Does the coronavirus merit investment, or personal, concern or consideration?

Yeah, one of these isn’t testing!

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The intra-country data is more interesting.

Mexico is doing plenty of tests to see the status of the relatively few people who die, unless you think they’re deliberately not testing likely covid deaths or something.


Yes. One of these things appears to be not like the others, at nearly twice as many covid deaths. Mexico.

Meanwhile, their “reported” numbers are lower. But numbers of bodies in the ground are presumably less easy to manipulate.

Cumulative deaths from the start isn’t very easy to see the recent changes on, and they didn’t start using ivermectin right away either. Here’s your same source for daily deaths.

You can see that Mexico and the US have crashed in terms of daily deaths, despite the fearsome Delta Variant and for Mexico not having access to the level of vaccines we do in the US, while Colombia and Argentina are way higher.

I’m sure it’s all a Mexican coverup to make those other South American countries look bad. Oddly they didn’t start this coverup back in the second wave during last winter, when they reported much higher death rates in line with those other South American countries.


More on US stats for kids and covid, or rather, why we don’t have good ones. Thanks CDC.

Backup link


So how many people does “they” include? More of your crap journalism trying to create the story rather than report on it.

“I will repeat my statement from last week: If you haven’t had Covid and are unvaccinated, there is a significant likelihood you’ll get Delta variant Covid in the next 60-90 days.”

That’s just simply untrue. Or, in your preferred terms, you are a liar. You constantly bitch about misinformation, but it is your own misinformation that feeds and perpetuates what you claim to be misinformation. I know, I know - it is true as long as you consider a fraction of a percent to be “a significant likelihood”.

That 7-day average graph for Deaths / Pop looks wrong, because Mexico has 2.5x the population and 2x the deaths of Colombia, which means Mexico’s Death / Pop ratio should be 80% of Colombia’s. But on the graph you provided it’s closer to 20%.

Here are the totals, straight from the source (for 2 days ago and I removed the rows for the other countries):

It is possible that their death counts are real, as the ratio is just slightly below USA. But their confirmed case count is obviously too low because of very little testing. Mexico completed 61K tests per 1M pop, while the other two did over 400K/1M. Of the 8M total tests, 2.6M were positive, a whooping 33% positivity rate.


I still fail to understand why this is considered high, or constantly cited as a bad thing? When you are only testing those who think they’re infected, I’d expect the positivity rate to be significantly higher than even 33%. 33% would in fact be a really good result.

It may not be a bad thing by itself, but 2.6M confirmed cases and 236K confirmed deaths (8.8%) combined with what we know about the death rate everywhere else (~1.7%), is it not obvious that their confirmed case count is way too low? It should be ~5 times higher. A high positivity rate suggests (to me anyway) that not enough people are getting tested.

Or maybe the others are too high?

When the CDC says that it is “rare” for those who recover to not retain natural immunity, but also that those who recover must still be vaccinated, it clearly supports the notion that the tests aren’t detecting what they’re supposed to be detecting.

But once again, what you just posted are TOTAL numbers - from the beginning. Xerty’s chart showed daily numbers only going back to the 1st of May. The point of the chart was that a country that recently started using ivermectin is doing better.

I am normally an easy going guy that doesn’t get angry or upset easily. For instance, I was furloughed more than half the year last year by an employer that received millions of dollars in pandemic relief funds. I didn’t get very angry about that. I’m a big boy and and I knew I’d be fine - and that turned out to be correct. My only regret was worrying at all and not enjoying my time off as much as I should have.

But now that the government is starting to put out the mask rules for school children, it’s taking an effort to contain my anger. And I am fortunate compared to what most parents went through and will be going through.

My son is 4 and will turn 5 right before the 2021-2022 school year starts. We were already planning on putting him in private junior kindergarten during his first year of public school kindergarten eligibility before the pandemic even started. Had he gone into kindergarten at 5, he would have been one of the youngest kids in his class and a lot of data points to that making it particularly difficult, especially for boys. The pandemic just reinforced that decision as many more parents than usual held their children back from starting public school last year if they could. This year’s kindergarten class is likely to be the oldest average age kindergarten class ever, so he would have been even further behind his peers.

Last school year, my state used some common sense when it came to masking kids. They realized how silly the CDC’s recommendation of 2 and older was and instead, the Virginia Department of Social Services (which regulates private daycares and preschools) recommended kids 5 and older wear masks. All businesses and indoor facilities I took my son to over the past year and half have also used common sense and I was never once asked to put a mask on him. My son has essentially never donned a mask. I was so happy he didn’t have to wear a mask in preschool. My son had to have speech therapy early on and his speech right now is unbelievably improved. I don’t know how that would have been possible had he and his classmates been forced to wear masks last year. Not to mention all the interpersonal communication that kids are learning at this age, most of which is non-verbal facial expressions. I’m sure some of his peers from other parts of the country that required masks for his age are going to be showing the effects of a year plus of stunted development for quite some time.

