The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

Here, some pretty good educational material: All Lives Matter - Wikipedia.

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I still like “all black lives matter”.

This phrase is respectful of the difficult path for so many black Americans . . . . but it takes the Marxism out of it.

I support the aspirations of large numbers of black people to be treated respectfully and on an even playing field with Americans of other races. That is how I always have tried to treat the black people in my life.

But when black people, or any other American people for that matter, embrace Marxism as a means to achieve their goals, my support evaporates and I will oppose them with every fibre of my being.

The co-founders may be, but the movement, other associated organizations, and the protests are not, no matter what the heavily slanted right-wing media might tell you (without any evidence beyond a single interview).

I don’t see how changing the title will take Marxism out of the co-founders.

I also like “shift money from policing towards social work and mental health” over “defund the police”, but I’m not in charge of the slogans :roll_eyes:

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Ahhhhh. If only y’all hadn’t spent the last few years ‘educating’ us that meaning and context didn’t matter…

I read part of this. I was surprised to see Richard Sherman listed under “all lives matter”. He is a great NFL player & also very intelligent.

You’re probably right about that. They are committed to it.

But their BLM mantra is purely an effort to advance their Marxist agenda. This is because they focus solely on black deaths which come at the hands of whites, as a means to divide Americans and disrupt the existing order.

But in reality ALL black people deserve a chance for a good life, and ALL black people deserve to be free of fear of being assaulted or shot . . . whether by some messed up white cop OR by some black hoodlum. That is why all black lives matter and all assaults on black people deserve equally to be condemned and remediated.

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Interesting analysis of Trump by a lifelong GOP political operative:

" "Donald Trump has been the worst president this country has ever had. And I don’t say that hyperbolically. He is. But he is a consequential president. And he has brought this country in three short years to a place of weakness that is simply unimaginable if you were pondering where we are today from the day where Barack Obama left office. And there were a lot of us on that day who were deeply skeptical and very worried about what a Trump presidency would be. But this is a moment of unparalleled national humiliation, of weakness.

"When you listen to the President, these are the musings of an imbecile. An idiot. And I don’t use those words to name call. I use them because they are the precise words of the English language to describe his behavior. His comportment. His actions. We’ve never seen a level of incompetence, a level of ineptitude so staggering on a daily basis by anybody in the history of the country who has ever been charged with substantial responsibilities.

“It’s just astonishing that this man is president of the United States. The man, the con man, from New York City. Many bankruptcies, failed businesses, a reality show, that branded him as something that he never was: a successful businessman. Well, he’s the President of the United States now, and the man who said he would make the country great again. And he’s brought death, suffering, and economic collapse on truly an epic scale. And let’s be clear. This isn’t happening in every country around the world. This place. Our place. Our home. Our country. The United States. We are the epicenter. We are the place where you’re the most likely to die from this disease. We’re the ones with the most shattered economy. And we are because of the fool that sits in the Oval Office behind the Resolute Desk.”

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Frequently I’ve heard this expression “driving while black”.

I’ve got another one that I know very well, it’s called driving while in a porsche. A couple years ago we were returning home from Oregon. In the hills of northern CA on I-5, we were leaving the beautiful Rest Stop off the the hi-way. Almost immediately a highway Patrol was on our tail with red light beaming. We pulled off the road & produced his requested items. But I looked over & mentioned to him that we just pulled out of the rest station & NO way could we be speeding. We were not given a ticket but my saying is so true. Driving while in a porsche does cause a natural stop by police.

Isnt that your whole argument? You arent objecting to the cause, you’re objecting to the arbitrary line as to what we’re supposed to be outraged over.

I’m pretty sure that is in fact the point of a vast majority, who are being dismissed as “racist” or “ignorant”.

I’d argue that the reactions to Trump have done far more damage than he ever could have.

It’s asinine to think that anyone who’s embarrassed or feels he’s causing harm would put so much effort into highlight and incessantly harping on every little thing they’re embarrassed about. If there is ever an appropriate time to gloss over some flaws for the greater good, this would’ve been that time. Instead, we’re shouting from the rooftops to ensure that the whole world knows how embarrassed we’re supposed to be. That’s almost the definition of creating a scapegoat.


Yes, that is correct.

It must be kept in mind that BLM, at base, is far more concerned with advancing their political agenda than anything else. That is why they refuse to focus on the overwhelming majority of black lives lost which come from OTHER than encounters with cops.

The truth is all black lives really do matter. When black people lose their lives, all are equally dead regardless causation. And no such loss of life is OK or defensible in America in 2020.

Steve Schmidt, a lifelong Republican, a leading voice in “Never Trump” movement.

Who will he vote for in November?

Wow. Cool story. Have you mentioned this grave injustice to any of your black friends?

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What you’re suggesting isn’t logical. The emphasis is on preventable and unnecessary deaths – we can’t stop gang violence by protesting against gang violence, but we can stop police brutality by protesting police brutality (and making it more difficult for cops to commit murder).

I am, as usual, spot on and completely logical. Protests are not the way to stop gang violence. But there are other ways. Think back and compare NYC under Mayor Dinkins with NYC under Rudy. It was night and day.

When Democrats run cities, crime flourishes and far too many people perish. And the majority of those people are black. There is a way for black people to cut the violence: vote Republican.

Trump’s approval over at Rasmussen is back down to 43%.

That is a losing number for the Trumpster. Thank goodness the election is not for another four months.

Incidentally, 20% of Democrats believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia. That percentage is over three times higher for Republicans.

Just think, should Biden win and assume the intense pressures of the presidency, how accelerated will become his mental decline. Nobody, neither Biden nor anyone else, should take on the burdens of the presidency at age 78.

As happened with President Wilson, you have to wonder if at some point Jill, a younger person, might end up running things.

This period happens to coincide with a historical decrease in crime in the USA, not just NY, that probably had much to do with Roe v Wade (fewer unwanted babies → fewer poor families → less crime) and a ban on lead paint and possibly lead additives in gasoline (lead in the body makes people dumber and more aggressive) ~20 years prior.

Such as?

The point is that other ways have not worked and people are fed up.

Few people on this planet are less competent than our current president. Wonder away.

You seem to have a ready excuse for every Democrat failing, past or present. Well, in a way that is a good thing and you had better just keep those phony excuses coming. Because Democrat failure is everywhere you look.

I was struck by the election of Republican governors in both Massachusetts and Maryland. How could that be, I asked myself, in those two so overwhelmingly Democrat states?

The answer, of course, is that even the millions of dogged Democrats in those states reached the end, could take no more of the mismanagement, finally cried “uncle”, and out of desperation elected some adult leadership. Replacing Democrats with Republicans works every time it is tried, you know, like resorting to abstinence to avoid pregnancy.

Actually scripta, sorry to say, I don’t have any black friends.