Ov card not working

weird problem and what to do about it. Have a single OV bought at CVS last week among my 30 others purchased. Did not work at POffice so had to use backup. Tried another PO and also no good. So after 2 days, tried at my always good Acme grocery… no good. Also no good at Stop and Shop that still sells me MO. Called OV 3x and card has 500.00 on it with no pending transactions. So I used it for 6.00 at Subway this PM and worked fine. 1) if I wait a few days will it work ? 2) just use it as regular spend.? This happened 1 year ago and it was able to work at Acme.

Have you tried resetting the PIN via their website? A transaction doesn’t have to be approved for the PIN to be set.

well I called auto. # and did reset pin… actually it tell you to cancel pin and use another 4 digits at checkout. I “reset” it will try it out sometime this weel at PO or again at Acme. Thanks NotRon

I’ve had one or two of these in the past. For whatever reason they just wouldn’t work at PO. Not sure why, I end up draining them for $8.60 instead.