Biggest Abortion Case in 29 Years at the Supreme Court

Probably because it was legal. Some of those resources do exist, and they’ll likely get bigger. I would not be surprised if some or all of what you mentioned is coming soon.

I know all the woke corporations have been saying they’ll cover out of state travel for employees to get their abortion, etc. but won’t someone think of how the burden of this ruling will fall disproportionately on poor women of color?

Therefore, I propose a fund that will pay for poor Black womens’ travel expenses, child care coverage, clinic fees, and arranging all the logistics needed to let them have access to abortion the same way rich or more gainfully employed and privileged women do.

My question to you then, when such a fund is raised and begins operating, will it be celebrated if

  1. it is offered by a progressive non profit, or
  2. The eugenics arm of the KKK

The losses keep piling up for the Democratic Party in 2022. In a year when the president’s Build Back Better spending plan and so-called “voting rights” legislation were thwarted by members of his own party, the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is yet more bad news for the Democrats. But despite the country knowing for weeks that this decision was coming, many national media outlets seemed shocked by the decision.

There’s also the matter of the parts of this story that aren’t being reported. It’s hard to find much coverage of the fact that the U.S. has some of the most liberal abortion laws in the world.

What’s more, the media coverage makes it seem as if all or most women support abortion, often portraying the issue as one of “women’s rights.” But numerous polls have shown only very modest differences in the way men and women view abortion. In fact, women are slightly more likely than men to describe themselves as pro-life.

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There is a technology solution that could make this go much faster. It’s called point of care ultrasound and is a small machine about the size of a man’s electric razor that is designed to be used by nurses and doctors during an examination. It’s very cheap for a medical device, $2400.

with this device the clinic could have ultrasound images available immediately for evaluation by the mother.

btw. BFLY stock has been beaten down and might be worth a long shot purchase


Satire roundup



Well done comedy routine, about 5 minutes.

I remember one time I was walking by the clinic and I saw a father and his
daughter outside and his daughter looked like she was 10 years old

now I don’t want to divide the crowd politically here uh but for me that’s a little late


The SCOTUS has acted. What’s a POTUS to do?!

During the darkest early days of the pandemic, President Trump dispatched the USNS Mercy and the USNS Comfort to Los Angeles and NYC respectively as salve for the COVID-19 trauma in those locations.

That was then. This is now:

I foresee Biden possibly acting in a somewhat similar manner in the wake of (what he views as) today’s abortion crisis. Aided by the Panama Canal, he could dispatch the Mercy to serve across the Gulf coast. The Comfort he could send south from Norfolk to serve the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida. Both ships would thus become floating death providers, while circumventing local laws in the states being served.

Such an opportunity for Biden to shove a stick into the eyes of Americans who do not share his pro-abortion views! These are people he, and his supporters, already despise anyway. And just imagine the support and approbation which would await Biden from the American mainstream media, were he to take these actions!

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If he’s smart, he would wait to do any of the above until after the midterms. SCOTUS gave Democrats a huge gift and they need to make sure their base stays angry and motivated to have any chance of holding the Senate. And what better way to keep them angry and motivated but to have stories all over the news of women having to travel across state lines for abortions and possibly facing prosecution in their home state, uber conservative states passing more extreme laws like no exceptions for rape/incest etc. If Trump hadn’t nominated 3 of the justices, I would think the court was actually in the Democrats pocket.

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I take your point. It’s a good one. But thing is:

The pressure right now on poor Biden is intense. It’s all coming from his side of the aisle, of course. They want him to “do something”, and when he does his best to support death they scream it’s not enough.

The old boy really has his hands full. Lucky for him he’s off to Saudi this week. Merely having to deal with MBS, a pretty bad and deadly guy in his own right after all by many accounts, will probably seem to Biden a sort of vacation after his confrontations with the American death worshippers.


Ohio AG excoriated in Columbus Dispatch

Here we see revealed the outcome of abortion absolutism

Only complete jackasses condone the infanticide of full term babies being aborted minutes prior to birth. In like manner, only complete jackasses condone a raped child being forced to carry a pregnancy to term:


Nowhere in that article is it mentioned the rapist is an illegal alien. Typical.

In addition, for the sake of full disclosure:

Ohio law does allow abortions for raped children. But there is a six week cutoff. That cutoff might be OK for adults. But for kids, not so much.

I dont know from where you drew your opinion on this, but the entire linked article is attacking him over “obviously inaccurate information”. Because he should’ve just known there was an investigation, even though no one in law enforcement had mentioned a whiff of an investigation to him. So basically it’s his fault for questioning the existence of a case for which there was zero evidence of a case existing - even the article the whole globe went wild about said nothing about any sort of law enforcement investigation.

