The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

"“I paid $450 for one day. I was in shock,” Scott-Amos told The Daily Beast on Wednesday. “It made no sense because we have a gas heater, a gas fireplace, and we have been keeping the temperature around the house at 65 degrees. With that amount of money, and the labeled amount of usage Griddy said was used—we would have to be lighting up the whole neighborhood.”

“The nightmare only got worse on Monday, when she realized her bill had increased by another $2,500. In comparison, Scott-Amos paid $33.93 last year for the entire month of February.”

So he’s saying federal regulators would make things work properly but he doesn’t want them because of that?

"On Saturday, Gov. Greg Abbott appealed to President Biden for an emergency federal disaster declaration. Biden promptly delivered, freeing federal assistance to flow into the state by the billions of dollars (and without first insisting on an expression of personal fealty to the White House, unlike a former president I could name).

Let’s get a few things straight here. Since the extreme weather struck late last week, the people of Texas have suffered through harsh, life-threatening conditions through no fault of their own. Federal emergency aid and services exist precisely to respond to such a situation wherever in the 50 states it occurs.

We should all be grateful that the government is still equipped to render succor to Texans to deal with the hazards and vicissitudes of natural disasters, and we should join together in wishing the best for Texans — and residents of the many other states where the outbreak of severe weather over the last week or so has placed life and limb at risk.


Texas political leaders haven’t been above mocking other states, such as California, in their times of need."

He’s saying that he only wears those glasses so he can look smart, he got a D in Meats class in college, and he forgot the third thing.

Pretty crazy observance, the wholesale electric cost (it’s capped artificially at $9000/MWh) in Texas to run my backup 10kW resistive heating (fan motor failed on HP) was ~$2300 a day this week. (At $0.12/kWh, it ran me ~$19/day)

In reality, the local area is exempted from Texas’ “free market” deregulation and the only choice is one utility, which is owned by the City. The utility co owns its own generation capacity. IDK if they’re net importing or net exporting during this period.

There are 72 cities that are outside of the deregulated market, that just covers 15% of electricity consumers. 85% are in the deregulated market and many of their providers will have bills based on the wholesale rates.

Imagine how absurd the bills people will get. Could you imagine your house and family being under freezing temp for 5 days straight, pipes breaking, and no water supply (even if they haven’t) OR paying $10000 if you’re lucky and your circuit wasn’t in blackout 100%? Or still several $1000 to just barely have power 10-50% of the time to keep some heat on?

Thanks, POS Perry!


But surely, a critical utility like electrical power can operate in a free market, right? right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Surely there aren’t situations where people will need to use the service NO MATTER WHAT and they will always have time to price shop between utility providers for the best price…

As a more serious aside – it is interesting that these massive price spikes I’m reading about don’t fall under existing laws about “price gouging” if there are any.

From what I’m hearing, Cuomo has commenced lashing out viciously at those, even persons in the Democrat party , who are telling the truth about what he so callously did. Cuomo is truly a loathsome human being, and he is a killer. But he is a hero on the left and remains more popular in New York State than not, which is as telling as it is frightening.

Regarding Cuomo’s cover up last year of all those deaths, word is he feared being investigated by Trump. Now, of course, he is safe.

Another member of the liberal elite professoriate spouts off. Such academics as this are in large measure responsible for what ails America in 2021. They are their own special form of pollution.

I’ve never had a lot of respect for these ivory tower know-it-alls, not even back when I worked alongside them. Lucky for me I got out, went to work, and accomplished something. And when I made decisions, or expressed viewpoints, in the real world they had to be right or I would have been out on my ear. There is no such thing as academic tenure in real life.

No, It’s just a hoax.


It is true that winter will magically disappear. One day, poof, it will just be gone.

Onion says it’s satire, but “liberal elite” was just two posts before yours.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz decided this would be a great time to leave Texas for Cancun, according to the liberal elites at [checks notes] Fox News.

/ or, if you prefer better news sources

Freezing is for the little people.

Cmon. Doesn’t everyone have rich friends’ kids and themselves to book last-minute international flights with their children during a statewide severe power shortage to avoid consequences of their failed policy while representing their state?

Sounds terrific & why not?

Actually I’m not fond of Cancun (to dangerous), but Puerto Valerto (sp) would be nice also.
NO, guess best to remain here for a time. Biden says Christmas will be ok.

That would be Russel L. Honoré, the guy W. Bush put in charge of fixing the mess of the Katrina response (which he promptly did). He’s also been put in charge of investigating the Coup, and is famous for taking no s***.

That’s Texas Senator Ted Cruz. You may have heard there’s something going on in Texas right now.


Give me a break… Do you think Cruz can fix the problem?

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When asked, Cruz was said to have said ‘Let them eat cake! Ya’ll are suffering, and instead of helping in any way like even hand out some coats to people dealing with no heat in zero degree weather, I’m off to Cancun for some tropical beach vacation.’

/ Even Paul Ryan understood you have to at least look like you are doing something, even if those dishes he was washing were already clean.