But back to current day, thanks to the idiocy of government officials, a child who has never once worn a mask, and was in preschool with unmasked kids all last school year, during some of the worst parts of the pandemic, will now, magically because he is 1 year older, be considered a spreader and will have to wear a mask in junior kindergarten private preschool. In context, this is going to happen even though every adult that he could possibly come in contact with has been offered a vaccine (and likely has been vaccinated), and pretty much no one in public in my area wears a mask anymore. We’ve had over a year of experience at this point and the states with relaxed or no mask mandate for kids haven’t shown a significantly higher rate of infection of death than the states with strict mask mandates. I’ve never been a conspiracy theorist, but I’m really starting to wonder if there is something behind the desire to control our population the way so many in political power are doing right now contrary to so much evidence out there.

I don’t normally get angry or call people names, but if you are one of these people that want my kid, and kids like him, wearing a mask in school this upcoming school year, you are the problem and I think you are an a**hole. If it were a legitimate way of settling our differences, I would gladly physically fight you. There are a heck of a lot of parents out there that feel as strongly as me about this, and a LOT of them do not have the same principles that would limit how far they would go for their kids. If you people aren’t prepared for a knock down drag out fight with those you disagree, you are making a big miscalculation. I have never been vindictive. But when this is all over and you people are in the minority again, you deserved to be punished for what you’ve done to our (and your) children.


Trying harder to look guilty, Beijing tells the WHO to stuff it for their second viral origin probe.

Zeng says he is “surprised” to see research into the lab leak theory, which was initially dismissed by the WHO as highly unlikely, included as a reason for a second hoped-for visit by a WHO team to Wuhan.

“In some aspects, the WHO’s plan for the next phase of investigation of the coronavirus origin doesn’t respect common sense, and it’s against science. It’s impossible for us to accept such a plan,” he said.

Liang Wannian, a senior scientist and the representative for the Chinese side of the WHO’s joint investigation, said during the briefing that, instead of returning to China, the team of experts should prioritize the “very likely” possibility that coronavirus originated in animals, and was later transferred to humans.

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It’s called redshirting, and from what I’ve read & listened to, there is no definitive proof that being the youngest makes it any more difficult. Being the oldest can also have negative effects. The decision should be based on the child’s maturity (mental, physical, social), not age. Except when there’s a pandemic with lots of unknowns, I suppose – I would have held mine back last year too, regardless of maturity, but not this year.

Are there no exceptions to the mask requirements? I’m sure you’ve considered this already, but maybe a note from his therapist (or pediatrician, since speech therapists are not MDs) could excuse him?


Our state kings seem to be releasing their edicts now, but I haven’t heard anything from our school yet, so I haven’t looked into what they would need as far as a waiver is concerned. I hate putting them in that position, they’re just trying to follow the rules and stay out of trouble But even if we did go that route it doesn’t help with the class as a whole though.

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Advocating for your child is your job as a parent. Their job is to know the rules and the exceptions. I wouldn’t feel too bad about this :slight_smile:


The WhO were just showing their ignorance. They should have said that it was highly likely to be a Chinese made virus. After the Chicoms stamped their feet and donated a half trillion, the WHO could then have said it was almost certainly not man-made, and if it were, it was most definitely not Chinese.

But no, they blew their opportunity, and are now trying to backdoor their way into the Chinese payoff. What idiots!

In physics, the cross section is a measure of the probability that a specific process will take place when some kind of radiant excitation intersects a localized phenomenon.

When I performed a lab experiment called “collision cross section” in physics lab many decades ago I never dreamed it would impact my pandemic thinking today. But it has.

In addition, it has been WAY too long since I have posted a pandemic food shopping update here . . . and the two are connected. You see:

Regardless I’ve been vaccinated for 3 1/2 months I remain very cautious where COVID-19 is concerned. There is a wonderful opportunity to encounter, or collide with, the virus at your local supermarket where persons of unknowable vaccination status roam freely, many these days not even masked. So how to reduce the probability of such collisions?

First, the above notwithstanding, I have cast aside Instacart . . . at least for now. If you’re willing to enter a supermarket at all, and I am now, you don’t need Instacart in my opinion.

But willingness to shop in person does not translate into a desire to dawdle in an environment having enhanced virus collision potential. Plan ahead, take a list, wear a good mask, be there when the supermarket opens and is cleanest (including the air), and get out as quickly as possible is what makes sense to me. Hence:

Facilitation of the above is provided now, for me, by They will ship me any number of food items thereby reducing time I would otherwise spend buying those same items in the supermarket. It’s not most important or determinative. But I’m also finding the prices often to be lower than supermarket prices. So what’s not to like? shipping damage, that’s what. It’s an omnipresent danger of doing business with them. You never know until you open your food shipment whether or not everything will be intact. But to me possible shipping damage is worth the hassle to avoid spending extra time in a supermarket to purchase the same items.

Bottom line pandemic food shopping for me is a whole lot better now than it was pre-vaccination, when I did not enter supermarkets at all and had to rely on Instacart.

:smile: Says who? :smile: It’s just a joke … hence the multiple smilies.

What the He-double-hockeysticks is the point of the vaccination?

I don’t doubt this, but is there no danger of shipping damage from other purveyors? I think buying semi-fresh food from anyone who is going to ship it is a crapshoot, at best.

If this is just an update to say that you are now shopping in person, where you were too afraid to do it before your vaccination, please ignore my comments. :-(>