Social credit in America - Politics invades personal finance

Use anti-trust law. Apple is using its monopoly to suppress competition.

Edit. Antitrust law could also be used to force Apple to divest its App Store.

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No wonder the Left wants to shut down Twitter. Look at the winners and losers along the bottom after Musk takeover

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Yet you’re quick to jump on the slippery slope, with, I presume, you in the catbird’s seat. Or would you prefer comrade Xi Jinping? … slippery slope … slippery slope … slope …

By your use of the diminutive “toying”, I presume you’re more a “control” guy/gal/it than a “freedom” guy/gal/it.

If you do that, you risk flooding, or water shortages. :rofl:
… unless it was an error. Never mind … hm’s never make errors. :slight_smile:

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As Emily Littela says, never mind. Or maybe not

The reasons Apple may back down

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I’m thinking the fact there are so many people who disagree with this statement has far more influence over the situation than any supposed monoploy concerns. Another nice headfake by the media mouthpieces.


Since it won’t quote: The ZeroHedge article about Apple not saying why–Apple has said why. With their basically ditching moderation it’s going to turn into a cesspit, Apple doesn’t want that in their system.

We’ve already seen China drown out tweets by protesters and Twitter did nothing about it because the people that would have taken action are gone.

Persuasiveness isn’t a measure of truth.

It’s usually easier to make a deception persuasive than the truth. There’s also the problem that people want an easily digested yes/no answer in complex matters that can’t be reduced to yes/no. The scientist tries to explain, the demagogue simply gives an answer–doesn’t matter that it’s a wrong answer.

The lie is simpler. People who want simple answers will fall for it again and again.

We’ve already seen that on here–people discarding any source of information that doesn’t follow their bubble.

No. It takes a lot more work to counter the lie and meanwhile the lie has been repeated many times. When you demand a rebuttal to all copies of the lie you are basically saying you refuse to consider the truth.

Want more free speech? You mean the Twitter that is kicking off people on the left in droves because they dare say something the chief Twit doesn’t like?

Apple isn’t competing with Twitter.


Fortunately, the party leader Joseph Robinette Biden didn’t need too much government muscle to achieve what China does …

Although there appeared to be significant Democrat interest in diminishing first amendment interpretations.

At a future time, you will want more control over more than algorithms.


Then we’ll think about crossing that line when we get there. This slope isn’t as slippery as the one created by the algorithms that are basically plugged directly into the brains of social media users.

The slipery slope is deciding what “truths” are allowed and what isnt. Because the Democrat/liberal messages are just as algorithmic and equally plugged into user’s brains - it’s just a different user base.

So when you make comments like this, a lot of us see it as you wanting to exclude/eliminate/erradicate the opposition, to protect your own mindless base of followers by not exposing them to any alterative positions to consider. While we want to be able to look at all the claims and perspectives and decide for ourselves which we find most credible. You dont like letting people decide for themselves, because then you need to substantiate and justify your claims, or face the risk of them deciding something other than what you want them to decide. It’s much easier and more secure for you to just not let them have a choice in the first place.

(If it isnt obvious, I use “you” and “we” generically to identify sides, not you and me personally.)


A good journalist on Twitters election interference on the Hunter story, including how Dorsey was not informed of most of it.


One takeaway from this - I may disagree with his politics, but I now have a new level of respect for Ro Khanna as a member of Congress. I dont care how “progressive” or radical he may or may not be, his emails show a desire to play it straight and let his beliefs stand on their own merits. That’s how it is suppose to work.


I just did a search on Google and Bing news pages and there was no report on the main page. Doing a search for “Twitter laptop” turns up a few stories on Fox, the New York Post, and a few TV stations.

A total blackout from the left-wing media.

BTW The Right has to figure out a way to describe these hacks. I think MSM and corporate media gives them too much respect. Glenn Reynolds of instapundit calls them Democrat operatives with bylines but that is too long.


I enjoyed the story. He was hitting on all cylinders. Sadly, I suspect that Jack only has plausible deniability.

While you play dictator in the meantime.

Uh, and when did you first get on your soapbox about the algorithms?

I think you are completely missing my point. I never said anything about “opposition” or protecting any bases. My desire to ban algorithms is not biased towards or based on “liberal” or “conservative” messages. The algorithms push messages that are highest paid (ads), allegedly most viewed, liked or shared (which can be manipulated by computers), and those that they determine you are most likely to like or click on. So users get fed a diet of increasingly extreme “information” aligned with their increasingly extreme biases. I don’t care what kind of message it is, it must be made impossible to artificially manipulate (up or down) its popularity, and users should not be presented with articles that dig deeper and deeper into their beliefs.

That sounds great, but that’s not how social media operates. This is how it should operate, as I mentioned above.

2.5 years ago:


So they were fine for the years prior to that? Were you not aware of them before then?

I don’t know when it started, because these sites didn’t all start out that badly. I suppose they had to grow before turning evil.

I was not. I probably should have been, but I think there were at least two reasons:

  1. I use ad and script blockers and application firewalls on my devices, so I never see any ads.
  2. The only “social media” account I’ve used in the past 20 years is facebook, but I stopped many years ago. I don’t doomscroll (or whatever it is people do on those sites other than for their purported purpose) facebook, twitter, reddit, etc, so I didn’t realize what was happening until I saw or heard it discussed in my tech news sources.

Fair enough. I just wonder what happened around 2.5 years ago which brought it into the realm of tech news, because it’s been going on for over a decade. I can’t think of anything significant that happened then … I mean, other than the election of Joseph Robinette Biden. That couldn’t have had anything to do with it though, because we all know that the tech industry is conservative, fair, liberal, not provably bat guano ultra liberal. :smile:

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