The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

Those Missourians have a concept on Critical Race Theory and want to make sure they can be heard with discussion together firsthand. Actually as I read your article a Black scholar was invited but refused the invitation.

So I’m going to read more about this Missouri legislative committee and racism without any Black folks hearings. American history without discussion on racism. Actual history told as it was in historical times not in today’s times. After all the word is History!! Teach our children don’t preach radical racism to them.

Play racism meetings with college students.

Same old posts as we regularly hear from our person of the day.

Surprise everyone someday with a new idea.

I’m posting this here, on the politics thread, because I view the ongoing contretemps between Paul and Fauci as being more political than anything else. And, boy, is it ever ongoing!

My own investigation has revealed Dr. Fauci was in favor of GOF (gain of function) research way back . . . years ago. Other scientists, even back then, regarded GOF research as threatening, offering more risk that potential reward. The disagreement was mostly academic years ago.

Then COVID-19 emerged as the world wide killer we all recognize today. This has left Fauci, who funded GOF research either directly or indirectly at Wuhan, in a difficult position and rather on the hotseat. Paul, firebrand that he is, also happens to be a physician who is positioned, therefore, to understand what Fauci did. Their exchange yesterday, during the hearing, was great political theater.

But Paul was not through with his attacks on Fauci when the hearing concluded. He subsequently went on TV and made additional, and new, scathing accusations regarding Fauci and funding. “Funding” in this instance relates to government money, yours and mine, and could not be more political. It’s really quite an interesting read. And the comments, too, are not to be missed:

Rand Paul: Fauci intimidates scientists from contradicting him because ‘he controls all the funding’

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Yes indeed. I go with Dr. Paul

I go along with Dr. Paul. However, Dr. Fauci put on a pretty good show. CNN and their media cohorts of course stand behind Fauci.

Dr. Paul is preparing to stand up for justification in the court.

Dr. Fauci probably will loose this proposition. Remember he told us something new and contradictory many times.

He also immediately followed with “That’s exactly what the mayor called her.” (with a couple of anonymous others verbally agreeing). Everyone is correct, the video does speak for itself - and it is clear he was merely quoting the person who was attacking him. And it’s quite precious for the person who was quoted to then be the one calling him out for saying it.

This is more crap reporting from the crap reporters you seem to love. You can stick your agenda where the sun dont shine, because it is not news. It isnt even truthful.


You can pretty much count on the fact any data coming out of the government is politicized. This is true today. It was true, as well, back when Trump was POTUS.

Everything is political now . . . sports, medicine, business, you name it. And obviously news reporting ahead of all the others.

If you are seeking to know the mind of Almighty God, do NOT look to me for such enlightenment. I have no clue.

In particular I have always wondered whether the Ten Commandments are listed hierarchically. It seems possible, but kindly refer to my opening paragraph here. I make no such assertion.

However, it would be a convenient outcome for our Marxist Democrat friends were such a hierarchy to exist. This because they could use whatever cover they can muster for their purposeful, intentional, repeated, and frankly exuberant violation of the Tenth Commandment.

May God forgive me if this displeases Him, but I have always been a huge fan of Commandment #10. It quite honestly has helped me many times in my life when my mind strayed into envy. It’s a wonderful anti-envy crutch for the weak, like myself, who might otherwise fall prey. And envy sucks. It can lead any person into bad places in their life.

Thus I well remember being struck with disbelief back some time circa 2009 or 2010 upon hearing President Obama make a bald-faced, envy-based, political pitch to his followers. Instead of counseling them not to covet what others might have, Obama encouraged exactly the opposite thinking. This, to me, is tantamount to drug peddling and is not a tactic any leader should employ. It flies in the face of Commandment #10. It’s difficult enough to avoid unproductive thoughts of envy and covetousness on one’s own. Being encouraged in that direction by a political leader doubles the difficulty of sidestepping such inclinations.

Which brings us to politics in 2021. Today Commandment #10 violations are a huge part of the Marxist Democrat playbook and are central to their game plan. Marxists have no respect for Almighty God to begin with. They care even less about Commandment #10. Promotion of envy between citizens is central to their acquisition of power. Tamping down covetousness and envy works against that.

Enter Jeff Bezos. Jeff is a VERY wealthy man, so let’s hate him, condemn him, and above all tax him because of that, say the Marxists. Jeff should not have so much more money than everyone else, they believe. And what of Jeff’s little, but incredibly expensive, trip into space yesterday? How dare he!! It really has riled up the Marxists whose overflowing envy has brought forth a gusher of criticism for poor Jeff. Everyone from Bernie Sanders to AOC is spilling their guts with hatred. For anyone with an insight into and respect for Commandment #10, it is all quite amusing:

Bezos is a bum say the Marxists

I am not happy that Bezos gave $100 million to the communist Van Jones. i’ve been trying to defund Amazon but I’m a big e-book reader and they really have that market monopolized.

