What are your credentials?

Agree totally.

If you accept what “is”, then it is all it will ever be.

–and, now, with that little gem, I’m adding philosopher to my creds…


I believe you’ve also established a library for ant sized kids who cant read good.

Ph.D. in EE, worked for 40 yrs at a DoD think tank company. Plan to retire at FRA this year.

Owned two luxury houses due to early/smart investment.

Accumulated a good-size retirement portfolio due to handsome offering from company as well as prudent investing.

Enjoy light MS for profit but mainly fun.


For my part, I’ve no credentials at all, just an interest in the topic that started with an inheritance that I wanted to preserve, grow, and pass on in turn to my family. Not to mention the usual materialistic instincts, LOL.

I don’t remember exactly how I stumbled into FWF; it was serendipitous. Questions I had, questions I didn’t know I had were answered. After learning much from FWF and applying the knowledge to my own life, I eventually was able to start giving back, mostly in terms of information sharing, financial deals and my own experiences in pursuing them.

I try therefore not to really give advice — do this, do that — but rather suggesting resources, making observations, and giving facts. I admit, though, advice sometimes slips through on occasion. :slight_smile:

As another poster said, I believe in: “trust, but verify.”