Investment impact of Russia Ukraine crisis

wow. Putin probably has trillions of petrodollars and doesn’t care
BP will take a 20bn right down from Rosnet

They’re saying the Fed probably won’t raise rates now. too.

Oy!!! Can we get them to apply this same criteria for all posts?

ETA: D@mn! You got me again … didn’t check the source.

Russia raises interest rates to 20%
sber down 75, Gasprom down 60%, Lukoil -60% in UK trading
RSX and YNDX -20% in US trading
Interactive brokers one of few allowing Russian stock trading

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I also didn’t anticipate the strength of the Western response. In part, this was because of how American and European leaders talked before the war. If you were going to cut Russia off from SWIFT, for example, why wouldn’t you announce it beforehand? The whole point of a punishment like that is supposed to be its deterrent effect, but if you don’t communicate that a specific action will happen, then it can’t influence behavior. The answer here seems to be a lack of grand strategy, with leaders responding to events according to emotion and public relations more than anything. Cutting off SWIFT, or even threatening to do so, seems extreme before an invasion occurs, but not after it has begun. This kind of irrationality is something I should’ve anticipated, given I wrote a book in which the main argument was that this is exactly how politicians behave.

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Frankly, we have no idea what had been discussed behind closed doors. You dont have to publically announce a threat to convey it to the target, you can simply tell them directly.

When you embarrass the bully in front of the whole class, you just piss him off. Shove his head into the toilet in the privacy of the restroom, and he gets scared.


Moscow exchange closed today, not allowing trades.

Many US listed and Russia affiliated stocks are halted as of this am, including YNDX. RSX, the main etf, is still trading. Not sure if the stocks are getting halted permanently or delisted or what.

Part of their strategy to ensure foreign investors get the shaft as Russian debt/stocks crash?

BTW, if you have a position in RTS, what do you see in your trade station? Any indication of status/price? Just curious.

Not sure what you mean RTS? RSX is still trading, the main Russia etf, but many of the other Russian stocks traded in the US are halted or will be within the week.

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The value of the Russian ruble has fallen below 1¢ American.

Hope nobody is holding anything valued in rubles. Not worth enough to buy even penny candy!!

Can anyone say: Weimar Germany?

All the individual stocks for the US are halted (if exchange listed) or will be by next week (if OTC). Moscow exchange closed today and will be again tomorrow (this is not normal).



So far the ETFs still trade.

IB shutting down russian exchange trading. If you owned it as a non-Russian, you can no longer sell.

All MOEX products will be available only for closing (position reducing) transactions.

Non-residents of Russia are blocked from selling securities on MOEX per Central Bank of Russia regulation.

Hope you were able to close your position.

I’ve got some YNDX that’s stuck, nothing else right now. I wasn’t trading on the Moscow exchange anyway, and that’s even worse. RUSL, one of the ETN’s that was supposed to track 2x Russian stock indexes, is liquidating to avoid having to try to deal with the issues of being an ETN when you can’t trade your underlying stocks.

hmm this is worse than Greece, atleast there was a bailout opportunity with Germany, wonder what the exit strategy will be …

I’m tempted to dable in some thing that’s down say 90% but looks like as a US Citizen I can’t . I wonder if my Indian relatives can?

I thought ETFs must be able to buy&sell the underlying securities automagically. How is this possible?

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I believe that leaks would have occurred, especially when you’re dealing with more than two or three countries.

Red China is happy to help anyone who is distracting the U.S. Besides, like their infrastructure “projects” in various down-on-their-luck countries, they may end up owning part of Russia. :slight_smile:

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No, that’s just required for the Etf arbitrage mechanism to keep the price near NAV. Now they just trade wildly wherever they want based on speculation. Moscow is closed anyway, and no foreigners are allowed to sell. Who knows what their underlyings are really worth?

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How to they keep price near NAV when that’s not settled at the close of the day? They’re just guessing what the NAV is based on broad market trends? Will they just adjust eventually when(if?) trading resumes?

The price is not kept near NAV, it’s not required for ETFs/ETNs. Price is set by supply and demand, and when there are artificial restrictions like not allowing new shares to be sold, the underlying stocks are halted and no one knows what they’re worth, etc, the price can be anything.

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Hope nobody has any Russian bonds, since they’re not paying you.

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