Lucrative career options for current/new college students

I was mostly a B student in math and science courses in high school and I did manage to survive. As a CS graduate from a school that has a top 25 CS graduate program, this is advice I would follow. I just want to say you don’t need to be a top CS student to get a decent salary and a job in tech at a fortune 500. I’m a below average CS student with weak algorithm problem solving abilities (a lot of people in my program found algorithms a piece of cake) and was able to get a job. I do wish to explore algorithms on my spare time but I just do not have the logical mindset to go through research papers. I do regret not proactively being in contact with professors as well. To get into the top tech companies (Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.) that requires a lot of interview preparation or at least a strong technical mind and somewhat decent soft skills. There are also bootcamps that can get you jobs in the industry without a degree! I don’t really know many who have gone through it though.