Does the coronavirus merit investment, or personal, concern or consideration?

This is just one of the problems with the continuing festering of the virus in places where people are not taking preventive and protective measures – viruses mutate and the more field and time they have to grow the more they can mutate and produce variations invulnerable to the current vaccines.

Places like Brazil and major parts of the US where there is a lot of virus denial are making things less safe for everyone by keeping the virus going and giving it time and opportunity to grow and mutate.

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OMG how did I not know this! :astonished:

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Sounds like they heard me and backtracked – UI is now excluded from MAGI for this purpose.

Biden’s priorities - throwing billions at community organizers to address “inequity” rather than giving the vaccine to people who want it.

Much of the overall messaging budget will be spent on such localized outreach, with a lesser portion to be spent on ads for television, digital, print and radio… The Biden administration’s strategy is a shift from a nationwide media push that many public-health leaders and advocacy groups had expected in January, after Mr. Biden pledged an “unprecedented vaccination public-health campaign” tailored to meet the needs of diverse communities.

This week, the White House be­gan shift­ing some of its in­vest­ments to­ward com­mu­nity-based or­ga­niz­ing around the vac­cine. On Thurs­day, the ad­min­is­tra­tion an­nounced a $10 bil­lion in­vest­ment tar­get­ing in­equities in vac­cine ac­cess, $3 bil­lion of which will be pro­vided to states, ter­ri­to­ries and some large ur­ban ar­eas to boost vac­cine con­fi­dence be­gin­ning in April. More than $6 bil­lion will go to nearly 1,400 com­mu­nity health cen­ters across the coun­try in a bid to ex­pand vac­ci­na­tions, test­ing and treat­ment in un­der­served ar­eas.

I’m shocked, shocked to find gambling going on here. :grin:

Biden had a teacher in the Oval Office who loved “those community organizers”. So why not?

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Even MAGA Birx assigns several hundred thousand deaths to her former master Trump.

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Mayo Clinic provides post-vaccination watchlist

You do not want this stuff to happen. Mayo Clinic goes into detail:

If 1 of These 3 Body Parts Starts Swelling Up After Your Vaccine, Call a Doctor

Apparently, if there is trouble, you should know within four hours, though not necessarily within fifteen minutes. :wink:

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Prospects for future mRNA vaccines against other diseases - malaria, cancer, flu…

Is this going to be the electric car of the vaccine world?

It’s going to be the flying electric taxi of the vaccine world! Sounds very exciting but very likely to disappoint in practice (cue “that’s what she said”).

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Combining with Qell Acquisition Corp., led by Barry Engle, a former president of General Motors North America, provides Lilium with access to capital and industry experience. Supports the planned launch of commercial operations in 2024.

Let’s hope their engineers are better at engineering than their PR firm is with grammar.

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France surrenders


You are mistaken. France is fighting back. Full mobilization and defense against the enemy. It would be surrendering if they did nothing and let everyone die.

Maybe read the article more carefully:

"new, faster-spreading variants of the coronavirus “an epidemic within the epidemic,”

" a “more dangerous, contagious and deadly” virus surging in France left him no choice.

“If we are choosing to close down the whole country it’s because no area of the country is spared,” Macron said. “Everywhere the virus is spreading faster and faster and everywhere, hospitalizations are rising.”

" France’s intensive care units are at capacity with more than 5,000 COVID-19 patients health officials say, and hospitalizations have already surpassed the second wave of this past winter. They are on track to surpass even the first deadly wave of last spring.

Over the weekend, several dozen emergency room doctors signed an open letter in the newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche , warning that if something is not done, hospitals would soon have to begin choosing which patients receive treatment. “We cannot remain silent without betraying our Hippocratic oath,” they said.

Jacob Kirkegaard, who studies health care systems as a senior fellow with the German Marshall Fund, says the new strains of the virus are forcing countries to step up their public health measures. Britain, Germany and Italy are also in various forms of lockdown."

Doctors say COVID-19 patients in France’s ICUs are younger and younger, often without any underlying health problems. Macron said 44% of patients in intensive care are younger than 65.

" Writing of the gravity of the situation this week in the newspaper Libération , Patrick Bouet, president of the National Council of the Order of Doctors, called on Macron to institute stricter measures. “The virus is winning and we have lost control of the pandemic,” Bouet said.

France is now approaching 100,000 coronavirus deaths. “That’s the equivalent of wiping the city of Nancy from the map,” wrote Bouet."

See, it’s just the weak Nancys. Everyone else it’s just the sniffles.

The J&J vaccine was my choice. I am reconsidering:

Company at heart of J&J vaccine woes has series of citations

From the AP:

The company at the center of quality problems that led Johnson & Johnson to discard an unknown amount of its coronavirus vaccine has a string of citations from U.S. health officials for quality control problems.

Emergent BioSolutions, a little-known company at the center of the vaccine supply chain, was a key to Johnson & Johnson’s plan to deliver 100 million doses of its vaccine to the U.S. by the end of May. But the company has been cited repeatedly by the Food and Drug Administration for problems such as poorly trained employees, cracked vials and mold around one of its facilities, according to records obtained by The Associated Press through the Freedom of Information Act. The records cover inspections at Emergent facilities since 2017.

Johnson & Johnson said Wednesday that a batch of vaccine made by Emergent at its Baltimore factory, known as Bayview, can’t be used because it didn’t meet quality standards. It was unclear how many doses were involved or how the problem would affect future deliveries of J&J’s vaccine. The company said in a statement it was still planning to deliver 100 million doses by the end of June and was “aiming to deliver those doses by the end of May.”

