The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

Charlamagne riles up Harris big time!

Rush fans will remember Charlamagne tha God from his interview of Rush. They got along pretty well together.

Now Rush is gone and Charlamagne just interviewed VP Harris and got her goat when he asked:

“Who is the real President? Is it Biden or Manchin?”

Harris was ticked and she sort of “went off”. It’s pretty funny.

For anyone unaware, Charlamagne tha God is black and of course Harris is . . well . . whatever she is. Here is the full drama:

Kamala Harris got heated after Charlamagne tha God asked if Joe Biden or Joe Manchin was the ‘real president’

Natch Harris was anticipating an easy, cream puff, interview between two black celebrities. She obviously did not know Charlamagne and, in fact, there is a WHOLE LOT Harris does not know!!

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Asking the right questions, from a few months ago -

With the exception of Fox and a couple of other smaller news outlets, that [media] slant is heavily to the left. What is most striking about this universal shift toward advocacy journalism (including at journalism schools) is that there is no evidence that it is a sustainable approach for the media as an industry. While outfits like NPR allow reporters to actually participate in protests and the New York Times sheds conservative opinions, the new poll shows a sharp and worrisome division in trust in the media. Not surprisingly given the heavy slant of American media, Democrats are largely happy with and trusting of the media. Conversely, Republicans and independents are not. The question is whether the mainstream media can survive and flourish by writing off over half of the country.

And here’s the worthless Washington Post wondering what happened when Trump wasn’t there to drive most of their online traffic.

The Post, like most major publications, experienced an audience surge during the Trump years, when readers flocked to stories about the controversial Republican administration. Now, the Post is facing a slump that has triggered some soul-searching at the paper, including over the need to invest more in coverage areas outside of politics, according to people familiar with the news outlet’s operations and internal documents viewed by The Wall Street Journal.

WashPo has almost no engagement for the younger generations, and they’ve abandoned the right leaning half of the older generations. That leaves them a few younger far left political folks and a bunch of old dying liberals to stake their future on.

Or maybe to cover politics more fairly? But of course that will not happen. I sincerely hope they go out of business.


While I share the sentiment, Bezos still wants his free speech, so I expect he can keep it afloat as long as that’s useful. Gotta own the printing press if you want your 1st amendment freedoms…

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P.S. leftist media use the Democrats’ propaganda names. Voting rights equals federal takeover of elections permanently instituting the open cheating that went on in 2020

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Lest we forget what happened two years ago:

There was good reason for this known at the time primarily to Democrats. Now everyone knows!.

It’s dead, Jim.


Let’s hope his arm isn’t twisted into a pretzel over the Xmas break.

I’m starting to wonder if he’s a darkhorse Presidential candidate in 2024? Someone who the middle (regardless of which way you lean) might prefer over hard left and hard right options.

I listened to the interview. Baier gave him the talking points on the cost and he batted it right back. Pointing out that the numbers came from ridiculous assumptions about the time the giveaways are in force.

The scary part is that he has no philosophical objections to turning the United States into a socialist country. It’s just a matter of dollars and inflation.

Biden‘s handlers double down. Calling him a liar does not seem to be friendly at all. /sarcasm

Just as Senator Manchin reversed his position on Build Back Better this morning, we will continue to press him to see if he will reverse his position yet again, to honor his prior commitments and be true to his word.

“press him” = “attempt to bully him into line”

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They must be pretty confident that he will not pull a Jim Jeffords and switch parties. There is a lot of kabuki going on around here. All we really know is that the bill didn’t pass today.


Satire roundup


Remember those hate crimes against Asians that were definitely somehow Trump’s fault? San Jose catches the perps for over 100 anti-asian hate crimes and robberies. I’m sure it’s some evil white guys who made these thugs do it via systemic racism.

6 men charged with hate crimes after more than 100 Asian women targeted in Bay Area robberies

A photo of the suspects from the San Jose police Twitter feed,


Every one of those individuals is self-evidently a Trump backer and solid MAGA fanboy. Doubt me?

Just ask anyone on the left.


Get 'em while they’re young!

Since the time of the Hitler youth, the Little Octobrists, the Young Pioneers, the Komsomol, and other such organizations, those spreading societal cancers have recognized the importance of indoctrinating our children. Sadly, very regrettably, well meaning parents have not always paid attention to what was happening to their own kids. But rest assured those seeking to tear down existing norms were paying rapt attention and well understood the importance of their despicable efforts.

Once enough parents belatedly awaken to reality there is understandably backlash. You saw evidence of this in Virginia. But these efforts to influence our kids’ minds are often subtle, intentionally partially concealed, and too often written off by busy parents as ridiculous, impossible, or unserious. Such was the case in, of all places, Wyoming!:

So you thought it could not happen in Wyoming?

Parents there thought their kids were safe simply on account of being in Wyoming. Those parents could not have been more in error. The left is operating and spreading its cancerous filth to children throughout the USA. The only question remaining is whether or not parents will wake up in time to put a stop to this onslaught.

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The Worm has Turned - - - Sharply!

No more softball from the left. It’s over. They are in process of reverting to type.

This is copied and pasted from today’s WaPo:

Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) vowed Monday to hold a vote early next year on a roughly $2 trillion bill to overhaul the country’s health-care, education, climate, immigration and tax laws, despite Sunday’s announcement by Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) that he could not support President Biden’s signature legislation.

“Senators should be aware that the Senate will, in fact, consider the Build Back Better Act, very early in the new year so that every Member of this body has the opportunity to make their position known on the Senate floor, not just on television,” Schumer said. “We are going to vote on a revised version of the House-passed Build Back Better Act — and we will keep voting on it until we get something done.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki unleashed a blistering 712-word written statement accusing Manchin of making a “sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position” and calling his comments a “breach of his commitments” to Biden and Democratic lawmakers, if he has decided to end negotiations.

Schumer’s vow to hold a vote on the bill echoed that of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, who said Sunday that Manchin would “have a lot of explaining to do to the people of West Virginia” about his opposition to the bill.

In his letter Monday, Schumer noted that the negotiations have already delayed an anticipated vote on the bill by the end of the year.

“Neither that delay, nor other recent pronouncements, will deter us from continuing to try to find a way forward,” Schumer wrote. “We simply cannot give up. We must and we will keep fighting to deliver for working families.”

During a morning television appearance, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) accused Manchin of a “betrayal of working families across the country” and said his announcement was “an egregious breach of the trust of the president.”

She was referring to a claim by the White House that Manchin, just days earlier, had promised to continue negotiations with Biden after submitting a written framework of a version of the bill he could back.

“No one can really be promised a Manchin vote,” Ocasio-Cortez said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” adding that fellow Democrats had been “strung along” by the senator.

In his letter, Schumer said senators would also consider voting rights legislation as early as the first week after they return to Washington in January.

Schumer said that if Republicans continue to block such legislation, the chamber will consider a change in rules.

“If Senate Republicans continue to abuse the filibuster and prevent the body from considering this bill, the Senate will then consider changes to any rules which prevent us from debating and reaching final conclusion on important legislation,” he wrote.

Their disguise is now off. It has become clear to all that America is dealing with a hard left, Marxist, party masquerading as the traditional Democrat party. That party is long gone. When these leftists do not get their way they become apoplectic. They are extremely dangerous.


The above lengthy WaPo quote is here:

Link to WaPo item above quoted

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Sounds like the Biden handlers had delusions of self-importance that were not as widely shared as they imagined.