This is the Salem Witch Trials all over again, absent [at least as of yet] the literal burning at the stake.

I still question the veracity of the whole story - it’s awfully convenient that weeks later, once the doubt started to build, there’s suddenly an investigation and arrest, an illegal alien, and bail. I want to have faith everyone’s integrity, but it wont surprise me when the next article about this story is reporting how the rapist, who was out on bail, missed his court appearance and hasnt been seen since. And never is found.



He is the Ohio AG for goodness sake. He is the primo dude in Ohio law enforcement. Period. Or maybe I should say “supposedly”.

Anyway, the case blows up and he still is unable to learn the facts? About a big deal which happened under his nose in OHIO?!

It makes sense to me he either should have known or should have been able to unearth the reality of the matter . . . . . had he wanted to do so. Bearing in mind it did not serve his purposes to do so.

As for the Ohio media coverup, which would have been another way for the AG to learn what was going on:

I think the involvement of an illegal alien was the basis for their silence. They are liberals and all for the illegals.

The problem is that everyone on all levels of the story - the abortion doctor, the child abuse professional, the local police, the journalists that broke it - all refused to get back to anyone asking for corroboration the story. This includes the Washington Post, Snopes, and Megan Fox at PJ Media. It is that hard to believe that even the AG couldn’t get a straight answer on short notice after all those folks got nothing? Did he go on Fox News and get out over his skis a little? Maybe. But maybe not.

Two things are most likely here.

  1. The local police were building a case on the rapist (too slowly, in my opinion, considering the likelihood he lived with or very near his victim) and they didn’t want to answer any questions until they had him under arrest. In which case they should have just said, “we have the supporting police report, but can’t share it quite yet.”
  2. They put this case on the back burner and when it broke on Fox News and WaPo that nothing had happened on the criminal side, they sprung into action and finally did their job.

If it’s possibility 1, they should come out and say so. In the end, no one really has the ability to question how long it took them to build the case. No one gets in trouble and the story dies. Even though, based on my personal experience investigating a case very similar to this (slightly older, yet still underage, with no pregnancy), it didn’t need to take that long.

If it’s possibility 2, there should be some accountability. Whether that’s the police or social services dragging their feet, someone needs to admit that the ball was dropped and they’re just lucky their incompetence didn’t result in the rapist having enough time to get away.

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I’m with you on this one. It will be interesting to see the DNA results for the aborted child. Also, the mother is apparently defending the supposed rapist.

Thanks to Biden, Mexico has come to America big time. And this is what you get:

Disgusting. An exception to the norm which will nevertheless be seized upon by death supporters seeking abortion rights as last ditch birth control.

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Useless preface to an otherwise very important story considering he’s from Guatemala and we have no idea when he arrived here.


From the article:

The documents show Bernard performed a non-surgical abortion for a 6-weeks pregnant 10-year-old girl of Mexican ethnicity on June 30.

So you’re arguing this event was a singularity? I disagree.

These illegal people are arriving daily because the border is wide open thanks to Biden. They number in the tens of thousands. While many are good people, too many do not share our values. And there is no discrimination. They just flood in and are dispersed all across America.

This is wrong and is only supported by liberal fools.

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During his report for NBC Nightly News , national correspondent Gabe Gutierrez read Yost’s statement on the rape case without noting that the girl could’ve received an abortion in Ohio if her parents notified the proper authorities

I’m guessing the main reason they didnt was because the rapist isnt the only illegal immigrant in this story?

knocked on the door of the mother of the 10-year-old Ohio rape victim who told the reporter that the girl is “fine” and “everything that they’re saying against him [the rapist] is a lie.”

I dont know what they are, but there are definitely some very important pieces of this story that have yet to be disclosed.


I’m arguing that since he’s 27 years old, he could have arrived here anytime in the past 27 years and 9 months. Biden hasn’t been the president for 27 years and 9 months. Much more likely he immigrated illegally during Obama’s or Trump’s terms.

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And I agree. But your analysis is far too superficial. This situation is manifestly ongoing and larger than this single incident. Perhaps this fellow arrived during Biden and perhaps not. But quite easily other equally malign illegals have come in thanks to Biden, and his Democrats, open borders assault on my country.

Be as forgiving or nit picking as makes you comfortable. What is happening is deadly wrong. Simply because this particular fellow might not have come in under Biden is not the important point. Too many other equivalently despicable individuals surely have. And that is to say nothing of the drugs.