J&J locked arms with Emergent in April 2020, enlisting the lesser-known company to manufacture the vaccine J&J was developing with federal funding. At the time, Emergent’s Bayview facility wasn’t scaled for making millions of doses of a potential COVID-19 vaccine, according to the FDA records that describe the plant as a contract testing laboratory that “did not manufacture products for distribution.” Upgrades in technology and personnel were required before Bayview could begin making what’s known as “drug substance” material for the vaccine, a two-month process during which the required biological cells are grown.

The FDA inspected Emergent’s Bayview plant in April 2020, just as the agreement with J&J was being announced. The federal agency criticized the company for problems with its testing of a potential treatment for anthrax, according to the records obtained by the AP. The FDA’s lead investigator cited the company for failing to train employees “in the particular operations they perform as part of their function and current good manufacturing practices.”

On the same day, Johnson & Johnson, in a separate news release, heralded its partnership with Emergent as a step toward the pharmaceutical giant’s goal of supplying more than 1 billion doses of the vaccine globally by the end of 2021.

Other problems cited by the FDA during the April 2020 inspection included failures by the Bayview plant “to ensure that electronically held data generated during analytical testing” of material “was protected from deletion or manipulation.” The FDA’s lead investigator, Marcellinus Dordunoo, wrote that Emergent hadn’t investigated what he described as “data integrity concerns.”

The inspection was the most recent in a series of critical reports from the FDA about Emergent, including one following a December 2017 inspection at a plant in Canton, Massachusetts, in which the FDA said the company hadn’t corrected “continued low level mold and yeast isolates” found in the facility. Nearly a year later, agency investigators questioned why Emergent had “an unwritten policy of not conducting routine compliance audits” at a separate plant in Baltimore, known as Camden, where an anthrax vaccine is filled into vials.

Emergent’s revenues skyrocketed during the Trump administration, jumping from around $523 million in 2015 to more than $1.5 billion in 2020. The company has invested heavily in lobbying the federal government, according to disclosure records, which show the company spent $3.6 million on lobbying in 2020 alone.

Emergent is one of about 10 companies that Johnson & Johnson is using to speed up manufacturing of its recently approved vaccine, the company said. The Bayview factory where the tainted vaccine ingredient was found had not yet been approved by the FDA, so no vaccine in circulation is affected. Emergent declined to comment.

President Joe Biden has pledged to have enough vaccines for all U.S. adults by the end of May. The U.S. government has ordered enough two-dose shots from Pfizer and Moderna to vaccinate 200 million people to be delivered by late May, plus the 100 million single-dose shots from J&J.

A federal official said Wednesday evening the administration’s goal can be met without additional J&J doses.

A J&J spokesman said earlier Wednesday that the company met the end-of-March goal, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s online vaccine tracker showed J&J had provided about 6.8 million doses to the U.S. vaccine effort. J&J has been shipping finished vaccines from its factory in the Netherlands to the U.S.

J&J said it was putting more of its manufacturing and quality experts inside Emergent’s factory to supervise production of the COVID-19 vaccine, a move meant to enable delivery of an additional 24 million vaccine doses through April.

J&J said it still expects to deliver more than 1 billion vaccine doses globally by the end of the year.

The J&J vaccine has been viewed as crucial for vaccination campaigns around the world, because only one shot is required and it can be shipped and stored at standard refrigeration temperatures, unlike some other vials that must be kept frozen. The company also has pledged to sell the vaccine without a profit, but only during the pandemic emergency.

The problem with the vaccine batch was first reported by The New York Times. The FDA said it was aware of the situation but declined further comment.


Pfizer seems to be the gold standard. I was in the J&J camp but there is a lot more data on the Pfizer vaccine given the amount of time it’s been out. Of particular interest to me was the Israeli data.

I opted for Pfizer yesterday and haven’t had any side effects aside from a sore arm at the injection site.

Without diagnosed health problems. The younger the population, the more prevailance of undiagnosed conditions that havent emerged; there are a lot of things that simply arent tested for until there’s a reason to test for them. That may be a small factor, or it may be a large factor - but thinking you are healthy or claiming to be healthy doesnt mean you are healthy.

I happen to think that (yes, this is very clearly my opinion) a lot of the covid-related conditions are conditions those patients were destined to suffer from at some point anyways; covid merely caused them to present earlier than they would’ve naturally.

On the track of variants

You may use this tool to learn the prevalence, separately, of four different COVID-19 variants in your state of residence. Just mouseover your state and the data will appear:

Coronavirus Variant Tracker

I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer. And things are not improving as I grow older. So maybe everyone else is already well aware of something I’ve only just now realized. If so, I’m gonna look really stupid. But I’m risking this post anyway because there could be others out there as behind the curve as I was before discovering this:

It has to do with variants and, in particular, with the pandemic nature of the virus. We are doing a decent job here in the USA of trying to vaccinate our population. It might not matter and we could end up facing a “Groundhog Day” scenario. Here it is:

Predilection of Americans for foreign travel is a given. And there is one hell of a lot of pent up demand at this point. So nothing whatsoever is going to stop, or even curtail, foreign travel by Americans when it becomes possible.

Foreign countries, in many instances, are much less advanced than ourselves when it comes to vaccination. The virus continues to spread in many places. And as it spreads new variants come into existence. Such is the nature of viruses.

Especially overseas it is entirely possible, because of that spread, that a new COVID-19 variant will pop up which is outside the ability of our current vaccines to suppress. As American travelers inevitably bring that new variant home with them, we are back to square one. It is Groundhog Day all over again. Sure a new vaccine will emerge that can deal with the new variant. At that point we all will need to be re-vaccinated. And so the pandemic continues on. I can foresee this lasting a number of years unless we quickly can vaccinate everyone, and not just Americans. Or unless we are able to curtail travel. And that quite simply is not gonna happen.