The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

Sounds like Mitch is gonna delay it until the start of Biden’s admin, and if they want to waste their time on it after it doesn’t matter, that’ll just make the Congressional Democrat leadership look bad / vengeful / petty / not caring about the people they should be helping instead. All accurate, but perhaps not something they want to make obvious.

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I’d think it would come off even worse if they could get this mostly symbolic process started and completed in under 2 weeks, when they spent over 6 months pissing around with actually helping anyone.

Speaking of the Democratic leadership, China’s state press is trolling them publicly for their hypocritical endorsements of the more violent HK protests while wanting to bring down the hammer in the mostly peaceful protestors at the capitol.

Thanks, xerty. That is an excellent piece everyone should read.

The Democrats clearly are caught in a trap of their own making. Clyburn’s idea to wait 100 days is so at odds with itself. I mean, sure, they would want to devote those 100 days to Biden’s confirmations. But SO MUCH can happen in 100 days, and to come back around to holding a trial in the spring is just crazy.

Maybe it’s a poor analogy. But what occurs to me is canine discipline. When the dog messes up you must not wait or delay to demonstrate your displeasure. You need to act pronto.

Similarly with Trump’s actions one week ago today, if they want to go after him it needs to happen as soon as possible . . . . not just the impeachment but also the trial and possible disqualification. Because the impeachment alone is pretty much a “ho-hum” by now, whereas disqualification would definitely NOT be a “ho-hum”.

But 100 days hence tempers will have cooled, some details will be forgotten, and the country generally will have moved on. It will be too late.

So the Democrats must act with dispatch in the Senate, thereby delaying Biden’s entire administration, or forget the whole thing. They have created a trap and sprung it on themselves.

"President Donald Trump says he stands with pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.

Trump told reporters Tuesday at the White House that his message is “We are with them.“”

Why are you comparing pro-Democracy protests to a violent anti-democratic insurrection that attacked the US Capitol and called for death to US representatives?

They are directly opposite. More obfuscation? You’re good at this but not contributing anything positive or real.


Drudge is operating an hour by hour countdown clock for the Trump presidency. There are just 164 hours remaining. The Democrats need to hurry lest their hated bogie disappear entirely from the radar screen and they are left directing their political fire into thin air! :grinning:

One week from right now Biden will already have been POTUS for several hours.

My view from 30,000 feet:

The most important thing Democrats can do right now, to advance their cause, is to get Trump OFF the stage and OUT of the spotlight.

Trump is one of those “larger than life” characters. I’m not seeking or wanting to slam Biden here; not at all. But he is most assuredly NOT larger than life. Still, with Trump off the stage and out of the headlines, Biden as POTUS would have a chance to shine and to launch his administration.

With Trump still in the headlines, still on the stage, and still speaking out and acting up, Biden will have no chance whatsoever. Democrats will have to decide:

Do they want blood or do they want to give their own new POTUS a chance to shine?

If they choose blood, they can expect Trump to fight back with everything he has and Biden will be sidelined and subordinated in the ensuing melee.

Drudge went kinda nuts anti-Trump in the last 6 months. Not sure if someone bought his site out for propaganda or if he caught a bad case of TDS. There are lot of more right wing copycats now. Like most media these days, assume there’s a decent amount of lies mixed in with the news coverage, and it’s up to you to figure out which is which.

Yeah, unfortunately there were about 74 million with a bad case of TDS virus as of last November. Hopefully a few less remaining today. ( Other than the 100k+ the other virus has taken out… and the 4 Trump took out himself last week.)

Another MAGA terrorist snowflake with TDS

“Do I think that it was wrong for us to go to the Capitol? Absolutely not. Do I think that it was wrong for me to go through an open door and get inside of the Capitol? No I don’t. I didn’t break any laws, I didn’t do anything unlawful, and I think that’s probably why the FBI and the law enforcement have not contacted me,” said Cudd in an interview with CBS7.


Bypartisan impeachment vote. There are actually 10 remaining GOP in the house that aren’t Qanon party.

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Yup. Nancy “got 'er done” on her end. And the ten Republican votes are impressive. But:

Now the drama begins.

First thing to watch is when will Nancy formally send this over to the Senate. Will she sit on it like a year ago in Impeachment 1.0?

Stay tuned. Timing, in this matter, is everything.

Difficult for me to believe she would place this in the Turtle’s (McConnell’s) hands. But really I do not have a handle on her calculus at this point. Anything could happen.


Wait! I just found this on CNBC:

The House plans to send the article across the Capitol immediately, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., told NBC News on Wednesday.

That is authoritative stuff coming from Hoyer. I am surprised. It appears they will be trusting this to McConnell after all!

So will the Turtle call the Senate back into session to consider this? The drama builds.


McConnell will not be forced to surrender Senate control until both of the new Georgia Senators are sworn in. This could take until after the inauguration. I have not seen an updated readout regarding how certification in Georgia is progressing. But the absolute earliest for those two guys to be sworn is one week from today, and it could easily take longer.

Do McConnell and Schumer have a deal? There was some talk. I guess we shall see.

Taking names

Here is a list of the ten Republican traitors who voted, in the House, for impeachment 2.0:

  1. Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
  2. Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming
  3. Rep. John Katko of New York
  4. Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan
  5. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
  6. Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington
  7. Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan
  8. Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
  9. Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina
  10. Rep. David Valadao of California

A bunch of “turncoats”…

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Here is a list of the ten Republican traitors…

How does that compare with the list of actual Republican traitors that worked with the seditionists?


A bunch of “turncoats”…

This is a fairly grotesque statement in view of what happened last week where some Republican elected officials facilitated and supported an insurrection.


Resentment now emerging, and building, regarding lack of due process and fairness in today’s impeachment 2.0.

Pelosi’s Operation Warp Speed:

Impeach Trump in just one day with no due process, no investigations, no hearings, no chance for Trump to make his case, nothing except pure blood lust. No impeachment in American history has happened this quickly, or been this unfair.

Trump’s Operation Warp Speed

Develop vaccines in astonishing, record setting, short time, saving lives and demonstrating for others how things should be done.

Worth reading to see the vicious people involved with the Capitol assault. The guy wrote and texted his intentions of killing people, attacked a pedestrian and carried a lot of hardware to carry out his aims.

He, like some of the posters here, declared people were traitors, as if he was a person with some moral values or principals.