The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

Well, yeah, for half those months the country was shut down. Cant export stuff you arent producing.

““The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it’s more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life,” the retired Marine general has told friends, CNN has learned.”

Free stuff, Biden would possibly provide if winner… Thought for tonight… :flushed:

Free College, Free Health Care, Cancel Student Loans, Repay College (paid off earlier),Reparation for African Americans, Free Child Care, Free Health Care for Illegal Immigrants, Green New Deal. (probably more)

Good deal? What say you Democrats?

Trump Deficit, MAGA!

Well, that includes the $2.4T corona relief passed by Congress, means the ongoing deficit was $700B. That’s not great, Bob, but far from outrageous compared to recent history. Obama’s deficit was well over $1T each year of his first term.

Imagine the deficit had the Democrats gotten the second relief package they wanted. That $3.1T would’ve been over $6T - and I’m sure you’d still put the blame on Trump’s shoulders…

Payroll taxes were also up $100B despite half the planet being unemployed half the year. Not sure what to make of that.


Yes, “I take no responsibly” is a common refrain for this administration

Seems like this administration could take responsibility for preventing a $6-trillion deficit…

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Yes at this late date. 17 days, forget it & wait!!

Trump endorsed Sasse in Sept 2019. He has usually supported the presidents agenda in past times.

What a turncoat!!
Another RINO, that can join Romney. The rats abandoning the ship.

Wait until the results on election day, prove President Trump is still the winner.

RINO’s like Sasse, will come slinking back with that losing smile, trying to gain entrance.

Such a sight! :roll_eyes:

Too bad Sasse looks too far ahead, would be great if Trump killed his re-election and shifted the senate another seat over.

538’s ~25% chance of 54, ~33% of 53, ~50% change of 52 seats are all too low.

Not even pretending to hide it…

These traitors need to be prosecuted for treason.

Yes, obtaining evidence of treason is the real treason. But the treason the evidence points to, well, just move along, dont worry about that.

What difference does it make where the information came from? If the Biden emails are fake, then declare them fake. No one has, not even the person who they’re being attributed to. THAT should be the headline. So many people just making up reasons why they might not be real, when it should be really easy to get a definitive answer right from the horses mouth.

It’s not a crime, treason, or traitor(ing), to work with other governments. It’s in our national interest.

What’s next, we’re going to fire cops for following up on leads, just because the lead was passed along from a neighboring department instead of uncovering it themselves?

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I’m confused with where he was going with that line. Maybe he was just stating the obvious based on current polls but why acknowledge it that openly? Am I missing some sort of angle or was he trying to distance himself from Trump to help himself in SC? I just don’t see what there was in it for him by saying that.

As long as I’m not paying for it, sign me up! :partying_face:

But make it happen quick since my second goes to college next year so could use that free college right about then. Northwestern or Columbia ain’t cheap you know, even with merit! :wink:

But if you look at data from 2017, 2018 and 2019, they were also all well north of $500 billion trade deficits prior to all the distortion from COVID. So I think it’s fair criticism that whatever Trump tried has not changed the trade deficit trajectory for the better.