Does the coronavirus merit investment, or personal, concern or consideration?

He watches TV late into the night and they probably want him to sleep more. It might be more difficult to sleep when you’re having symptoms. It can help sleep if you have been moving around different time zones or have jet lag. It’s also an antioxidant. It interacts with the immune system and is antiinflammatory and some studies have indicated it may be useful in fighting infectious diseases both viral and bacterial.

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no broken tweets seems like a really bad sign. Did they jam the cell signal near his room and say it’s just the hospital has no reception?

I don’t usually have a kind word for Biden. But I’ll give him credit tonight for cutting back some on his campaign BS. He held his tongue on referencing some ill will about Trump.

But I heard some of the worst display of unworthy talk from the fabled cable news networks.

Even some of the lowly democrat Congressmen spoke unkindly today of our sick President. Actually saying they are hoping our President dies of covid. They actually said, “he deserves to die”.

Most of them would never talk about a cowardly dog the way they spoke of our standing President.

Absolutely unbelievable words.


Great opportunity (after recovery everyone hopes for).
Hopefully he takes a reset and the misinformation goes away and we get the virus under control. Heal the people, so the economy can heal.


2nd senator known infected now from the recent Washington covid parties.

Pretty big investment risk / national disruption risk if we end up with 10s of old senators infected and end up losing one. (Hopefully we don’t)


I think a big factor will be how rough the road is for him. If he just has to wait out feeling a little tired, I suspect his response will be “See, told you it’s no big deal.” I agree with you, it would be a missed opportunity; this is an “out” allowing him to reset on nearly everything he’s being criticized over.

But there are countless directions in which the next month could go. It’ll be interesting to watch unfold.


I agree. The guy when well sleeps only four to five hours per night. That is nuts!

Maybe they told him 5G causes COVID :crazy_face:

Now you’re getting it. You need to manage someone like him, not fight him. :grin:

It’s not just that these politicians, mostly GOP, are testing positive and likely becoming sick, they are irresponsibly exposing others and spreading the virus to others, including friends and family, all because they decided to make commonly accepted and historically proven disease prevention methods a political football. This is why there’s still a pandemic and the US has been worst in the world at handling it.

How could people be so incredibly irresponsible?

No one is happy to see Trump or anyone sick but it’s absolutely reprehensible that he and many of his associates are directly responsible for tens of thousands getting sick and tens of thousands of Americans dying.

Do you think he is telling the doctors and staff at Walter Reed not to wear masks because they look silly?


Coronavirus spikes are ‘driven more by our behaviors,’ doctor explains

“I’m reluctant to assign any of this to a change in the virus itself,” Dr. Seth Trueger, an emergency medicine physician based out of Chicago, said on Yahoo Finance’s The Ticker. “It almost certainly is driven more by our behaviors and how we’re interacting with each other.”


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If only there hadnt been such outrage and defiance over the President suggesting he had authority over such decisions…

Would he have? Probably not. But you’re blaming him for not making a decision that you insisted he had no authority to make.

Trump, his staff, and family were not tested before the debate and, in the auditorium they refused to wear masks.

Trump’s party arrived too late for testing. There was not enough time.

This surely is Trump’s fault, something he arranged intentionally to avoid being tested. My bet is he surreptitiously dumped fine sand into the gas tank of his limo, solely to delay things enough so he could evade the test. Or something else evil like that; because the orange man is evil.

Well it is their choices to not have had earlier testing before arriving at the debate (like they specifically said they did). This WH testing has been referred to as “daily” but is now being discussed that it’s not.

WH will not say the most recent time Trump was tested with negative result.

Why? Was he already concerned about being tested positive?

Yup, Trump is terrible for doing that.

Ignore the fact that same article notes the Bidens arrived 2 hours prior to the debate (which I believe would be even later than “3:00, 4:00, 5:00”) and were also not tested.

It does not say that at all. It said that both campaigns said they were tested earlier that day before arrival. Trump campaign just (apparently) lied.

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No it doesn’t. It says Trump arrived too late to be tested at the venue. It later slips in the fact that the Bidens arrived even later than the Trump’s. It says absolutely nothing about anyone being tested prior to getting there, besides that both campaigns were on “the honor system” once they arrived.

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