Best/ low cost medigap plan?

Since they’re required to cover Medicare-approved benefits, I thought I’d ask here for low-cost recommendations for my parents. Any good portals to compare?

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Literally use the search engine on for their zip code.

IF they are in a state with a birthday rule, just pick the cheapest one. Usually people will pick G, N or G-HD.


Will do.

Debating between those or just going back to C. I didn’t care for the fact that it’s an HMO, and their plan quit Zip last year.

Wasn’t sure if the .gov site did price sort or to use an agent.

Please don’t put your parents on Medicare (Dis)Advantage.

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An important fact to consider is that when you first sign up for Medicare at age 65 you are automatically approved for any of the levels of Medigap coverage,F G etc. after that, if you try to get more coverage, for example, with lower deductible, you have to undergo medical underwriting, and the insurance companies do not have to issue the policy.

But this policy is also regulated by states and some states have so-called guaranteed issue rules.

Another factor to consider is how high a deductible. The insurance companies try to scare you by saying that Medicare only covers 80% so you might be on the hook for 20% of a huge number. My experience is that Medicare covers more than you think and the numbers are the very low negotiated charges, which are a small fraction ofthe list price. I have PlanF high deductible and the reduced price over a year where you have no claims more than makes up for the deductible amount over a year. Unless your parents have expensive pre-existing conditions, my inclination is to use high deductible plans.


yeah we learnt the hard way when they denied rehab. The rehab place wouldn’t even accept a CC while we appealed. Luckily appeal worked.

Only advantage with MA is less shopping around but I’ll use the advice here and other forums. Using an agent helpful?

yes will look at F HDHP. They’re 75+, have had Part C for a while, but tired of preauths etc. They can afford HD

I saw some plans had foreign ER coverage.

YMMV But my experience is that the Medicare website does a pretty good job of listing the available policies and their cost

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