Or if you prefer an actual explanation instead of some just so story, you’ll find active demands for racial discrimination (against whites of course, because Black Lives Matter More), Marxism, and political race-based indoctrination, while rejecting equality before the law, liberal democratic principles, and equal opportunities. Here’s a good overview of CRT -
backup link

Ibram X. Kendi bluntly asserts that 'the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.
Mr. Kendi admits that CRT is nothing more than a form of racial discrimination. Thomas Sowell could have been writing about CRT when he said: “Racism does not have a good track record. It’s been tried out for a long time and you’d think by now we’d want to put an end to it instead of putting it under new management”. Dr. Sowell put it so succinctly. CRT is nothing more than racism “under new management.”

And as for it getting taught in practice, Biden’s covid education funding bill is going to blow $25B on keeping these Marxists employed, because I’m sure no one else would.

The controversial group was linked to by the DOE in its reopening handbook in a section related to students’ academic, social and emotional needs. President Biden’s American Rescue Plan provided $122 billion of aid to schools, 20% of which must go to programs such as those offered by the Abolitionist Teaching Network.

The Abolitionist Teaching Network has a list of “demands” on its website including “[f]ree, antiracist therapy for White educators and support staff,” and its co-founder Bettina Love has said, “If you don’t recognize that White supremacy is in everything we do, then we got a problem,” adding, “I want us to be feared.”


Ok? This means the black man’s kids are a generation behind in their economic development. The obstacles have now been removed, which should be the goal, and now they have to achieve success just like that white man did. Because, sorry to say, plenty of white men followed the same path of that black man.

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There are plenty of lazy unmotivated people and cultures out there. This is a long personal account of someone who lived in SE Asia and returned to see its modernization many years later. Some parts were much nicer, some not so much.

Well worth a read if you want to understand what government can do, and how the best way it can help is often to get out of the way and let people be free to pursue their opportunities.

Of course it is something that happens. That white man getting hit by a bus the day after his discharge also happens.

The offensive part is the insinuation that all white people are debt free and paying for their grandkids college. That is simply not true. Just like it is not true that all black men are living in the ghetto near a freeway.

Talk about made up propaganda. For someone who claims to be so self-righteous, you are sure hellbent on perpetuating negative stereotypes. Because, of course, if those stereotypes start to fade away, you’re entire argument becomes debunked. You have to keep feeding the divisiveness so that you will have something to rail against. You have absolutely no interest in making discrimination go away, you need it for leverage to advance your own racist agenda.


Ok, two generations ago my ancestors were mistreated by your ancestors so I’m going to round up a bunch of thugs and steal your stuff. Sound good? Any excuse for a good looting, like canonization of Saint Floyd showed us.

And in a similar Marxist vein, your beloved Critical Race Theory…

we can’t forget that Critical Race Theory is a Marxist ideology. It derives from critical theory, which is explicitly Marxist. And even one of the founders of Critical Race Theory, Richard Delgado, when he describes in an interview the first conference that established the discipline of Critical Race Theory, he describes the group as “a bunch of Marxists.”

At the time they weren’t hiding it, but they’re hiding it now because it’s unpopular. But we should really not underestimate the Marxist core of Critical Race Theory. And we should also not underestimate the Critical Race Theorist’s proposed solutions, which in the case of many and perhaps most of the scholars, involves state control over the economy. It involves collectivist enterprise. It involves race-based redistribution of wealth and property. That’s how they think they’re going to achieve equality, and I just fundamentally and wholeheartedly disagree with it. We have the evidence from a century of Marxist regimes in the previous century. We should absolutely and categorically reject that way of organizing society and of organizing the economy.

The progressives pushing this stuff are a bunch of terrorists, threatening your person, your family, your job, your freedoms and your government. And you don’t negotiate with terrorists. You kill them, or maybe if they’re lucky you throw them in jail where they can’t cause more trouble. You definitely don’t ask them how much White Guilt training and Hail Mary’s you should do as atonement in their weird religion.


Attack the idea, not the person. As someone who reads this thread with a bucket of popcorn, this was way out of line, imo.


Are you aware that the large majority of “redlined” residents back in the day were white?

