The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

You live in a world without feelings. If a person feels a certain way, and that feeling happens to line up with an identity that can be considered marginalized, anything that we do that could make that person feel like their existence is being denied is wrong. It doesn’t matter that you acknowledge their existence. Unless you actively support what they say they need in order to exist, you are denying their existence. Your way of thinking simply doesn’t account for the feelings of marginalized people. Their feelings are paramount. Our feelings, or, God forbid, the feelings of people whose private spaces are being entered, don’t matter. You may think the reason for separate facilities is to separate males from females during private personal moments, but you are wrong. Everything society does is centered around the privileges of those of us that have benefitted from heteronormative traditions. It is time to recognize the reason for separate facilities should be to support the psyche of those people society has historically has cast out. We must remake society top to bottom until everyone that has been harmed by our Victorian sensibilities can be free to live their lives as their true selves.


Thank you, Argyll, for your post. Much appreciated.

I checked. The author of that writing is a wild-eyed liberal member of Congress, with left wing indoctrination at both Stanford and MIT. She is obviously a Democrat. She does not speak for, nor does she represent the thinking of, the majority of Americans.

“CRT” stands for “cathode ray tube” or for “charitable remainder trust”.

The notion of “CRT” standing for anything else is liberal gibberish inspired by Marxism.

Oh good grief.

Someone certainly is playing right into someone’s hands…

If you’re vulnerable to “hurtful comments”, I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest maybe the army isn’t the best place for you.


If you and the left didn’t actually believe this, it would be comicial. The logic is so bonkers, it’s sad.

It’s not the adoption of CRT that is undermining the abilities of our military, it’s the questioning of the adoption.

It’s not the focus on flight suits for pregnant women that are making our enemies think we are a weaker fighting force, it’s conservatives questioning how an emphasis on pregnant pilots is helping us defend our nation that is really making our enemies think we are losing a step.

Does anyone else look at this logic and think it makes any sense? Who do you think you are fooling exactly?


Not true!

Our enemies are laughing at our inept President.

These loyal Americans of which you mentioned above are speaking the truth.

High Generals in the military should never be preaching “how to hate their fellow men”. CRT!!

I give you credit & thank you for your service.

But I’m also proud of my family and their military service. My grandmother’s brother, a full blood Choctaw is buried in France. My husband served in Korea.

I’m glad to stand beside Loyal American Conservatives.

Second time around???

You must have missed the part where I pointed out that decorated green beret Rep. Mike Waltz questioned the use of CRT at West Point respectfully. The media framed Gen. Milley’s comments as a response to Rep. Gaetz when he was just as much, if not more, responding to Waltz.

This whole issue of Republicans disrespecting the Military by questioning what the changes being made is a complete fabrication by leftist and corporate media. Just the same as Psaki fabricating the claim that (after realizing how bad “defund the police” is polling) Republicans are actually the ones trying to defund the police. Leftists think the whole electorate is stupid enough to buy this crap. Only the leftist base is going along with it.


Nonsense. All the replies are debunking the premise of your posts. You keep saying “if x, then y, and y is outrageous!”. And everyone is replying that x simply isn’t true, so it doesn’t matter how outrageous you think y is.


Another crazy response from you.

Republicans don’t disrespect the military. As usual you are twisting our message.

As we forge on, everything you and your fellow Democrats need is change. Everything we noticed yesterday is completely disastrous on the leftist side.

Your motto is wrong! Defunding the police is a terrible idea. DON’T YOU KNOW??

Get smart!

In case you wondered how NYT invents all that left wing clickbait they claim is news, here’s a good blog about how they test out several different headlines (to different viewers of the same article) and eventually settle whatever gets them the most clicks. Often it’s not the most accurate, just the most “engaging”.

. As the examples above show, A/B tested headlines paint a picture that’s a lot more dramatic than the reality. Frequent NYT readers will end up thinking the world is scarier and more shocking than it really is.


According to “The New Book”???

Didn’t find any posts on today’s NY Board of Elections snafu. Something stinks in NY…

BTW, they ran a test with over 100K votes? Yeah, sure, that’s believable.


What an outrageous thought, to butter up someone from whom you need additional cooperation. We all know the best way to convince someone to help is to throw a tantrum and yell at them really loud…

I cannot believe it:

The SCOTUS finally got one right!

SCOTUS upholds AZ voting rules

The SCOTUS has just confirmed the obvious:

Just like all other American citizens, people of color are smart enough to carry ID.

Now, of course, persons who are not American citizens could have a problem if they want to vote.

Eric Adams will sure be surprised to find out he voted for Biden for mayor.


Did the Supremes stay the ninth circuit ruling for the 2020 election? If not, I sense the fine hand of Roberts making a meaningless ruling after the Supremes allowed the important election in Arizona to be stolen.

Along the same vein, the Democrats will be searching desperately for Obama district judges to try the cases against voting integrity laws. Unless Roberts allows the Supremes to stay the lower court decisions, this ruling will be even more meaningless

edit: good news in GA case,

The Georgia case, moreover, is assigned to Judge J.P. Boulee, a Trump judge.

To even question the election makes you a Trump supporter according to leftist writers.

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Did this even involve ID? Other reports have said the two measures involved are discarding votes cast in the wrong voting district, and limiting who can mail a vote for the voter. But those reports also claimed that those two measures were an assault on minority voters. I cannot fathom how anyone can connect those dots in that way. I’d be offended by any claim that either measure was targeting me as a voter, as it would be pretty bluntly calling me stupid and lazy.

I can only assume that most of the outrage comes from people reading the headline about how the Supreme Court gutted voter rights, and just run with it instead of bothering to see what was actually decided so they make their own decision on what adverse effect there is if any. Like the article you linked, which just repeatedly talks about how it is racist, without bothering to mention what “it” even is until slipping it into one brief paragraph wayyyy down the article before resuming the vague “it’s racist!” narrative.

Fourth Stimulus Check Update: $2,000 Monthly Payment Petition Gains 50K Signatures in 1 Week

Well, duh… Of course people are going to support a ‘plan’ that lets them continue to sit at home doing nothing…

“The most common reason [people sign] is that uncertain feeling,”

Yeah, the uncertainty that comes with the looming end of bonus unemployment benefits and states starting to force recipients to look for work…