Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts

Hello, fatty. The answer is “yes” if I understand you correctly. If you went onto the Alliant website earlier today, prior to 12:00 noon CT (it is now too late), and if you there initiated a movement of funds via ACH from a linked external account into one of your Alliant accounts, then you should expect the funds to appear in your Alliant account tomorrow morning at around 6:30 AM CT (plus or minus - it varies a little). Those funds, upon their appearance at Alliant, will be available to you to withdraw or whatever (anything else you might want to do with the funds).

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[Re Capital One $500 bonus] I withdrew all but $100 on May 8th. I would have taken it out sooner but I had neglected to get ACH to my target bank set up before the bonus was paid.

There’s no way you should still be waiting for the bonus. I have screen shots of the offer and Ts&Cs which I can post here if you don’t have them and need them to pursue.

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Yes, please I would appreciate the help. I thought the $500 would show up after July 8.

Not sure where you get a date in July [Edit: never mind … the Ts&Cs says it could take 60 days. Mine didn’t take but a day or two.]. The promotion ended February 28, so worst case should be end of May. Here’s the offer I think we are talking about. Good luck.

Thanks Shin! Do you know if it is the same with Ally?

Thanks StatGren for all the info. I don’t know where I got the date in July either.

So I opened the acct 2/8/19. Rec interest 2/28- $58.37, 3/31-$84.26, 4/30-$81.68, 5/31-$84.54, 6/30-$81.95. It reads maintain balance 90 days… Capital One then says, bonus 60 days following 90 days.

So I guess from those directions, my bonus could come anytime from now on up to 60 days. You said yours came a couple days after the 90 days. So I’ll just wait…:worried:

At Ally there are certain conditions which must be fulfilled before you qualify for overnight ACH funds movements . . . which are routine, which are the standard, at Alliant with no such silly conditions. I have always found Ally’s hurdles inconvenient, annoying, and unnecessary since I happen to be an Alliant member. Candidly, while I have an account at Ally, I do very little business there.

I also have an account at PurePoint and, just as is the case with Alliant, overnight ACH is simply routine at PurePoint. So, again, who needs to mess around with Ally? I do not.

I opened middle of March and got the balance above 50 by 3/26 and haven’t received my bonus yet.

East Boston Savings down from 2.50% to 2.37%.

Yes was posted 3 weeks ago.

Northpointe Bank Ultimate Savings Account is paying 2.55% APY on balances over 25,000. Annual Percentage Yield effective 06/28/19. It appears this rate is guaranteed for 3 months.

Fine print per website: “Promotional interest rate applies to consumer accounts only with balances between $25,000.00 - $1,000,000.00. Rates are subject to change without notice. Tier 1 $0.00 – $24,999.99: 1.12% APY; Tier 2 $25,000.00 -$1,000,000.00: 2.55% APY; Tier 34 $1,000,000.01+: 1.12% APY. Fees may reduce earnings on the account. All new accounts are subject to Northpointe Bank approval. Not valid with any other offers.”

Addt’l for Clarification:

Frequently asked questions

1. Are you FDIC insured?

Yes, Northpointe Bank is FDIC insured. Our FDIC number is #34953.

2. Does the rate apply to the full balance or just the amount over $25,000?

The 2.55% APY applies to the full balance if the balance is between $25,000 - $1,000,000.


Yet the summary doesn’t reflect that.

Guys this is probably of no import whatsoever. But an odd confluence of events lies ahead and I just wanted to offer a heads up. Perhaps a person smarter than myself will make something of this:

Note that two entirely disparate events will overlap perfectly on Tuesday and Wednesday, July thirtieth and thirty-first upcoming. On those two days the FOMC is scheduled to hold its next meeting, at which many see possibility of a Fed rate cut. Also on those same two days, in the evening in Detroit, the Democrats will hold the next debate among their POTUS candidates.

Again, I perceive here no nexus whatsoever. But then there is a whole lot that I miss and do not understand. It is worth noting that a Fed rate cut announcement, were it to come, would happen at 2:00 pm ET on that Wednesday, several hours prior to commencement of the second session of the debate.

Northpointe Bank is offering 2.55% with a minimum of a 3 month rate guarantee. Time to hop on the bandwagon with any money you want to keep liquid for opportunities. 25K+ Details @ Earn more than the National Average Savings Rate -

Thanks Saversam and famewolf

It is a good deal that Northpointe is offering. Only wrinkle for me is the quarterly interest payout, as opposed to monthly. I’m not too keen on that. Still might have to go with them, regardless.

Already have a Northpointe account. Probably just need to telephone them and update to this new offering.


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I continue to believe it is coincidence and not anything planned. Nevertheless, the timing is what it is and:

A rate cut by the Fed helps Trump. Goodness knows Trump has been jawboning them for months to cut the federal funds rate. So if Powell cuts that Wednesday he can be assured of ten people who detest Trump, on national TV, standing on a stage just a few hours later who are suspicious of him having acted to bolster Trump’s prospects.

This could mitigate in favor of another rate cut delay. :joy:

The Fed does not like becoming involved in politics, and the timing of cutting only a few hours before the debate is not great for Powell and his FOMC cronies. But it could be just fine for us.:wink:

Stranger things have happened.


Please allow me to amend the above ever so slightly. Make it fifteen people on stage who detest Trump. I forgot about the moderators.

Perhaps we could use this thread to discuss the Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts.


Are you thinking a move by the Fed would have no impact on our rates?

Please take the politics somewhere else. There are fans of both sides in this forum and neither side needs to be disrespected.