The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

This is the money quote. They clearly need a lesson in Chesterson’s Fence.

Satire roundup


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The first one actually is a perfect rendition of the Press Secretary, Psaki, red hair etc. To funny!!:blush:

I’ve also noticed that. But I am NO EXPERT on these things so I’ll ask:

That “red” hair is a dye job, right?

Unfair or not, the younger version of our VP you see above is currently being referred to openly, on air, as:

“Willie Brown’s bratwurst bun.”

Doubt me?

Here is the reference:

Guest Says Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top

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Yes, Kamala and Willie Brown were “hot topics” for a long period of time. Willie repeated, yes I’m married but separated. No problem, for decades his escapades continued.

Willie Brown, San Francisco Mayor, dating this one or that one. We watched daily and monthly events of Willie.

Kamala made the most with Willie Brown. Right on up the ladder to Vice President of the USA.


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(h-2) In adopting the essential knowledge and skills for the
social studies curriculum, the State Board of Education shall adopt
essential knowledge and skills that develop each student’s civic
knowledge, including an understanding of:
(1) the fundamental moral, political, and
intellectual foundations of the American experiment in
(2) the history, qualities, traditions, and features
of civic engagement in the United States;
(3) the history of Native Americans;
(4) the structure, function, and processes of
government institutions at the federal, state, and local levels;
(5) the founding documents of the United States,
(A) the Declaration of Independence;
(B) the United States Constitution;
(C) the Federalist Papers;
(D) the transcript of the first Lincoln-Douglas
(E) the writings of and about the founding
fathers and mothers and other founding persons of the United
States, including the writings of:
(i) George Washington;
(ii) Ona Judge;
(iii) Thomas Jefferson;
(iv) Sally Hemings; and
(v) any other founding persons of the
United States;
(F) writings from Frederick Douglass’s
newspaper, the North Star;
(G) the Book of Negroes;
(H) the Fugitive Slave Acts of 1793 and 1850;
(I) the Indian Removal Act;
(J) Thomas Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury
Baptists; and
(K) William Still’s Underground Railroad
(6) historical documents related to the civic
accomplishments of marginalized populations, including documents
related to:
(A) the Chicano movement;
(B) women’s suffrage and equal rights;
(C) the civil rights movement;
(D) the Snyder Act of 1924; and
(E) the American labor movement;
(7) the history of white supremacy, including but not
limited to the institution of slavery, the eugenics movement, and
the Ku Klux Klan, and the ways in which it is morally wrong;

(8) the history and importance of the civil rights
movement, including the following documents:
(A) Martin Luther King Jr.'s “Letter from a
Birmingham Jail” and “I Have a Dream” speech;
(B) the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42
U.S.C. Section 2000a et seq.);
(C) the United States Supreme Court’s decision in
Brown v. Board of Education;;
(D) the Emancipation Proclamation;
(E) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
(F) the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth
Amendments to the United States Constitution;
(G) the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit decision in Mendez v. Westminster;
(H) Frederick Douglass’s Narrative of the Life of
Frederick Douglass, an American Slave;;
(I) the life and work of Cesar Chavez; and
(J) the life and work of Dolores Huerta;
(9) the history and importance of the women’s suffrage
movement, including the following documents:
(A) the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 (52
U.S.C. Section 10101 et seq.);
(B) the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-Sixth
Amendments to the United States Constitution;
(C) Abigail Adams’s letter “Remember the
(D) the works of Susan B. Anthony; and
(E) the Declaration of Sentiments;
(10) the life and works of Dr. Hector P. Garcia;
(11) the American GI Forum;
(12) the League of United Latin American Citizens; and
(13) Hernandez v. Texas (1954).
(h-3) For any social studies course in the required
(1) a teacher may not be compelled to discuss a
particular current event or widely debated and currently
controversial issue of public policy or social affairs;
(2) a teacher who chooses to discuss a topic described
by Subdivision (1) shall, to the best of the teacher’s ability,
strive to explore the topic from diverse and contending
perspectives without giving deference to any one perspective;
(3) a school district, open-enrollment charter
school, or teacher may not require, make part of a course, or award
a grade or course credit, including extra credit, for a student’s:
(A) political activism, lobbying, or efforts to
persuade members of the legislative or executive branch at the
federal, state, or local level to take specific actions by direct
communication; or
(B) participation in any internship, practicum,
or similar activity involving social or public policy advocacy; and
(4) a teacher, administrator, or other employee of a
state agency, school district, or open-enrollment charter school
may not:
(A) be required to engage in training,
orientation, or therapy that presents any form of race or sex
stereotyping or blame on the basis of race or sex;
(B) require or make part of a course the concept
(i) one race or sex is inherently superior
to another race or sex;
(ii) an individual, by virtue of the
individual’s race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or
oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously;
(iii) an individual should be discriminated
against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of
the individual’s race;
(iv) members of one race or sex cannot and
should not attempt to treat others without respect to race or sex;
(v) an individual’s moral character,
standing, or worth is necessarily determined by the individual’s
race or sex;
(vi) an individual, by virtue of the
individual’s race or sex, bears responsibility for actions
committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex;
(vii) an individual should feel discomfort,
guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on
account of the individual’s race or sex;
(viii) meritocracy or traits such as a hard
work ethic are racist or sexist or were created by members of a
particular race to oppress members of another race;
(ix) the advent of slavery in the territory
that is now the United States constituted the true founding of the
United States; or
(x) with respect to their relationship to
American values, slavery and racism are anything other than
deviations from, betrayals of, or failures to live up to, the
authentic founding principles of the United States, which include
liberty and equality; and
(C) require an understanding of The 1619 Project.
(h-4) A state agency, school district, or open-enrollment
charter school may not accept private funding for the purpose of
developing a curriculum, purchasing or selecting curriculum
materials, or providing teacher training or professional
development for a course described by Subsection (h-3)(3).

