Does the coronavirus merit investment, or personal, concern or consideration?

Uh-huh. And now, this (fair warning, if you have young children or are an empath, this may not be fun to watch/hear):

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PFE/BNTX vaccine was already ordered in China in modest size, and despite the lack of published data on the domestic Chinese vaccines, this news further confirms that the Chinese vaccines results are unimpressive compared to the others.

China Plans to Approve BioNTech’s Covid-19 Vaccine Before July. BioNTech’s Would Be First Foreign Vaccine to Receive Approval in China

CCP members need only the best. Peasants can have the other vaccines.

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So true. And you can bet that is exactly what is happening.

In totalitarian countries the leaders get the best and the people take the hindmost.

Nonsense! The peasants are getting the amazing wonderful Chinese miracle medicine, while the leaders are sacrificing by taking the leftover inferior Western crap!

It’s all about how you frame it :slight_smile:


Nonsense! They’ve finally agreed to acquire the licenses and hardware necessary to command & control the nano chips!


I hear the traditional medicine cure for weird breathing issues involves tea made from bat guano. Or maybe that was how we got into this problem in the first place, if it definitely wasn’t those guys at WIV?

Looking like no blood clot risk for the PFE and MRNA vaccines, and with lots more data / vaccines given.

I heard on the news earlier today that one woman, of the six so far, who experienced clots after J&J, has fully recovered following treatment.

Here’s some interesting statistics on our school district’s distance learning vs in person learning attendance.

One school with 62.3% of its students now enrolled in 4-day in-person learning is Robert J. McGarvey Elementary School.

80% adults vaccinated

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Oh jeez (err… I mean, oy vey!). I’ve been looking at this and wondering why it shows < 62% for Israel. I just realized that’s a share of the total population, which includes children.

Ted Nugent Reveals COVID-19 Diagnosis, Says He Felt Like He Was ‘Dying’

I’ve heard of him but don’t know his music. After reading the article, I was thinking he kinda sounds like an idiot. I wonder if he believes it’s real now?

It’s amazing to me how few parents in California are sending their kids to in person school when it has been safe everywhere else in the country.

I posted about this on my facebook page. Thankfully, I only had two takers that were willing to say what YouTube did was good, but they essentially couldn’t be reasoned with. We went back and forth for 40+ comments (where they mostly mischaracterized my viewpoints) and I eventually summed up saying:

“The big picture negative implications of removing long form discussions about timely topics affecting all of us, from the most used visual information platform, just because they include a few controversial soundbites is greater than the harm that could be caused by leaving them up.”

One of the two just replied with “agree to disagree” and that was it. No actual defense for removing the video. These people have their minds made up about COVID and no evidence counter to what they believe is going to get them to reconsider.


“It’s amazing to me how few parents in California are sending their kids to in person school when it has been safe everywhere else in the country.”

I have no idea where you’re getting your news from but it’s simply not true.

Hundreds of El Dorado County students quarantine after rise in COVID-19 cases

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Or it’s proof that most of the most susceptible have already been infected.

Unless only those were being infected so far, that doesn’t seem to track with the overall rising hospitalizations (largely from a decreasing pool of non vaccinated)

The virus simply isnt as prevailant in the general public as it’s made out to be. 90% of the total population remains uninfected, not nearly enough to weed out those more inclined to have severe reactions.

As opposed to the senior communities, nursing homes, etc, where the old and vulnerable tend to be concentrated, where once penetrated the virus has made it’s rounds rather quickly. Most of that goup who will need hospitalization have already been hospitalized. And those that remain to be infected are more on par with the rates of the general public - which alone would cause hospitalization rates to plumment.