The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

Yes, I agree. She was the head of the Black Students Association back then, so not just speaking for herself but for the whole Harvard black community in her letter.

I wonder if the modern internet age will allow her to get away from her past. Things were better when dumb stuff you said 10-20 years ago could be forgotten, because all teens and college kids say and think dumb stuff.

For Ms Clarke, I expect the media will give her a pass since she’s liberal and a minority, but can you imagine if Trump appointed some guy who joined the KKK for a few years in college as a youthful indiscretion? You’d never hear the end of it, how this was proof that Trump was in cahoots with white supremacists, just goes to show all his supporters are a bunch of racists, etc. By that logic, this appointment shows that Biden, and by extension all Biden voters, are a bunch of Black Supremacists, which is just as stupid as the Trump version.


Oops… There he goes again!! :flushed:

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I don’t agree with cancel Democracy.

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Video of rioters in the Senate chamber rifling through documents and trashing the place:

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Canadian perspective on the US polarization of politics. If you want a excellent read on why this stuff has become a big problem and why it’s not likely to get better, this was a very good essay.

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As I watched this 60 Minutes segment tonight, my interpretation is that they need 51 votes to disqualify Trump, i.e. he isn’t automatically disqualified.

Relevant part starts around 9:30…

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Your blind hate-filled condescending bs rhetoric is starting to cross a line. It’s already reached the point where you are merely proving the things you are hellbent on railing against.


Correct. I posted extensively about that last week, including citations of several earlier examples.

It’s Monday morning but today is our Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday so I’m not expecting Nancy to release anything today. Incidentally, Dr. King was a Republican.

Senator Harris will resign her seat today, paving the way for Mr. Padilla to be appointed officially by Governor Newsom and take the Senatorial reins in a timely manner. I do not foresee a timing issue here. All should go smoothly.

Of much more interest I found this in today’s WaPo:

Georgia election officials expect to certify the Ossoff and Warnock results by end-of-day on Wednesday, the day of Biden’s inauguration. Ossoff and Warnock then must bring their certification papers to Washington to be sworn in. Such swearings-in often occur the day after state certification.

Now that is good reporting! It tells us the Turtle (McConnell) will still be in control of the Senate on inauguration day. But Senator Schumer will be running things there the very next day. At that point it will become safe for Nancy to send over her article of impeachment with assurance it will not be placed into Republican hands. But here is the rub:

Does an impeachment at some point become moot? Can you impeach and try a private citizen? Will Chief Justice Roberts even agree to oversee a trial which would otherwise ensue from such impeachment? Could the trial go forward absent Roberts?

If Nancy does not send over that article of impeachment prior to noon Wednesday, those are the sorts of challenges she faces. But if she does, the article will be subject to Republican control, albeit briefly. Still, the Turtle could simply dismiss the matter one day before Schumer could grab the reins.

If you see no issue with impeachment and trial of a private citizen, could Congress impeach and try Barack Obama or George W. Bush or Bill Clinton? Because once Biden takes over at noon Wednesday, Trump will be sharing the exact same legal status as those three former Presidents. Heck, by that standard Congress could impeach and try Jimmy Carter!! He remains alive, you know.

Now if Nancy instead sends over her article while Trump remains in office, a Senate trial could perhaps proceed as the legal extension of, what was at its inception, a Constitutional process. But if she waits until Democrats control the Senate, well, is it really OK for the Senate to try a private citizen? Could Trump even use that as a defense?

Guys, this is gonna be REALLY interesting. History will be made later this week.

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Those are the wrong targets. Under that precedent in 2023, they could try and preemptively impeach all the Republican front runner 2024 candidates to ban them from even running for office (assuming they maintain Congressional control). Here’s Dershowitz on how it’s unconstitutional to impeach someone out of office.

Has anyone else noticed this?:

You all have by now heard of the UK variant of the virus. Those paying somewhat closer attention will have learned of the South African variant as well. And persons dedicating strict attention to these matters will be aware of the COVID-19 strains tagged “Brazilian” and “Nigerian”.

The American mainstream media reportage style rule is consistent throughout all of the above, to wit:

The new virus, or new virus strain, is named based upon the country wherein it first appears.

So do we have racial bias here? Well, the UK is largely Caucasian, Nigeria has mostly black folks, South Africa has mainly black people but whites live there, too, and Brazil’s population consists of people of color having various backgrounds. So I see no bias in this reporting style based on race.

But consider:

The American mainstream media refuses to label COVID-19 itself “Chinese”. To do so, they scream, shows bias against China. When Trump said the words “China virus” he was excoriated. This even though COVID-19 has unambiguous Chinese origins.

We have ruled out race here. They (the media) clearly do not object on account of race. So what is it?

It is pure politics. The wildly left leaning American mainstream media goes out of its way to shield and protect their beloved CCP, the Chinese Communist Party. They do not want something so dark and evil as COVID-19 to be associated in any way with China or their CCP benefactors.

Communists stick together, and it is a worldwide movement.


Turtle power

For early indication of where McConnell really stands on impeachment, watch him on confirmations.

Four years ago, Schumer and his Democrats did everything in their power to slow walk Senate confirmation of Trump’s nominations for critical posts in his (then) brand new administration. Every last one of the arcane Senate rules was utilized in this effort. As a result, Trump was hobbled and got off to a slow start.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, specifically on McConnell’s foot. He knows the rules even better than Schumer. He can slow things down should that be his wish. In particular:

McConnell can be unwilling to split the Senate’s time between an impeachment trial and consideration of Biden’s nominations. This would show bias toward Trump and recognition of what he had to endure four years ago.

On the other hand, if McConnell agrees to cooperate with Schumer and split the Senate’s time, it would signal he is finished with Trump and wants to move on with a Biden administration as soon as possible.

We already know McConnell’s wife quit her Trump administration post rapidly. Are husband and wife, is this power couple, of one mind? We shall find out very shortly.

Really? You are reading articles or news reports of the “Brazil Virus”, not the “Brazilian strain of the coronavirus”? Oh right. Spouting nonsense and false equivalency as usual.

Indicating where the strain is prevalent or first discovered is different than referring to it solely by a nationality. No one is referring to the “Brazil Virus” or the “UK virus”.

(Indicating who is responsible for its spread would be more valid, though… Trump Virus.)

I agree it was politics, but I think they were more short sighted than that - they just didn’t want every headline every day for the last year to remind potential voters this wasn’t Trump’s fault and was China’s instead (as it largely was - we’ve seen no western countries spared, despite many following various stricter or looser approaches to virus control). The Chinese influence on the WHO probably played a part as well in the consensus on naming, since the WHO has been taking their marching orders from China ever since they got Tedros elected.

Speaking of racist standards, here’s the left in CA decrying a “white lives matter” banner as racist, while of course all the BLM ones were praiseworthy. I mean, I know they don’t think white lives matter to look how they set up their vaccine priorities there, but still.

It’s along the same lines as why there’s no “white history month”. Every month is white history month.

“White lives matter” is self-evident in society. The people with the white lives matter banners are just trying to distract from attention being focused on inequities.

Are you alleging their data is fraudulent? It only shows Latino and African American groups with a larger share of covid19 deaths than population percent in CA.

In CA, latinos and African Americans appear to have 1.5X their share of deaths vs. White. (I’m not claiming their data is accurate myself, I’m asking if there’s any evidence of malfeasance).

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