The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

I don’t want that. But there’s no limited government (with respect to which functions) party or reality tv candidate option, that wants a supermajority consensus on changing those functions.

I also don’t think filibuster should be party lines, which is the only way it’s been used any time in recent history. Most are rubber stamps (along the party line), that has exactly zero value to me and the filibuster used as such provides no benefit.

So tomorrow, Thursday evening (8pm ET) we have another town meeting. Only this time it’s Biden with Anderson at the helm. So it’s dem/dem, no problem. Easy, Peasy questions from moderator as probably audience questions will be democrat also.

Now, one problem for Biden, as I don’t imagine he will have a prompter, is not getting confused. That might be more fun to watch, unless he does have that thing in his ear, to help.

I’ll probably watch (in & out) as Tucker at Fox is on at same time.

Somewhat unrelated but an interesting perspective on value of polls. Specifically how do we poll people who actually vote: Likely voter or likely electorate

The most surprising to me was statistics on the enthusiasm level questions and total lack of correlation with who actually will vote.

That seems to me to indicate that all polls can fail to capture the true electorate so that may validate the 538 attitude of aggregating all polls with some weighing based on pollster rating without totally excluding any polls.

Do they not filter audience to be undecided voters? That’d seem more useful than allowing in voters who have already decided to vote for the interviewee. I thought that during the Trump version of it yesterday, the audience was fairly centrist based on the questions asked.

Hopefully the moderation does not filter the questions to push their agenda as it’d totally defeat the purpose and usefulness of having the event in the first place.

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I’ve long thought that Congressmen should be sequestered while in session. No vote whipping, no caucusing. No lobbying, from lobbyists or constituents. No open “debate”, just (anonymous) written questions and answers.

Let each representative base their vote on the bill’s merit. Make the decision be whether vote for or against the bill, not with or against the party.

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Today is Wednesday.

The first Presidential debate will take place a day less than two weeks from today, on Tuesday 29th of September in Cleveland. The debate commences at 9:00 pm eastern time and runs for an hour and a half.

Is Biden one of their dear friends?

Sure. But usually when I don’t know something, I ask. You stated that “we haven’t heard much of the horrendous flooded islands” as if it was a fact, then proceeded to construct an argument based on that inaccurate information.

I might have made that one up, because I can’t find it now. I remember reading a story about an island that’s part of a larger “island country,” but the island was populated by an ethnic group that’s different from ethnic groups that populate other islands. That made it a nation-island in my mind. I think Micronesia fits this description.

The case in Florida is directly related to rising ocean levels. The other cases are related to heavier rains and inadequate levees, so a 500-year-flood hits two years in a row. These may also be explained by global warming.

You have got to stop saying that as if it has some special meaning. Cities are run by Democrats because cities are populated by Democrats. People who live in higher density areas tend to be more liberal (the reasons for this are out of scope for this thread). I’m pretty sure most cities in the USA lean blue, even in red states.

Further, in terms of environmental regulations California has done a good job IMO. The air in LA is much cleaner than it was 30 years ago, even though the population and the number of cars on the road is much higher. I think the streets are similarly much safer than they were 20 or 30 years ago. But even this might have less to do with what party runs it and more with other economic and demographic factors that should be left to economists to argue.

I think the blanket “look at the cities that have been run by Democrats” argument is a false narrative.


Lindsey Graham’s Campaign For Rival’s Tax Returns Ends In Humiliation

"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) was left with egg on his face after a smear campaign against his Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison backfired in spectacular fashion.

Graham in the last week had been calling on Harrison, the former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party, to release his tax returns and suggested on Twitter that Harrison was hiding something.

Harrison, who pundits believe poses a threat to Graham’s 17-year career in the Senate, released his returns on Tuesday.

And he informed Graham with a zinger of a post that called on his 2020 rival, who is one of President Donald Trump’s most ardent apologists, to turn his attention to the president and demand that Trump release his own tax records

Jaime Harrison

Done. Now do President Trump.

Lindsey Graham


US Senate candidate, SC

It’s now been 5 days, so I’ll ask again: Where are your tax returns, @HarrisonJaime? What are you hiding?…

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“Ends in humiliation”?

I long for the days when a headline claiming humiliation was accompanied by a quote stating ,“I feel humiliated”. I want to know the facts, I have no interest in so-called news who’s sole purpose is to ‘educate’ me on how I’m supposed to percieve a given situation.

That was fair enough. Was too good an opportunity to miss taking a swipe back at Graham for him not being as vocal on POTUS about releasing tax returns.

Also, it may not affect the SC senate race directly but hitting Dems’ favorite target is probably not a bad strategy, especially when he’ll ask the DNC or their PACs for more campaign ads funds.

Medical leave? :thinking: Did he get COVID-19 or is he just playing hooky? Timing of medical leave looks a tad suspicious to me. Kinda like when some folks get sick when they have not been able to meet a deadline at work …

This one?

" The president was unable to answer basic questions from undecided voters for large stretches of the evening."

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Trump Blames Biden, Who Isn’t President, For Not Instituting Mask Mandate

Trump pushes ‘antifa’ wildfire conspiracy despite plea from local sheriff that rumour is misdirecting resources

Trump has a policy of saying stupid, hurtful, harmful, divisive things every day to make America worse.

As a Chief Executive he is a a disaster. He hires (and fires) the worst people constantly. He is destroying the effectiveness of government unless it serves him.

Well, yeah, again, no.

The Dems claim they’re going to do a nationwide mask mandate. Nearly a year into this. At no time was such legislation presented in the House, let alone passed. That’s the question why? It’s convenient to say now as a campaign strategy, with both hindsight and still no accountability. If such a priority, you push something to the Senate or the President and let them kill it. But crickets.

Instead, all they did was rage when Trump said he had the authority over nationwide decisions, making it perfectly clear the states were the ones calling their own shots and he was doing nothing but illegally infringing on their rights.

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Maybe Bloomberg will help in Florida.