The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

You have your wires crossed. The traitors of the Republic are the other 197 “Republicans” who voted against impeachment.


A traitor of a traitor isn’t a traitor, sir.

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Now Republicans are concerned with lack of time for hearings, and representatives pushing things through without time for debate and investigation and “due process”?

No doubt Democrats also engage in these same tactics in the majority, so don’t send me examples of Harry Reid doing the same thing; I’m well aware. But this “principled” stance is utter nonsense.

What a terribly misleading “secondary title” (not sure what it’s called).

The “SUPREME” court in NYS is the trial-level court (lowest level). The story is interesting enough. Why do all of these newspapers have to blatantly attempt to mislead?

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My apologies. I’m removing the post to avoid any misinformation.

Oh, I don’t remotely blame you. Purely the paper. I appreciate the article as I didn’t know about the story.

Since it prompted nothing but crickets, I’ll ask again:

Because I’m seeing little actual basis beyond “Cause it’s Trump” and “but but but you need to look at what we’re claiming he really meant”.

Gotta move quick using vague generalities, since we’ll start looking really stupid if any sort of hearing starts to look at the actual facts…

Look, I’m consistent - if they feel the need to wade through this process again, so be it. It’s their right, and the process needs to be allowed to play itself out. But this time they’ve all but abandoned pretty much the entire process.

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Right. Trial by Combat means… Trial by… words?

There are numerous statements from Trump, Trump Jr, Giuliani, and his other co conspirators. They all need to be taken in into context. Sarcastically saying “no violence” one time doesn’t erase the rest and the overall context.
He then also rooted the terrorists on as very special people he loves, when they were actively sacking the Capitol. And blocked deployment of a response to protect and then (being too late to do so) to clear and reclaim the Capitol.

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"* Crow said many of his Republican colleagues are ostensibly in favor of impeachment, but fear that voting in favor of it could endanger themselves and their families.

  • The congressman said that while some in the GOP are “morally bankrupt” and “too far gone to be redeemed” even after the deadly attempted coup, others are “paralyzed with fear.”
  • “I had a lot of conversations with my Republican colleagues last night, and a couple of them broke down in tears talking to me and saying that they are afraid for their lives if they vote for the impeachment," Crow said.”

“Rep. Cicilline, one of the impeachment article’s co-authors, tells reporters that “several” Republican lawmakers he’s talked to feared for their personal safety and the safety of their families if they supported impeachment.

Classic example of domestic terrorism. They don’t care so much when Democrats are threatened with death and kidnapping but when these GOP people receive death threats it’s a whole 'nother thing.

So again, you just double down on vague interpretations. Still no actual evidence to support your claims.

What’s that label we saw constantly applied to claims without evidence, all summer and fall?

" Former FBI Agent Manny Gomez told the broadcaster that Mr Florea - and others like him - are encouraging violence and breaking the law.

“They’re openly advocating violence. That in and of itself is a crime,” he said. “All local, city and federal law enforcement should be ready, and on standby, and have a plan and have leaders that will enforce that plan,” he said."

Any group or individuals making these threats or supporting those making threats should be arrested and imprisoned for a long time, and that includes people carrying nooses, and even signs saying “Hang Pence.” The groups should also be designated terrorist groups and made illegal.

all but one of quotes in this satire article are accurate, sadly, as is the general plan.

"Citing two unnamed officials, the newspaper said Trump has not only refused to pay Giuliani’s legal fees but has told aides that all reimbursement requests for travel and other expenses need to go through him."

“…White House officials were blocking Giuliani’s calls to Trump.”

It’s not a surprise Trump turned on his own ally again. He has done it consistently throughout his life. He will betray everyone close to him. If you support him, you will also find he betrays you.

Terrorists being hunted down by our law enforcement.

“Rittenhouse was fraternizing with members of the Proud Boys and flashed a white power hand sign.”

Racist hero of extremists who was out to kill people and actually did. He took an illegal gun to a demonstration, sought confrontation, and shot three people, killing two.

A friend ask me if Trump died tomorrow, would the Democrats proceed with impeachment (thinking they might well). Why do you think they are bringing impeachment charges this time?

  • They hate him
  • They want to ban him from running in 2024
  • They think he’s guilty of the charges
  • Russia!

0 voters

Really? Seriously? You and others have spent months ridiculing Giuliani’s performances in these election lawsuits, and now you’re blaming Trump for being unhappy with that same performance?

I havent trolled through court transcripts and whatnot to develop a good second hand opinion of what actually occured, but if only a small fraction of the absurdities that have been posted here are accurate, I’d be refusing to pay him too.