Let's Compare: 5% Credit Card Rotating Quarterly Rewards

Chase Freedom & Freedom Flex - [$75 Max CB/ Quarter]

Citi Dividend - [$300 Max CB/ Year]: legacy product

Discover (IT and More) - [$75 Max CB/ Quarter]

US Bank Cash Plus - [$100 Max CB/ Quarter]
(You pick your one 2% category, and two 5% categories, each quarter)

Nusenda Cash Rewards - [$75 Max CB/ Quarter]


Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Amazon Citi - - -
Charity (some) - - - -
Citi Travel (Hotel, Car, Attractions) - - - -
Digital Wallets - - - -
Drugstore - - - -
Electric Vehicle Charging - - - -
Gas - - - -
Grocery Chase - - -
Gym Chase - - -
Home Improvement Disc - - -
Hotel - - - -
Live Entertainment - - - -
Lowe’s - - - -
McDonald’s - - - -
Movie - - - -
Norwegian Cruise Chase - - -
Paypal - - - -
Pet Shops/Vet Services - - - -
Restaurant Disc - - -
Spa/Self-Care/Hair Chase - - -
Streaming Citi,Disc - - -
Target - - - -
Walmart - - - -
Warehouse - - - -
Whole Foods - - - -


Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Amazon Citi Chase - Disc
Charity (some) - - - Chase
Citi Travel (Hotel, Car, Attractions) - - - Citi
Digital Wallets - - - -
Drugstore Disc Citi - -
Electric Vehicle Charging - Disc Chase -
Gas - Disc Chase,Citi -
Grocery Chase Citi Disc -
Gym Chase - - -
Home Improvement - Disc - -
Hotel - Chase - -
Live Entertainment - - Chase -
McDonald’s - - - Chase
Movie - - Chase -
Lowe’s - - - -
Paypal - - - Chase
Pet Shops/Vet Services - - - Chase
Restaurant Disc Chase - Citi
Spa/Self-Care Chase - - -
Streaming (some) Citi - - -
Target - - - Disc
Walmart - - Disc -
Warehouse - - - -
Whole Foods - Chase - -


Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Airfare - - Nusenda -
Amazon Citi Chase - Disc
Charity (some) - - - Chase
Digital Wallets - - Disc -
Drugstore Disc Citi - -
Education - - Nusenda -
Electric Vehicle Charging - - Chase -
Furnishings - Nusenda - -
Gardening - Nusenda - -
Gas Nusenda - Chase,Citi,Disc,Nusenda -
Grocery Chase,Disc,Nusenda Citi - Citi
Gym Chase - - -
Home Improvement - Nusenda Citi -
Hotel - - Nusenda -
Live Entertainment - - Chase -
Lowe’s - Chase Citi -
Online - - - Nusenda
Paypal - - - Chase
Retail - - - Nusenda
Restaurant - Disc - Nusenda
Streaming Citi,Disc - - -
Target Chase - - Disc
Warehouse - Disc - Chase


Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Airfare - - Nusenda -
Amazon.com Citi Chase - Disc
Car Rental - - Chase -
Digital Wallets - - - Disc
Drugstores - Citi - -
eBay Chase - - -
Education - - Nusenda -
Gas Nusenda Disc Chase,Citi,Nusenda -
Groceries Chase,Disc,Nusenda Citi - -
Gym Disc - - -
Home Improvement - Nusenda Citi -
Hotel - - Nusenda -
Live Entertainment - - Chase -
Movies - Nusenda Chase -
Online - - - Nusenda
Paypal - - Disc Chase
Phone - - - -
Restaurants - Nusenda Disc Citi,Nusenda
Retail Stores - - - Nusenda
Streaming Citi Chase - -
Target - Disc - -
Travel - - - Citi
Walmart - - - Chase


Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Airfare - - - Nusenda
Amazon.com Citi - - Disc
Best Buy - - - Citi
Cable Chase - - -
CVS Disc - - -
Drugstores - Citi - -
Education - - Nusenda -
Gas Nusenda Chase,Disc Citi,Nusenda -
Groceries Disc,Nusenda Citi Chase -
Home Improvements - Chase,Nusenda Citi -
Hotel - - - Nusenda
Internet Chase - - -
Movies - Nusenda - -
Paypal - - Disc Chase
Phone Chase - - -
Restaurants - Nusenda Disc Citi,Nusenda
Streaming Citi,Chase Disc Chase -
Target.com (No B&M) - - - Disc
Walgreens Disc - - -
Walmart (Online and B&M) - - - Chase
Walmart.com (No B&M) - - - Disc
Wholesale Clubs Chase Disc - -


Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Airfare - - - Nusenda
Amazon.com - Citi Chase Disc
Best Buy - - - Citi,Disc(Dec)
Cable Chase - - -
CVS Disc - - -
Drugstores - Citi - -
Education - - Nusenda -
Fitness Club/Gym Citi Chase - -
Gas Chase Disc Nusenda,CSR(5x),CSP(3x) -
Groceries Citi,Disc Chase - -
Home Depot - Disc (June) - -
Home Improvements - - Citi -
Hotel - - - Nusenda
Instacart - - CSR(5x),CSP(3x) -
Internet Chase - - -
Lyft & Uber - Disc - -
Paypal - - Disc Chase
Phone Chase - - -
Restaurants - - Disc Nusenda
Streaming Chase - Citi,CSR(10x),CSP(5x) -
Target.com (No B&M) - - - Disc
Walgreens Disc - - -
Walmart B&M + online - - - Chase
Walmart.com (No B&M) - - - Disc
Whole Foods - - Chase -
Wholesale Clubs - Disc - -
Wholesale Clubs(No B&M) - - - Citi


Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Airlines - - Citi Nusenda
Amazon.com - - - Disc
Best Buy - - - Citi
Car Rental - - Citi -
Chase Pay - - - Chase
Department Stores - - - Chase,Citi
Drugstores Chase Citi - -
Education Expenses - - Nusenda -
Fitness Club - Citi - -
Gas Chase, Citi, Nusenda Disc Chase, Nusenda -
Groceries Disc, Nusenda Chase - -
Home Depot Citi - - -
Home Improvements - Chase,Nusenda - -
Hotels - - - Nusenda
Lyft & Uber - Disc - -
Movies - Nusenda - -
Paypal - - Disc Chase
Restaurants - Nusenda Disc Nusenda
Streaming - - Chase -
Target - - - Disc
Tolls Chase - - -
Walmart.com - - - Disc


Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Airlines - - Citi -
Amazon.com - - - Disc
Best Buy - - - Citi
Chase Pay - Chase - Chase
Car Rental Citi - - -
Department Stores - - - Chase, Citi
Gas Citi, Chase, Disc - Chase -
Groceries - Chase, Disc - -
Home Depot - Citi - -
Home Furnishings - Citi - -
Internet/Cable/Phone Chase - - -
Lyft - - Chase -
Mobile Payments Chase -
Movies - - Citi -
Paypal - Chase - -
Restaurants - - Disc -
Walgreens - - Chase -
Warehouse Clubs Disc - - Chase, Disc

Taking me back to BBS days with that ASCII art centrifuge. Diggin it.


Edited for better ASCII art :slight_smile:

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This does not make any sense on mobile.

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how about in landscape mode?

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This table is totally gonna be messed up once we start getting overlapping 5%'s

That works but I never browse that way

I was gonna update the wiki as an HTML table, but it doesn’t look as good IMO.
Edit: added vertical bars to separate columns. I think it’s better now.

Category | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4
Airlines | | | Citi |
Amazon.com | | | | Disc
Best Buy | | | | Citi
Car Rental | Citi | | |
Department Stores | | | | Citi
Gas | Citi, Chase, Disc | | |
Groceries | | Disc | |
Home Depot | | Citi | |
Home Furnishings | | Citi | |
Internet/Cable/Phone | Chase | | |
Mobile Payments | Chase | | |
Movies | | | Citi |
Restaurants | | | Disc |
Warehouse Clubs | Disc | | | Disc

Awesome scripta. Any read on what the best way to max out Q1 for Mobile payments might be? I’m thinking staples maybe.

I haven’t seen anything or figured it out for myself. Don’t drug stores accept mobile payments? Drug store ice cream would be better than Staples…

It is said that Giant/Stop & Shop grocer, and Walgreens. I haven’t tested it yet. Waiting for a Giant fuel point promo.

I used Chase with Android Pay at Walgreens. Had to bring my 7" tablet because that’s the only device I have with NFC.

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As I read this, I envisioned a Monty Python -type skit with the main character trying to “wave” a 15" CRT monitor over the card reader.

:laughing: :joy:


[quote=“scripta, post:13, topic:2029, full:true”]
As I read this, I envisioned a Monty Python -type skit with the main character trying to “wave” a 15" CRT monitor over the card reader.[/quote]

Multiple cashiers have asked me if that’s my phone. :slight_smile:


Chase Freedom also has 5% back on Chase Pay, Android Pay, Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. I was at the grocery store the day (Wegman’s) and noticed you can pay with Apple Pay so could be another option.

It’s in the chart as “mobile payments”

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Sucks that Chase (Freedom) is so tightfisted with release of their category announcements. I mean, by now we should at least have their commitment for Q2. This makes spending planning more difficult.

Has anyone used Discover to buy gift cards on Costco.com this quarter? I remember last year they properly gave 5% back for Costco.com purchases the first quarter, but not always in the second quarter (they did correct it for people who notified them).

Yes. I used Discover to purchase a $500 Costco gift card this month and it posted with $25 cashback on my statement.


Sounds useful, especially since Sam’s Club has done away with $500 variable Mastercards (only $250 variable Mastercards now), and Costco gift cards almost never discount.