Social credit in America - Politics invades personal finance

We see this desire for change for change’s sake all the time. Not more so than at major elections. It’s more wishful thinking without evidence than anything. Same thing here. A lot of people wished diversity emphasis boosted economic outcomes. To be fair, one probably had to implement some form of it to find out whether it was actually working in practice. Theory-crafting can only get you so far in the field of socio-economics.

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Just like some other “study results” that were forced down our throats by the media who knew better than us what we should believe.


In today’s sports news

Misleading headline. Lia can compete in the Olympics, just not against only women. They created a new open category that includes both women and men. But Lia knows that competing against men, he’s at best mediocre.

Maybe Lia can get into competitive eating? He looks like he can put away a few


IOC rules seems pretty fair to me. Basically a cisgender women category and an everyone else category. I think it was either that or allow all women athletes to dope with testosterone treatment equivalent to biological male levels for as long as they want (but then why even have a women’s category at all?). Or I guess have separate transgender women events (that’d be fine with me).

I just wish they stopped trying to sell that the one-sided woke sob-story of transgender female exclusion or at the very least balanced it with a realistic fair solution for all the cisgender women who’d lose their chance to effectively compete due to unfair advantage of transgender women. Otherwise we may as well rename the women events to transgender women events since cisgender women would be de facto excluded from competing.

For reference, Flo-Jo on her record form (which has held since 1988), would have placed 54th out of 79 sprinters competing in the last olympics men 100 m dash. Although actually she would not have made the US team in the first place. At the US trials, her record time would have placed her 7th, more than half a second from the times needed to qualify. That’s more or less the environment cisgender women would face if every transgender women were allowed to compete freely with cisgender women. Why don’t we hear that story too since it would apply to far more athletes than a few excluded transgender women?


That’s pretty good actually. We got a reminder of how much better than men are in physical competitions a few years back in tennis. Venus Williams, who was dominant in tennis by a large margin for quite some time, offered to take on any men outside of the top 200 ranked ones in tennis. A guy in the 200s offered to take her up on that, spent the night drinking, smoked between games, and still beat her 6-2 (and her sister the same day 6-1).


When did Joey Chestnut get banned??? I know Kobayashi was banned…

He was banned for good reason. Plant-based hotdogs! Outrageous.

Welcome to California

I thought they were meant to keep drivers from hitting oncoming cars.

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But only between midnight and 6am. During the day you were free to hit oncoming cars as you please.

Apparently there is a lot more traffic those hours so more danger of hitting oncoming cars.

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Right. I’d bet that there hadn’t been a single accident caused by a U-turn before those signs went up. We all know that road signs don’t just go up by themselves, not before a few people die.

Even the stated reason in the article was to discourage prostitution. How discriminatory!

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That is the reason stated by the leftist writer. Here is what the law says

The signs were simply warning drivers about the law.

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No reference, just a hunch. Where’s your reference to show that there was more traffic 12-6am than during the day?

I don’t know where those signs were exactly, but most, if not all of that street is residential. You can see condos/apartments in the photos in the article.

The fact that they needed to put up the signs with the hours indicates there was sufficient traffic to justify the expense.

The picture in the article looks like a business district to me.

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It’s also a fact that virtually any traffic control sign limited to overnight hours, that isnt regarding street cleaning or snow removal, is about something other than merely controlling traffic.

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I am not as good at reading minds as you are, so I respectfully disagree. There was more traffic at that time, so they wanted to reduce the chance of a traffic accident.

I challenge you to find any street anywhere that has more traffic after midnight than it does during the day. Let alone enough additional traffic to warrant a control sign that only applies overnight.

While I can’t produce the evidence you requested, I challenge you to produce evidence that jarvis street in Toronto between Front and Shuter has more traffic in any six hour period than midnight to six a.m. I can probably dig up a couple of streets in the Montrose section of Houston that also offer higher late night traffic stats than during the day. To further tilt the wheel in my direction, I’d ask that the traffic rolling with Frank Sinatra blasting get extra credit. :slight_smile:

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