Does the coronavirus merit investment, or personal, concern or consideration?

I thought testing shortcomings was all Trump’s fault? Surely a year has been long enough to resolve the issues, that’s more time than Trump had, and he was starting from scratch…

So it begs the question - what funky research is being funded by the fees being paid for all these lab tests? Because about the only reason to not send people free rapid tests is because doing so will turn testing centers into ghosttowns, since only those who test postitive will show up for confirmation.

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Rules for thee but not for me…

Back to OP last week might have been market bottom…

Maybe good old Doc Fauci or Peter Daszak have an idea. It’s probably the same research that led the Chinese lab to create it in the first place. It’s the circle of life, don’t cha know?

I don’t understand how anyone can talk like this, and be serious? I understand symptoms and incubation periods and transmission. But once you are infected, your body is going to purge the virus when it purges the virus. And once purged, you are safe - vaccinated or not. There is zero reason to allow some to ‘test out’ of the 10 day isolation period, but not others.

And fully vaccinated folks who repeatedly test negative “are probably not a risk to anybody anymore,”

Um, neither is an unvaccinated person who repeatedly tests negative. Its boarder line criminal to suggest otherwise. This is why so many ignore these so-called experts.


Uh, my memory is no longer perfect, but weren’t we told for most of last year that social distancing, masking and quarantining was liberating, empowering, or some other gobbledygook?

What is this in non-1984-speak? Salesman? Shelf stocker? Janitor? The only reason I’m asking is

This doesn’t sound like any salesman I’ve met … even the soft-sellers.

I wonder how they get these stories? Do they put up ads on Facebook, kind of like the “Got hit by a car? Call Joe Fzzarr … on the hurtline” ambulance chasers?

“It’s no big deal, quit your bitching and just do it you selfish a-hole!”


Transmission rates of O are 4x higher than D

“The Omicron variant transmits more, and escapes immunity built naturally and through vaccines more,”

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I wonder how transmissibility of the O variant compares with that of the common cold. :confounded:

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You can see nice graphs of someone tracking a lot of the S. Africa situation here:

Lets just say they’d make much better stock investment charts than public health ones - everything going rapidly up and to the right…

That’s a log scale on cases above, so it’s going exponentially higher.

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Cautions on O optimism

CDC officials say that the initial 43 U.S. Omicron cases appear mild, following on reports from South Africa that patients were younger and not alarmingly sick. Kissler and the other experts cautioned against reading too much into those reports. Many of South Africa’s young patients, Kissler said, were tested only because they were at the hospital for non-COVID conditions and so aren’t an accurate gauge of cases. Also, more broadly, South Africa’s population is younger than that of the U.S., and young people have experienced milder symptoms since the beginning of the pandemic.

And exactly what, pray tell, since January 20, has not heightened the urgency for vaccination?

Go ahead, keep doubling down on what extremes are so necessary to keep kids safe, and ignore the real-life data.


A month later, the weekly data has ranged between .1% and .24%. And no, no one eats lunch outside in the cold. Classrooms are classrooms again, and the only real lingering change is the lack of all-school functions inside; besides casual contact in passing, classes are generally kept segregated. Maybe 10-20% of students still wear masks on a given day.

But some people still demand that they know best and insist that we’re just willingly trying to kill our kids with such dangerous policies (as their own kids cant feel the cookie they’re trying to eat because their fingers are numb from “safely” sitting outside.)


Faux news. Trump insurrectionists.

tl;dr Panic promotors who insist that everyone get vaxed/boosted with current vaccines for O are blowing smoke

SINGAPORE - The Covid-19 Omicron variant has a large number of gene mutations that has not been reported in a single viral variant before.

So far, scientists have seen 32 mutations out of 5,000 genes on the spike protein, and this gives them reason to believe that Omicron may have fairly different characteristics from previous Covid-19 variants, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said at a virtual press conference by the multi-ministry task force tackling Covid-19 here on Tuesday (Nov 30).

Omicron’s 32 mutations in the spike protein is about double that of the Delta strain, which now dominates Covid-19 infections around the world.

This unknown enemy is indeed a lot more transmissible than what Delta is currently. Omicron could spread much more widely than Delta. Whether it will dominate the other variants, just like how Delta had done previously, is a possibility that we need to be alert to and watch out for," Mr Ong said.

The spike protein is an important part of the virus that allows it to bind to human cells and facilitate infection of the cells. So a change in the spike protein may change the ability of the virus to infect cells and cause adverse effects, Singapore’s director of medical services Kenneth Mak said at the press conference.

The spike protein is also part of the virus which some diagnostic tests, vaccines and monoclonal antibodies are designed to recognise. Hence, mutations in the spike protein may affect the ability to detect the Omicron variant and counter it, Associate Professor Mak added.

Given the extensive changes in the genetic make-up of the Omicron variant, the task force believes it to be a distinct and separate variant in itself, and not simply an offshoot of other variants of concern (VOC), Prof Mak said.

One big concern is that the new variant might reduce vaccine effectiveness because of its large number of mutations.

Not sure I understand how you reach that conclusion. Sure it’s different, but your immune system makes a bunch of related antibodies when it’s exposed to a virus, some of which may well be helpful against O. That’s the theory anyway.

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So it sounds like we are using the vaccine to get our body to produce 1,000s of the primary antibodies which are mostly ineffective, just for the tangent 10s of antibodies that are a byproduct and actually effective? Then need multiple shots because those tangent antibodies arent very concentrated and thus fade away quickly (and may not even be remembered if not used) compared to the primary response?

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That’s true of all the antibodies tho, although memory should be better with more than one shot. No, it’s not ideal I agree. I don’t know why they haven’t made Delta specific vaccines since it was a big problem in June-July and they’re saying now they can make O vaccines in 3 months (but get you booster in the meanwhile).

“Not the vaccines we want, but the vaccines we deserve”

REGN monoclonals look meaningfully better than the others, at least against pre-O covid.

This is the first study to perform a large-cohort comparison of 3 of the 4 mAb treatments available. Our results indicate that infusion with casirivimab and imdevimab resulted in better outcomes

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My understanding is the mRNA vaccines work by creating multiple copies of the spike proteins only. Not the complete virus. So if the O’s spike protein is different enough from the other variants, the antibodies that the vaccine creates will not detect it.

If you get infected with the Covid, then your body will create antibodies to the complete virus. But that’s not the way the mRNA vaccines work.

Close. The “Journalists” that write these stories go on twitter and ask for people who had a certain thing happen to them to DM them. Seriously.

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