Individual Stock Discussions

TWTR full recovery from the news, sold.

Just wondering if anybody here has CD holdings in an IRA? I have some maturing next week and after looking at the current rates, Iā€™m wondering if there might be better (less depressing) low-risk opportunities out there?

Still holding these? Getting close to expiration, but given the current action, could also be ITM soonā€¦

I am, I should have sold when they were up 50%. They almost went to 0ā€¦ Doubled today so theyā€™re only down 80%ā€¦ I suck at short bets

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So did anyone make money on Kodak in these last few days?

I heard the stock was moving BEFORE Trumpā€™s announcement. Hence insider trading investigation triggered. Big shock. Not.

Iā€™m up on KODK but weā€™ll see. There are options so you can get yourself into more trouble that way (or less, if you know what youā€™re doing).


This guy didnā€™t do so well.


Wow! Horrible luck.

4:1 fruit splitā€¦

Fark not keeping the 16 other LEAPs earlier this year.


1.85T market cap now.


What a move in AAPL. Been holding a long timeā€¦Buy more into the split?

Dunno valuation is at all time high (EPS, expected growth, etc).
Then again, relatively to the rest of the trash market itā€™s probably still under-valued.

I should have bought some short term calls last Fri. I think the split will just irrationally push the prices up some more even though itā€™s value neutral.

I held just over 1440 actual shares at the time of last split. Finally be up near 1400 actual shares again :slight_smile: Too bad I had ā€œdiversifiedā€ into other crap.

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I bought some more calls Monday, both 1 week and 4 weeks out. Sold some yesterday and today.

Bought at the high Monday, both times after I sold some it went up. Basically right at 5 minutes after each of the three actions things reversed for the day. I have excellent timingā€¦
Meh. Realized ~$7k loss, and am up ~$6k currently on the ones I still hold.

Edit: Sucks being right with risky bet on direction AND timing and chickening out early. Now Iā€™m up $7k (including the $7k I lost) unrealized gain from remaining holdings from Monday. Would have been $12k if I didnā€™t sell some this morning or $19k if I didnā€™t sell some yesterday eitherā€¦

Should I hold until tomorrow???

Edit2: gonna take a chance on tomorrow for the remaining 8/7 calls.

Not a bad day. First time past $400 since mid jan-mid Feb where averaged $380-430.

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Extended them a week ago to somewhat deeper ITM and Aug 28.

Have the 345 shares and 16xAug 28 $412-415 calls.

Hope everyone sold their DGAZF yesterday. Nice move :slight_smile:

AAPL passed $2T yet? (We donā€™t know exact number of outstanding shares until after the fact, right? From quarterly reports? Is this correct?).

$462 now. $467.3 would be $2T using the most recent known share count I see.

$1.97T as per google search this morning.

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Any ideas on a short term top for AAPL? $150/shr?
Expensive to do so, but I might change out strikes (higher) againā€¦ +50% in a week isnā€™t too bad.

I made the mistake of putting most of these short term calls in my taxable account despite holding cash in Roth and losing over $5k in Roth last month on some wild betsā€¦ (Didnā€™t want to put too much Roth at risk)
I should probably go look at my YTD gains and carryover losses (donā€™t remember how much was leftā€¦ Or where to dig that out of 2019 tax return I havenā€™t done yet).

Intraday, up 1 :red_car: today since yesterday on AAPL :).

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10 basis points higher than Alphabet :(.

40yr loans at 1.18% above Treasuries.

See? A PE of 40+ is easily sustainable and makes sense now.

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Looks like AAPL passed $2T (first company to do so), intraday high so far is $468.65.

Edit: (8/20/20) my brokerage account is finally past Jan high. :). That +>$50k from adding AAPL calls two weeks ago is helping

Edit:8/21 (three consecutive posts so canā€™t post againā€¦)

1 week to go. :frowning: Donā€™t think itā€™ll reach $150($600) by then.

3pm EST update: then again, maybe it will reach $600 by next Fridayā€¦ Iā€™m up $46k $49k on AAPL today. Up $71k overall from post 2 weeks ago.