Investment impact of Russia Ukraine crisis

Its an ex-girlfriend getting married. Putin’s machismo won’t have it!


So an “If I can’t have you, nobody can” kind of thing?


yep. That’s why it’s scorched earth.

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I think it’s fair for him to consider NATO a threat to his project of extending the borders of Russia to the previous USSR ones…

He considers the dissolution of the USSR into independent republics a major political catastrophe (by Gorbatchev) so that makes some sense in that viewpoint (AKA Ukraine has no history outside of belonging to Russia).

Ironically he’s also using alleged verbal promises to not expand NATO made to this same Gorbatchev, as that NATO broke their promises to Russia and reason for Russia to not be held to respecting frontiers drawn in 1991. In other words, wagging the dog, selectively picking convenient facts, etc whatever it takes to keep the oligarchy going (the real goal).


Fighting to the last Ukrainian, a look at the human toll of losses.

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