucker, but free speech doesn’t mean there are no consequences and other people can’t use their free speech too.

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Again, no shit, sherlock. No one has said otherwise.

And Citizens United still has absolutely nothing to do with the campaign contributions being received by Graham’s opponent. Nothing. At. All.