Does the coronavirus merit investment, or personal, concern or consideration?

There might be a stronger correlation (of COVID death, not impulsivity discussed above) with “severe obesity” than with just being overweight. Also probably enough of them were first (or second) in line for the vaccines.

Of course, no mention of this at CNN…

In September 2018, then CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said that the previous winter’s flu season had been the worst in some four decades, resulting in an estimated 80,000 deaths.

At least 80,000 is in the ballpark of a hundred thousand.


Why do I suspect this is the first and last time we’ll ever hear about this? Doing it in-house means no large checks to write. Cant have than, now can we…


As O ramps up, half the hospital cases in NYC are “with” rather than “from” covid. With Delta it was more like 80/20, where you were most often sick from covid.


The Aussies have gone stark raving mad. But notice that they put illegal entrants into a lockdown hotel instead of shipping them to purple states like the Democrats are doing in the US

“Novak Djokovic is not a criminal, terrorist nor illegal immigrant, but he has been treated as such by the Australian authorities, which understandably triggers the indignation of his supporters and Serbian citizens,” Serbia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry’s state secretary, Nemanja Starovic, spoke to the Australian ambassador to demand that Djokovic be transferred to “adequate accommodation for a sportsman of his caliber” while awaiting the court decision, according to the statement.

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Trying to get your doc’s ivermectin or HCQ script filled is more fun with a legal threats script on hand. Might even work.


His explanation is probably spot on. A lot of pharmacists feel like Rodney Dangerfield. I am surprised that no doctor has sued a pharmacist for not filling a prescription, although it would probably never make the news if they did.

AOC in the news again, getting her 2nd O booster down south.

“If I had a dollar for every lockdown politician who decided to escape to Florida over the last two years, I’d be a pretty doggone wealthy man, let me tell ya,” DeSantis, 43, said.


I wonder when she tested positive. The paper implied it was after she returned from FL, but what if she traveled with it, spreading the scourge from China to lots of fellow passengers.

Oops! She probably flew privately, only spreading her disease to hard working pilots and staff. :smile:


A leftist gets on with his life

By analogy with Syrian intervention,

the Do Something crowd always demanded more, even as they agreed that an American invasion would be senseless and destructive. And they were very, very vocal that the rest of us were inherently unserious for not being angry enough about the Syrian regime’s crimes.

I articulate that last sentence carefully, because ultimately it really was a matter of emotions, of feeling the right way. My position was pretty simple: yes, Assad is a monster, but American intervention in Middle Eastern conflict has been a series of horrors, many of the forces arrayed against Assad seemed like very bad actors themselves, and as always the law of unintended consequences ruled… after a certain point policy became irrelevant. What they really wanted was for other people to feel harder

And on covid

I beg of everyone to get vaccinated and boosted, I pray the new therapeutics work as initial trials suggested, I hope better versions of both are soon forthcoming, and I mourn the dead, which include some people who are very close to me. But I will not panic. I will not live in fear. And I suspect that this is at the heart of all of it - for complex sociological reasons, are elites are made up of people who suffer from anxiety and insecurity at vastly disproportionate rates, and they go through life needing their own feelings to be validated by everyone else. This is very scary for them, and if it’s not scary for some of the rest of us, they experience that as implied judgment. But I’m not judging them for being scared. That’s a perfectly legitimate attitude to have in the middle of all of this. I am judging them for insisting that the rest of us be scared too. Because being scared never saved a single life.

Really? That’s like the very definition of fear.


U.S. COVID hospitalizations hit new record high, raising risks for patients

Note we are talking hospitalizations here, not merely cases. However, the article does not address the important difference between hospitalization with COVID and hospitalization for COVID.

You might find this alarmist, but just contemplate for a moment how much more “hair on fire” this writing would be were Trump still POTUS!! :wink:

NPR addresses the thousands of COVID hospitalizations

Regardless the reason, it is in my opinion a very bad time to be hospitalized.

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Hmmm…it’s almost as if we should maybe consider allowing people to try otherwise harmless preventative/early intervention potential treatments? Worst case, it doesnt help and the person winds up in the hospital anyways.

The omicron-driven surge has sent COVID-19 hospitalizations skyrocketing across the U.S., reaching a new pandemic high this week with 145,982 patients hospitalized.

That isnt so bad for adults, considering how 100,000 of those patients are children.

Sorry, I couldnt resist. Especially when that quote was followed by

Patients with COVID now fill about 30% of ICU beds in the nation and pediatric COVID hospitalizations are also at the highest rate of the pandemic.

…coincidentally (or quite deliberately) avoiding providing any sort of reference data for pediatrics. And the embedded link only discusses vaccinated verses unvaccianted - with no absolute data at all, since that would only show that the hospitalization rates of both are so low they’re statistically within each other’s margin of error.


I wonder if the shortage is due to the Administration reducing supply because the people of North Carolina voted for President Trump in the 2020 election?

As COVID cases rise in NC, medicine to keep people out of the hospital in short supply

Two of the monoclonal antibody therapies that have helped keep people with COVID-19 from needing to be hospitalized are not effective against the omicron variant, doctors say. And the monoclonal antibody treatment that does seem to work, sotrovimab, is in very short supply in North Carolina.

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And here they go again…

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Well NC is pretty white, so they deserve to go to the back of the queue. Biden admin has been promoting more “racial equity” in covid deaths by trying his divert lifesaving therapies to minorities rather than allocating them based on medical risk.


More Fauci emails suggest he was conspiring to cover up the lab leak possibly and evidence


Meanwhile leaked military docs suggest more was known about covid earlier in the pandemic . It’s from Veritas, but it doesn’t look like they made it all up.

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This is priceless, I can’t wait see my wife wearing my bug-eyed 3M N100 respirator … wait, maybe I’ll ask her to stain the deck, since she’s already got the mask on. :slight_smile:


Uh, I’m not sure about census data, or if they are allowed to even collect that kind of racist data, but if you look at the local news stations, you might think otherwise. Besides, this is a southern state which means that it’s a lot like South Africa with the white minority gerrymandering the black majority. Isn’t that the current line?