"Bye Bye" to Shinobi?

ETA is not overly common, but it’s not unheard of. If you can find more than one instance of “in the fullness of time”, I’ll be much more open to the possibility. :smile:

ETA: Please don’t think my comments are negative. I hope that it is him because that would mean he is okay.


Although if it is him and he presumably is ok, should we be offended that he abandoned us the way he did? :wink:


I’ve read some of the comments from Kaight and I don’t believe its our old friend shinobi. @shinobi wouldn’t abandon us without notice (if he’s still around). :((

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Comment #27 has a double dip:

Excellent catch, Francis. I saw that, too. We do not know into which class Sharonview falls. At some financial institutions, if you have a CD you are exempted from any activity requirement. At other financial institutions, whether you have a CD or not, periodic account activity is required.

We also do not know whether or not Sharonview will send out a no-activity warning message before imposing any possible fee. All of these details will become known in the fullness of time.

For anyone interested, here is a link to the Sharonview fees page:


He gave a kind of a notice – he changed his avatar from nothing (which automatically just becomes the first letter of your username) to a yellow image with the words “bye bye”.


LOL, I didn’t believe it earlier, but this is a dead giveaway right here. Nobody else says this. Unless it’s common for people of a certain age :rofl:.


Why will Shinobi no longer grace us with his presence?

It’s definitely him.

A couple years ago, when Alliant purged a bunch of “deplorables” that they no longer wanted as members during an unannounced annual meeting, I hopped over to Ken’s site to see what was going on.

Imagine my surprise when I spotted a curmudgeon who longed for the days of “Mr. Mooney” at Alliant and waxed poetic about Keesler’s HIMMA. Now, in the fullness of time, there were plenty of people, including a number of folks here who seemed to participate both here and on Ken’s site. But there was no doubt in my mind that Kaight and Shinobi were one in the same.

To our friend - if you’re reading this, I hope you’re doing well. We miss you. Even though I didn’t always agree with your Trumpian take on things, I did always appreciate your passion and your quirks.


I am convinced it as well. He has too many tells in his writing style that give him away. Honestly I’m glad he’s still alive given that he would often make comments about being old and unsure if he’d make it to the following year. And also glad that I get to still read posts by him over on DA. I am super curious what caused him to leave us here though. Not sure we’ll ever know. I sent him a PM on DA awhile back and never got a response.


If that kind of thing offended me, I would have jumped off the Tallahatchie bridge decades ago … probably about the time that the song became popular. :slight_smile:

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That’s one (I asked for more than one). I need a second one to fall over the 50% fence, but just finding one, especially with the ETA double dip is a nice surprise.

I can’t say for sure, but will take the blame. I sent him a Happy belated Birthday DM when I returned from a trip. He may have gotten cold feet that someone knew his birthday (although he announced it a a couple of years ago).

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Yes Mr Goose.

I’m convinced now that if you actually know his birthdate, shinobi would be worried. He’s probably hiding out somewhere in his bunker.


If our old friend ever sees this thread, I hope it makes him smile! :slight_smile:

We miss you, @shinobi


I moved to Northeast PA not long ago, from lower NYS. Happy to go knocking on doors, but around these parts, everyone has a few firearms and aren’t really into folks coming on their property unexpected.


See how far south of I-90

Congratulations on the move. I hope you acquired a bigger snow thrower.

I play poker with a couple of guys from that neck of the woods. They’re friendly folks. Put a Nittany Lions bumper sticker on your truck and you should be good to go. :smiley:

You also shouldn’t have to look too far south of 90 since he talked about regularly listening to Ontario radio stations. :

I’m 10-15 minutes from both the NY and NJ borders. Moved from Westchester county, NY

Oops! I took NE PA to be closer to Lake Erie. You certainly can’t get Ontario radio stations where you are.

When did ETA stop being common? :smiley:

I find that it’s used on this board more than any other i have visited. When I normally see ETA, it’s related to estimated time of arrival. I don’t visit too many boards, so it may just be the ones I visit that don’t use it often.

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I very gently called Kaight out over on a thread at DA and said we miss Shinobi here. :crossed_fingers: he thinks about coming back!