Stop touching my eggs

Actually just recently trying to clean up my diet. Last 6 months has been terrible with diet, exercise (90-100F temperatures made it impossible to go outside…), and stress. Went from edge of normal, +20 lbs into overweight in about 4 months.

Just breakfast. 5 eggs at a time. The use by date is over a month out (I’d have to check, going by memory). So one package of 24 eggs is 5 breakfasts, or about a week since not every day. Eggs are high in protein (vs calories/sugar) and also raise good cholesterol levels. Also easy and quick to cook, and tasty when over-easy.

TLDR answer to question: only 1 meal (usually breakfast, but possibly instead after a run or 30mi bike ride). 6 doz = 14.4x5 eggs. 3-4 weeks, I think

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Problems of all sorts can surly mess up your system. Are you still working on a move to a cooler area?

Try to work on exercise really early in the morning (5-6 am). Add more running, makes it easier & more fun.

Living alone & providing more healthful diets can be stressful. Try lots of fruits & vegetables. :relaxed: