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Worse, one voter actually voted against the quarter point saying it was an insufficiently large cut!!

To sum up:

We’re screwed.

If he does want the cuts, it is to help stimulate the economy even more and also in view of what is going on globally…Listen…i am no more thrilled than anyone else here is about savings rates going down…but then perhaps the FED was going too wild in the other direction (when they were raising them constantly) and that was causing a lot of problems…and if you were borrowing money, you’d be thrillled right now…LOL

And do you realize how much your TAXES will go up if the dems took control of the white house again…that’s even WORSE than getting a lower savings rate…

I didn’t HAVE to get it from anywhere given the fact he’s ranted repeatedly about it from his own twitter account. Gonna consider that “fake news” too? I love how ANYTHING that disagree’s with Trump or his “tweetlings” has become “fake news.”

The World: Climate change is bad.
Trump: Fake News!

" Give me your tired , your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me : I lift my lamp beside the golden door." ― Emma Lazarus
Trump: Build a wall!

The World…is round.
Trump: Fake News!

Oh and anyone that disagree’s with him is an “Enemy of the people”. Not just reporters. Apparently Jerome Powell is “a bigger enemy than Xi Jinping” [Bloomberg - Are you a robot? ]


Ok…made a mistake…i am so accustomed to all the media (TV and newspapers except for FOX) fake news day in and day out…that i just figured it was another one…It’s pretty sad that the only place you can hear the truth about all the good things he is doing, is on Fox News…Seems to be a lot of dems here…i’m not going to get into a back and forth with you guys because i’d be wasting my breath…unfortunately most dems have very closed minds…

By the way, Climate Change has been going on for the last 3 billion years on planet earth…

I’m not a democrat. Ironically I was republican before he made me ashamed of the party.
Great job at trying to “tag” anyone who disagree’s with you though.

They don’t agree with me? Must be them Democrats!


Republican…but Trump Hater…no, i know about those…lots of those around, too…because he isn’t a conventional politician…but that’s what’s great about him…nice to have someone that isn’t just a politician that makes a lot of promises but keeps very few of them…

Incidentally, i don’t recall interest rates being so great during the 8 Obama years…in fact, they were lower than they are now…

I don’t recall trade wars in the obama years…matter of fact prior to now the last time we had trade wars in the USA was during the Great Depression in the 1930’s.


That sounds familiar. You go on an unhinged rant without having the remotest idea about what you’re talking about. How dare we take the actual words he says and quote them?

If you think the only facts are from the president and Fox News, you are in a bubble of delusion. It’s sad when facts are no longer facts and anything that doesn’t meet the King’s approval is “fake news.” You don’t have to be a Democrat to see this. You just have to be capable of sentient thought.


That is not quite true. In Jan 2008, interest rates were north of above 3%. Granted with the Great Recession hitting hard (Bear Stearn bailout then Lehman brothers failure), the Fed quickly cut them down to 0.5% in months. None of this had much to do with Obama since he had just taken office to be fair and he did not pressure the Fed as obviously as Trump does. Near economic collapse of banking system did enough for that. But even during the worst recession in decades, that did not mean CD rates were trash. 10-yr treasury rates were still in the high 3% back in 2009-2011 and there were some seriously good 5-10 yr CD rates to be had (5% 10-yr ones in 2011). Partially due to banks badly needing more deposits at the time to stay afloat. Not so much these days unfortunately. Not when treasuries are so low too.

But anyway, that interest rate cut and hint of future ones does not bode well for our current times CD rates. Bunch of banks have already cut their liquid savings rates accordingly. :frowning:


Craig, it’s good to see you around again… Like you I’m a Trump person! :wink:

Can’t wait for this election to be over & “let the good times roll again”. Then, hopefully our money will be worth more AGAIN. (I can trust it to happen)

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Hi Patty! Good to see you again :slightly_smiling_face:
And a fellow Trump supporter too!

The president doesn’t make the decision about interest rate increases/decreases…it is the federal reserve that makes the decision…and that’s based on evaluating various factors…

Can you morons stop talking about politics here? Having said that, I find it HILARIOUS that you defend trump when you think he wants higher rates and then you defend him when you learn he wants lower rates.

But seriously, STFU about the politics.


I think this is a glitch but hopefully it’s not an omen of things to come…


Don’t say that you’re not going to get into a back and forth and then say something so stupid – everyone knows that Earth is only 6000 years old. Take your politics to another thread buddy. This thread is about savings accounts (so interest rates and FED news are fine), not your personal opinions of the news, the parties, or science that’s not even remotely related.


stupid! That’s a laugh…basically you are saying that anyone who doesn’t go along with “bible years” is stupid…fact of the matter is the earth IS over 3 billion years old…now, back to the main topic here, which is INTEREST RATES…

Why do you get the last word? I’m saying that people who don’t believe in science are stupid. That was obviously a joke to demonstrate. The real fact of the matter is that Anthropogenic Global Warming is happening much, much faster now than ever before whether you believe it or not. Now back to the main topic.

The AGW hoax is based 100% on science.

Political science

Only fools and idiots believe in that folly. Do you also think the tooth fairy is real?

Climate activists: WABOA

Not responding to anyone in particular but could we please stick to thread topic or just shut up? As very special snowflakes, we all have our 100%-correct opinions on other issues, let’s keep them to ourselves since we won’t convince anyone here and just antagonize/hurt others who might have some financial information to contribute.

And just so the insecure don’t feel ostracized, those same extremely valuable opinions could be freely expressed at length on the Off-topic board to give them the attention they deserve. :wink:

I’m sure I’m not alone feeling frustrated to have to parse through heavily politically-tainted opinions on unrelated topics before getting some actual insight on how to keep making money in challenging times for savers.


Your wish. My command:

Go here to discuss anthropogenic climate change

I agree with you this thread is too valuable to destroy with off-topic posts.

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Thanks for understanding!

Sorry for the extra work starting that off topic thread but I appreciate it.