Social credit in America - Politics invades personal finance

The demographics of Republicans didn’t change between 2020 and 2021. The difference in the two graphs is due to behavior (some combination of vaccine/masks/distancing), not demographics.

And I do agree that a lot of the extra deaths were at home, that doesn’t change the point that the Republican counties had a far higher death rate than the Democrat ones. I posted this because I was questioned about an earlier claim that it has become an increasingly Republican cause of death.

COVID changed between 2020 and 2021. Wuhan classic hit urban areas way worse than rural area. Delta, on the other hand, hit hard everywhere and spread much more easily (you didn’t have to been as close to someone as long as you did to catch Wuhan classic. Many rural red areas were never really exposed to Wuhan classic like the cities were. If they were, you would have seen red counties beat out blue counties in 2020 more than that chart shows because they were older and fatter and went to the hospital less/later.

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yeah, a lot harder to judge on the “excess” part - lots of moving pieces. 100k deaths were drug ODs last year

  • Drug-Overdose Deaths Reached Record in 2021, CDC Says – WSJ
  • U.S. Saw More Than 107,000 Fatal Overdoses Last Year, Provisional Data Show – WSJ
  • Fentanyl, Potent Synthetic Opioid, Major Driver in Worsening U.S. Overdose Problem – WSJ

But either way, if you are looking for big trends in demographics, you should be able to see them in the documented covid deaths too.


A short must read piece explaining how so much woke corporatism is able to perpetuate without competing in the marketplace of ideas:

If you hit a paywall:


Very nice explanation!

How desperate (and idiotic) must you be …

More evidence for @Loren that even pro-trans doctors are being forced to admit the negative consequences of transing kids.

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…and I’ll bet anything that when this series bombs, it’ll be blamed entirely on all the racists who didn’t like Velma being made Asian.


“Get Woke, go broke” - Netflix got the message when their stock lost 1/3 of its value. Unlike other woke institutions, they’re making changes for the better.

Depending on your role, you may need to work on titles you perceive to be harmful. ‘If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.’

Netflix’s show about a pregnant man, He’s Expecting, was cited as a prime example of content designed to appeal to a tiny minority that had sent viewers switching-off in their droves.

Other scrapped projects included Antiracist Baby and Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You, two adaptions by Critical Race Theory expert Dr. Ibram X. Kendi


Netflix’s recent axing of 290 staff targeted many of the firm’s wokest workers who are prolific social justice warriors on social media, it has been claimed.

A total of 150 recruitment workers were fired, as well as another 70 animators, and 70 contractors working on promotional materials for the firm including social media and publishing. Those promotional workers were assigned to work on Netflix projects Strong Black Lead, the Asian American-focused Golden, the Latino-focused Con Todo, and the LGBTQ-focused Most.


Will Bill Maher be the next cancel victim?


good monologue particularly since it’s coming from a leftist. The look on Donna Brazile’s face is priceless. A pained forced smile. To me the cheers from his audience seemed less enthusiastic than usual.


Facebook knows your community standards better than you


Looks like pre-Elon Twitter signed on to that new DHS Ministry of Truth.

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The memo(s) notwithstanding, I will believe it when I see it. One month of sense doesn’t make up for multiple years of idiocy. I get access to their network once every 18 months, or so, when they try their drug dealer incentive of “the first month is free”. I’ll see what their library looks like in about a year, and re-evaluate.

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Netflix is still woke as far as content goes. I don’t think @xerty would argue against that. But they are becoming less woke when it comes to how to run their actual business. But that is only because they realize (as all companies should, & a bunch are) that there is no real money in it for them to be woke behind the scenes.

When every company donated to BLM to keep their hands clean during the summer of arson, they thought there was something in it for them. But there wasn’t. Because EVERY company donated. Well then, isn’t the logic that the few companies that don’t donate will be shamed and boycotted to the point that they will lose money if they don’t break down and donate. Turns out, the answer to that is “No.”

The only thing less successful than a boycott of a company for being too woke is a boycott of a company for not being woke enough. There just aren’t enough people that really care if Colgate-Palmolive takes a stand on abortion rights when they are walking through the supermarket aisle buying their toothpaste and dishsoap.

Companies are made up of people, and the people that make these decisions are rich white board members. Rich white board members have white guilt and legit felt bad during the summer of 2020 and thought being woke would give absolve them of something and make them a few bucks along the way. Turns out, no one really cares, at least not enough to matter. And if you go too far trying to absolve yourself and actually take a controversial stance (lgbT & abortion being the top risky issues right now) you risk alienating more people than the number you placate. BLM made $80 million off corporate board member white guilt in their last fiscal year and a ton of it went to benefit the founder and her family. It will be a while before Corporate America makes that mistake again.


debunking the debunkers. Catherine Engelbrecht from TrueTheVote responds to the AP

excerpt. There’s a lot more of the article.

When I asked Engelbrecht about the claims in the AP story that innocent people may have been caught up in their data, she said their methodology addressed those pitfalls:

“Of course, there are ways to eliminate passers-by and county workers, of course, there are ways to confirm that the people in the videos are (or are not) mules. Larry Campbell, dropping off 6 ballots for his big family, wouldn’t be in our study. Going once to a dropbox wasn’t in our study. Our mules averaged 38 dropbox visits and 8 NGO visits. Any other combination (ex. going to NGOs and USPS boxes, for example, wouldn’t have been in our study. Or going to 100 dropboxes, but no NGOs. They weren’t in our study.) That’s how we know this is the tip of the iceberg.”


Why so many more dropbox visits vs. NGO visits?

The mule wanted to distribute the large number of fake ballots from the NGO into several drop boxes because he did not want to arouse suspicion by putting a large number of ballots into a dropbox that would normally not receive that many.


State farm goes woke. Crap I just renewed my State Farm homeowners policy.

State Farm said it will be donating books that promote transgenderism to Florida schools for children as young as five, a leaked internal email from the company shows.

The car insurance company encouraged its Florida agents to volunteer to receive books about gender identity and donate them to their community schools or public libraries by the end of April. The three books — “A Kids Book About Being Transgender , ” “A Kids Book About Being Non-Binary,” and “A Kids Book About Being Inclusive” are intended for kindergarten and above.


It’s quite easy to get coverage elsewhere, cancel Snake Farm and get a pro-rated refund.