Not for Profit Property Insurance

Any recommendations for a Carrier?
Goal is to reduce cost
Currently with Great American
Agent is within Trusted Choice and therefore multi-line

~1600 year / AZ / 675,000 Build / 25,000 Prop / 500 Deductible
Note: not for fun and profit :slight_smile:

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Check if Erie is available.

Also, whoever you choose, raise your deductible, considerably, and bank the savings.


Erie does not write here
Recall that the deductible did not move numbers much
With unsecured compressors at ground level, it is cheap insurance
Post renovations the compressors will be secure enough to deter any addict
If you are not aware of this issue, lines(refrigerant) need to be secure as well


You can try Once you get the reno done, try raising the deductible again. It should move the rates enough to make it worthwhile.

Never heard of a non-profit insurance company for real estate. My state runs one for car insurance but that’s a different category all together.