The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)


Lipstick on a pig

It’s still a pig




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A sensible message from Tulsi coming as Biden’s Administration plans to mandate Critical Race Theory be taught in public schools across the country. Using race, CRT teaches children to hate each other and their country.

Since there’s a conservative in office now, we seem to have a return of some of states’ rights:

The one funny thing about Republican cartoons is there’s no humor in them.

Speaking of which, has anyone checked in on Ben Garrison recently?

Biden gonna ban meat and you’ll only be left with plant- based beer instead.

Better stockpile meat- based beer before the ban!

Maybe store the meat based beer stockpile in your bomb shelter alongside the Mr. Potato Head Mr. Potato Head, Dr. Seuss, and the white hoods.

Yes, but Republican cartoons tell the truth. Doesn’t have to be funny. :wink:

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Biden is a skilled politician. He runs the bait and switch better than others as a result.

Biden sold himself first and foremost as a moderate liberal and as a safe alternative to Trump’s histrionics. The most frequently encountered reason people voted for Biden: he is not Trump. Trump did a great job for us with the vaccines, on the border, and he promoted law and order. But his histrionics were off the chain. So voters figured a moderate Biden would be nearly as good on policy and save us from Trump’s boisterousness.

It has not worked out in the least. Biden has been revealed as a wild-eyed liberal, as far to the left as they come. Even AOC is loving him, which tells you what you need to know. Biden fooled the voters badly. They are not getting the moderate liberal for whom they voted.

There was a tell, in the past, but nobody paid attention:

Back when President Obama was in office, during the radical homosexual push for power, Obama was hesitant. Many tag Obama with the liberal label, and he was that. But when it came to homosexuality Obama’s Muslim faith tradition gave him some pause. He did not “buy in” to the homosexual agenda at all aggressively. Obama was more traditional.

I distinctly recall that it was VP Biden who intervened on behalf of the homosexuals and brought President Obama along . . . hesitantly. Biden was further to the left than Obama on any number of issues. And that’s saying something because Obama was certainly liberal. But Biden even more so!

And we see this clearly today, alas too late. Biden is to the left of Obama. Biden is to the left of Bernie Sanders. Biden is out there proudly holding hands with AOC and her “squad”. Biden is a radical American-hating leftie who ran as a moderate, got away with it, and won. This is a sad day for America the Beautiful.

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Luv it!! Obama & homosexual push…Biden for racial injustice… Tell it like it is shin…

Yes. The truth about Biden’s evil plot to ban… meat- based beer? You’re right, these cartoons just tell it like it is…

Now I need some eye bleach :frowning:


Uh, it’s April of 2021, nearly May. Trump is no longer President. He is not even on the stage and you don’t hear a lot out of him any longer.

But Trump was effective against the left. That is why they are unable to stop attacking him. He is all they have. America was behind Trump’s policies, not as much behind his personality. And the left cannot abide that. They do not yet realize most Americans are not socialists.

False. Trump still leads the QOP, which has nearly 50% of the Senate. 2022 will again be a referendum against the virus that is Trumpism.

Trump still leads voter disenfranchisement efforts in states across the country. Trump allies still push damaging misinformation against vaccines and against the American way of life.

They simply can’t stop lying and making up stupid things.

Please read again what I wrote. And you quoted me correctly. Only was saying Trump is not in the forefront of the news, shooting from the lip, as once was the case. The mainstream media no longer has much to say about him.

Now is Trump still active in Republican party politics? Sure he is, and I never said otherwise. But seems to me it is more behind the scenes stuff, not to where he is engaging with the public.

Also, while I know he must disagree with Biden’s concerted efforts to tear apart all the good things he accomplished, you do not find Trump out there, night after night, publicly decrying Biden’s obvious missteps and asinine policies.

Frankly I have wondered about this. What is Trump thinking? Why is he relatively silent? Of course I have no answers to those things. Maybe he is biding his time and waiting to pounce at what he believes to be an opportune moment.

But for anyone who is as much a loudmouth and attention seeker as Trump, the silence these days is deafening . . . . and (at least for me) confusing.

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Someone get this poor victim of systemic racism some bail reform.

…was ordered held without bail at her Queens criminal court arraignment on a 13-count complaint. Charges include manslaughter in the second degree, aggravated manslaughter in the second degree, vehicular manslaughter in the second degree and leaving the scene of an incident without reporting/death.

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