The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

See, once again lying. My friend, who is totally not a russian agent, gave me a laptop that has a sticker on it saying “property of xerty”, and that laptop has emails of very saying how much he loves beating his wife, and pictures of his was life with bruises. See, apparently xerty flew across the United States to give some random shop his laptop with all this incriminating evidence on it, to a blind guy.

Also, photoshopping and video editing and deep fakes are not a thing, which is why I know Captain America beat up Thanos.

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Yeah, a formal event in the White House verses a hotel bar. Same thing. And you continue to ignore the fact she was not 15 and never claimed to be.

Isn’t the informal rule something like “half plus 7”. Guiliani’s only… 76.

Oh. 7 is first half of the number. Plus 7. All good.
Edit: I mean NOT all good. That’s only 14. I can see why Borat said she was too old.

I see we’ve reached “well yeah, but… because reasons”.

“No left handed pitcher has ever thrown a complete game no hitter under the full moon on a Tuesday in September while chewing on a pack of gum, so obviously Rudy is innocent and Trump is emperor for life.”

There’s also the fact the “full video” posted by Xerty isnt the full video as it clearly has started in the middle of things.

Personal attacks reflect poorly on the maker. Don’t make me ask the site tech admins for a block / mute user feature.

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It’s not a personal attack, it’s a hypothetical to illustrate a point.

But it is getting close to the line, because one would have to follow multiple posts to get the context, and without context it looks like an attack. @kamal take it easy.

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Here’s another high school student interviewing the President. Like the first one its notable for the fact Obama doesnt stick his hand down his pants at the end.

I made two points there. The second being the continuation of how people on the right start whining and crying for mommy when they are subject to the same behavior they like to use. Which is what just happened there.

I do consider my point made, so no need for me to continue.

/ the left is normally too busy with vegan bakeries and figuring out what pronoun they want to be offended by and whatnot for this sort of behavior.


What a “know-it-all”.


Superspreader in chief mad that a pandemic is being paid any attention to during a pandemic.

Perhaps you can tell us how the coastal elites know it all and are talking down to you folks in flyover country and how the guy who lives in a gold plated New York city penthouse and poops on a gold plated crapper and keeps trading in his wife for a younger model is really a man of the people.


See, if I hurt your feelings I refer you back to the Trump supporter tshirts picture.

I’m purposefully posting like a Trumper, using Trump and his supporters own tactics and words. If you dont like what I am saying perhaps it is time to listen to him and reconsider the person you support.


“Borat comes out with message of support for embattled Rudy Giuliani”^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1319431436550561792|twgr^share_3%2Ccontainerclick_1&

Wow two quick responses… What a dogmatist…

Lol OAN got the Borat actress into the press room…

“Twitter’s statement doesn’t disprove Gevers’ claim. We contacted Gevers today, and he confirmed to Ars that he logged in to Trump’s Twitter account using the password “maga2020!” and that this was the “second time in four years” that he accessed Trump’s Twitter account. Gevers and two other researchers say they got into Trump’s Twitter account in 2016 by obtaining his password from a data breach, with the password at that time being “yourefired.”

Back to the Supreme Court topic… and the feigned outrage about Biden not announcing picks for… a future opening that doesn’t exist yet. He’s named candidate(s) a year ago. I’m sure you’re happy with it.