Do targeted Capital One 360 promo codes still work for others?

I know that at least until about a couple of years ago or so, Capital One was quite liberal about using “targeted” promo codes for their savings/money market accounts. Any idea if that is till the case? I am looking at this: for someone who only has cap one credit cards, but no bank accounts with them.

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From my understanding about CO cards,
there’s a box for you to apply promo codes to, as long as it accepts your promo code you should be fine.

I got a $400 bonus for opening a capital one checking account in June. It was targeted, but I did not receive the email/mail with the promo code.


That’s not a bad data point. Thanks.

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I think the DPs for Cap1 360 promos most recently was that as long as you’re in the targeted area even if you weren’t personally invited you had like a 90% chance of getting it.

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The $400 bonus I got was targeted to the Boston area. I am in Virginia. YMMV.

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Oh. I’m in Midwest and nearly everyone who was in my area said they didn’t get the bonus

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Looks like previous customers are not qualified. I am closing my existing 360 savings account.

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