Your article is a racist crock of crap. You’re just pissed that Texas banned the 1619 Project, period. And they didnt even ban it, they only banned making it a required part of the curriculum. And you are probably pissed that they cannot use private funding to develop an off-the-books curriculum. It’s also so terrible they banned teaching that a person is inherently racist due to their race, banned teaching that that someone should be punished due to their race, banned teaching that that a person’s moral character is determined by their race, banned teaching that that that a person today is responsible for the historical actions of others of the same race, and banned teaching the notion that success comes from hard work is a means of oppressing another race. How terrible! With these limits, how are we ever going to force teachers to indocrinate today’s youth to hate whitey?!?!

This article is the new political low promoting anti-civics education (and apparently promoting anti-reading comprehension).

And this is from the same a-holes who keep bitching about how it’s so terrible when others are spreading so-called ‘misinformation’. Good grief.


But I’m sure many places will require teaching the history of the Black Supremacy movement and Black Lives Matter More (BLMM), the discredited historical farce that is the 1619 Propaganda Project, these movements historical and ongoing association with violent crime and Marxist / communist ideology, and the ways in which anyone who disagrees with them is morally wrong.


On this day, in 1969, two Americans became the first human beings to land on the moon. Upon their departure they left behind a plaque which reads:

“Here men from planet Earth first set foot upon the moon July 1969 A.D. We came in peace for all mankind.”

That was fifty-two years ago and Americans alive then, myself included, watched in awe and with pride and amazement.

Fast forward to the present. I’m confident there are many American Marxists today who would be eager once again to fly to the moon, to that exact same landing spot where we landed fifty-two years ago. Their most important equipment would be sledge hammers they could use to smash that plaque to smithereens in a celebration of their hatred for America and for all of our wonderful accomplishments.

They would resent in particular, on that plaque, inclusion of the letters “AD”. AD stands for Anno Domini which is a reference to Jesus Christ, a religious figure detested by Marxists and by totalitarians in general.

The Marxists are already tearing down and destroying many symbols of traditional America within their grasp here on earth. It’s only a matter of time before they try to reach and obliterate that plaque on the moon. This is what they do.


You can online imagine how outraged they were when someone suggested the lighting strike that apparently destroyed most of a mural to Saint Floyd was a Sign from God. They hate other people destroying their statues and monuments almost as much as they like tearing down older cultural ones themselves. And they Hate hate hate anything to do with God, since it’s a rival religion to their political thought control belief system.

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Imagine someone destroying the leftist community mural of their holy saint?

Why it took less time for the peaceful protesters rioting, loutishness more killing after his demise, to last a lifetime. I actually believe those peaceful protesters loved every minute of those following days.
In fact I actually heard a speaker saying “stealing from those fancy stores is ok”, insurance coverage.

And left leaning Democrats seem to think it’s fine to tear down historical monuments. They care less!

So CRT is fine to teach little children. Makes little white children wonder why they are bad. Of course when parents become in raged, they are just racist.

No problem, It will be fine.

Those Missourians have a concept on Critical Race Theory and want to make sure they can be heard with discussion together firsthand. Actually as I read your article a Black scholar was invited but refused the invitation.

So I’m going to read more about this Missouri legislative committee and racism without any Black folks hearings. American history without discussion on racism. Actual history told as it was in historical times not in today’s times. After all the word is History!! Teach our children don’t preach radical racism to them.

Play racism meetings with college students.

Same old posts as we regularly hear from our person of the day.

Surprise everyone someday with a new idea.

I’m posting this here, on the politics thread, because I view the ongoing contretemps between Paul and Fauci as being more political than anything else. And, boy, is it ever ongoing!

My own investigation has revealed Dr. Fauci was in favor of GOF (gain of function) research way back . . . years ago. Other scientists, even back then, regarded GOF research as threatening, offering more risk that potential reward. The disagreement was mostly academic years ago.

Then COVID-19 emerged as the world wide killer we all recognize today. This has left Fauci, who funded GOF research either directly or indirectly at Wuhan, in a difficult position and rather on the hotseat. Paul, firebrand that he is, also happens to be a physician who is positioned, therefore, to understand what Fauci did. Their exchange yesterday, during the hearing, was great political theater.