If the redlining maps were based on race alone, we would expect the black neighborhoods and their occupants to have better economic characteristics than their white counterparts at the time. But a study from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds the exact opposite. Redlined areas with a predominantly white population had better economic characteristics than redlined areas with above-average shares of black residents—“the opposite of what would be expected if Black neighborhoods had been targeted for the lowest security grade because of race.” Moreover, a full 85 percent of households in redlined areas were occupied by whites,

And these proposals of yours to lift the poor benighted minorities out of poverty have been tried and failed.

The War on Poverty was based on the notion that black poverty was unique because of historical racism, just as activists claim today. But the desired results were not forthcoming. Violence, single households, joblessness, welfare dependency, teen pregnancy, drug addiction, and all of the ills we associate with the urban ghettos today were accelerated in the late 60s, whether or not those policies were a cause of the decline or just an ineffective remedy. So, much of what is called for by modern anti-racist activists has already been tried and failed. And yet it is critics of such policies that are accused of not knowing their history.

You’re as likely to win a War on Poverty as a War on Drugs. The welfare state did more to disadvantage the current generation by destroying the black family than redlining ever did.

In their magnum opus, America in Black and White: One Nation, Indivisible , Abigail and Stephan Thermstrom show that, between 1940 and 1960, the percentage of black families with income below the poverty level was almost cut in half, from 87 percent to 47 percent. In key skilled trades, the income of blacks relative to whites more than doubled between 1936 and 1959,1 while black income rose absolutely and relative to white income across the board from 1939 to 1960.2 The rise of blacks into professional and other high-level occupations was greater during the years preceding the civil rights movement than in the years afterwards…

Liberal social policies are always doing the same bad thing - ignoring unintended consequences and failing while wasting a huge amount of money and then claiming it might have worked if only they’d raised taxes twice as much and burned even more money.


Of course no one said it. They just do it. Not generations ago. Right now.

There’s only one dishonest, lying diatribe against civil rights being advanced here, and it is unequivically coming from you. You are the only one who doesnt care a whit about people, you only care about your people and to hell with anyone else. Your entire argument is made up, to try and control others. You are the one making up more problems to promote white supremacy, to ensure you then have something ‘obvious’ to rail against.


Thanks, but don’t worry about me. His insults reflect so badly on him that they detract from whatever small merit his ideas and arguments might have, which is fine by me since I disagree with most of them :wink:


Do you support looting and reparations? I’ve been posting on the violence against minorities fairly regularly, such as the Asian hate crimes in big cities at some length and yes, I’m against them if you couldn’t tell.

The solution is easy. Fund the police more, catch the criminals (or criminally insane) and throw them in a cell where they can’t hurt anyone and leave them there a long time. Take the old bail numbers and double ‘em for any violent or repeat offense would probably be a good start.

Then you can try to reform the conditions that gave rise to the criminals so that hopefully you don’t raise the next generation of thugs. Charter schools and vouchers, corruption investigations into big city politicians, welfare reform to encourage stable families and family planning, ending all illegal and unskilled immigration until we address economic opportunity for our citizens would all be good start. Ending affirmative action and actually enforcing civil rights would probably be good longer term too.

But then those people you help might not vote Democratic so reliably, as most people don’t once they see they can achieve economic success on their own merits, so don’t expect any real reform to happen under Biden’s watch. Meanwhile, speaking of failures, I see our Great Uniter has presided over the worst racial relations in decades. Learned from his mentor I suspect that more racial discord is more Democratic voter turnout and the state of the country be damned.


Since y’all started routinely looting as the go-to reaction to stuf you dont like, and justifying it as a form of reparations?

None of anything you’ve rabbled on about is a solution to systemic racism. Your desired actions only compound the problem, promoting and endorsing even more systemic racism.

As has been said numerous times - in the past, minorities may have faced additional obsticles to attaining success. Now that those obsticles have mostly been removed, and rightfully so, they still have to put in the effort to attain success like anyone else. Instead you insist the only thing to do is move them to the front of the line just because. That isnt helping them succeed, that’s making them dependant on being an exception.

I still cant help but laugh at the implication that growing up in a 2-parent household is a white man’s priviledge. When the only solution that will make a damn bit of actual difference is the black man resolving to provide their children with a 2-parent household as well. And that doesnt happen overnight or with some policy change or by bitching nonstop about how unfair the system is, it happens by growing up and adopting the factors that are proven to lead to success.



Biden announces yesterday:

“This is not a pandemic”

Well, ya could have fooled me. But Biden is POTUS now so we have to go with his take.

‘This is not a pandemic,’ Biden says

I’m not certain America can survive another three and one half years of this guy!