But Paul was not through with his attacks on Fauci when the hearing concluded. He subsequently went on TV and made additional, and new, scathing accusations regarding Fauci and funding. “Funding” in this instance relates to government money, yours and mine, and could not be more political. It’s really quite an interesting read. And the comments, too, are not to be missed:

Rand Paul: Fauci intimidates scientists from contradicting him because ‘he controls all the funding’

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Yes indeed. I go with Dr. Paul

I go along with Dr. Paul. However, Dr. Fauci put on a pretty good show. CNN and their media cohorts of course stand behind Fauci.

Dr. Paul is preparing to stand up for justification in the court.

Dr. Fauci probably will loose this proposition. Remember he told us something new and contradictory many times.

He also immediately followed with “That’s exactly what the mayor called her.” (with a couple of anonymous others verbally agreeing). Everyone is correct, the video does speak for itself - and it is clear he was merely quoting the person who was attacking him. And it’s quite precious for the person who was quoted to then be the one calling him out for saying it.

This is more crap reporting from the crap reporters you seem to love. You can stick your agenda where the sun dont shine, because it is not news. It isnt even truthful.


You can pretty much count on the fact any data coming out of the government is politicized. This is true today. It was true, as well, back when Trump was POTUS.

Everything is political now . . . sports, medicine, business, you name it. And obviously news reporting ahead of all the others.

If you are seeking to know the mind of Almighty God, do NOT look to me for such enlightenment. I have no clue.

In particular I have always wondered whether the Ten Commandments are listed hierarchically. It seems possible, but kindly refer to my opening paragraph here. I make no such assertion.

However, it would be a convenient outcome for our Marxist Democrat friends were such a hierarchy to exist. This because they could use whatever cover they can muster for their purposeful, intentional, repeated, and frankly exuberant violation of the Tenth Commandment.

May God forgive me if this displeases Him, but I have always been a huge fan of Commandment #10. It quite honestly has helped me many times in my life when my mind strayed into envy. It’s a wonderful anti-envy crutch for the weak, like myself, who might otherwise fall prey. And envy sucks. It can lead any person into bad places in their life.

Thus I well remember being struck with disbelief back some time circa 2009 or 2010 upon hearing President Obama make a bald-faced, envy-based, political pitch to his followers. Instead of counseling them not to covet what others might have, Obama encouraged exactly the opposite thinking. This, to me, is tantamount to drug peddling and is not a tactic any leader should employ. It flies in the face of Commandment #10. It’s difficult enough to avoid unproductive thoughts of envy and covetousness on one’s own. Being encouraged in that direction by a political leader doubles the difficulty of sidestepping such inclinations.

Which brings us to politics in 2021. Today Commandment #10 violations are a huge part of the Marxist Democrat playbook and are central to their game plan. Marxists have no respect for Almighty God to begin with. They care even less about Commandment #10. Promotion of envy between citizens is central to their acquisition of power. Tamping down covetousness and envy works against that.

Enter Jeff Bezos. Jeff is a VERY wealthy man, so let’s hate him, condemn him, and above all tax him because of that, say the Marxists. Jeff should not have so much more money than everyone else, they believe. And what of Jeff’s little, but incredibly expensive, trip into space yesterday? How dare he!! It really has riled up the Marxists whose overflowing envy has brought forth a gusher of criticism for poor Jeff. Everyone from Bernie Sanders to AOC is spilling their guts with hatred. For anyone with an insight into and respect for Commandment #10, it is all quite amusing:

Bezos is a bum say the Marxists

I am not happy that Bezos gave $100 million to the communist Van Jones. i’ve been trying to defund Amazon but I’m a big e-book reader and they really have that market monopolized.

Or if you prefer an actual explanation instead of some just so story, you’ll find active demands for racial discrimination (against whites of course, because Black Lives Matter More), Marxism, and political race-based indoctrination, while rejecting equality before the law, liberal democratic principles, and equal opportunities. Here’s a good overview of CRT -
backup link

Ibram X. Kendi bluntly asserts that 'the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.
Mr. Kendi admits that CRT is nothing more than a form of racial discrimination. Thomas Sowell could have been writing about CRT when he said: “Racism does not have a good track record. It’s been tried out for a long time and you’d think by now we’d want to put an end to it instead of putting it under new management”. Dr. Sowell put it so succinctly. CRT is nothing more than racism “under new management.”

And as for it getting taught in practice, Biden’s covid education funding bill is going to blow $25B on keeping these Marxists employed, because I’m sure no one else would.

The controversial group was linked to by the DOE in its reopening handbook in a section related to students’ academic, social and emotional needs. President Biden’s American Rescue Plan provided $122 billion of aid to schools, 20% of which must go to programs such as those offered by the Abolitionist Teaching Network.

The Abolitionist Teaching Network has a list of “demands” on its website including “[f]ree, antiracist therapy for White educators and support staff,” and its co-founder Bettina Love has said, “If you don’t recognize that White supremacy is in everything we do, then we got a problem,” adding, “I want us to be feared.”